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- 35.4K
There is some one out there who is thinking of you and likes you a lot. I know who they are and I will tell you what the …
- 8.2K
Many people have one favorite color. take this quiz to see what it means. you could really love this or really hate it. but you should take it. okay.? …
- 17.7K
Fragrances have the power to effect our minds and bodies. Since civilization began, people used oils and perfumes to evoke moods. Women have scents that make …
- 2KJohn and Edward Grimes Quiz3.14rated: 3.14/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 2K times1 comment
Just how well do you know John and Edward Grimes? Are you a devoted hater, curious stranger, distant admirer or an obsessed Jedwardoholic? Or a lion?? …
- 2.2K
This quiz is to let you kow how people view you from their point of view. That doesnt mean that everything they think is true but what ever this quiz say most …
- 547K
"What is a soulmate?" You ask. Well, there are many different definitions to that word. I believe that a soulmate is …
- 37.4K
Many people in society seem to go with the flow, they don't think on their own, they only do what others tell them to. Some people though, think on their own …
- 4.4K
You have been wondering for long. What is my true crime if I were a criminal. (In case you weren't). You daydream about your crime all the time, but you don't …
- 26K
People read books and watch movies every day,do you ever wonder what kind of character you would be if your life was a story. Wel now you can all you have to …
- 48.1K
Ever wondered what it would be like to own a Lightsaber? And if you did...what color would it be? Well, some might think it's personal preference, but others …