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- 12.5K
tomboy? athlete? artsy? perfect? popular? or smart? …
- 8.8K
There are so many guys in the world, and a lot of girls don't get asked out by the guy they want. With this quiz, you can get asked out in your mind, by the …
- 3K
Death, no one survives it. So you want to know how you will die, do take this quiz and you will get a close glimpse! Remember, this quiz cannot predict the …
- 22.4K
Some people are sad, some are happy, some are lost, but they don't relize that, this quiz can tell you what you truly need in life, whether it's simple things …
- 29.3K
Are you wondering what your future daughter will turn out like as a teenager? Are you wondering if she'll have the same personality as you? Will she be …
- 6.8K
If you want to know if you are a kid,teen,or adult take this quiz to find out. You'll love it!!! When you take this quiz you will see if you still play board …
- 5K
Well, what kind of color eyes do you have? Most people think of that, without even knowing what those colour mean, like RED is for love or w/e but I don't like …
- 16.5K
Now there is punk, goth, and emo. there are things between but lets just stick with the three main things. A punk is someone who likes their own style/goes with …
- 3.8K
Take this quiz to find out what color truly embodies you, are you Zany and cool? mellow and calm? find out what it truly means in the color spectrum. red, …
- 11.9K
There are many people who think they are attractive but only few can prove themselves worthy. People may say that you are attractive, pretty, etc. but are they …