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- 1.9K
In this quiz you will find out the type of music/person you are! Even though you may think you already know what you are (aka a rap dude, a stud muffin, a …
- 7.7K
Modern American cinema has plenty of films about zombies. The concept of the zombie has ranged from corpses reanimated by radiation and magic, to the altering …
- 54.1K
Do you have a passion for lying? Are you good at lying? Some people are, other people aren't. That's just the way it is. Good liars get away with everything. …
- 19.2K
Can you explain your personality? Sometimes, we are mysteries. Our insides, a blank to us. Maybe there are some answers in this quiz. My friend said that our …
- 7.7K
We've all had those crushes where we stay up until 11:11pm just to wish that they'll like us one day, and we talk about them to all of our friends, but one …
- 12.4K
There are many crystals in the word, different colours... different shapes and stuff. My favourites are Topaz and Emerald. But, what about personalities and …
- 3.4K
In life, the clock is ticking until time is up. But where do we really go from here? Heaven is the biggest mystery known to man kind but we still try and hope …
- 1.6K
First quiz! YAY! And now i'm being forced to write two paragraphs about it so um. hi. . . idk what to write so i will just write about stuff. . . . uuhh. my …
- 27.8K
There are many songs in the world that people can relate to. I really don't know what to say so I won't say anything except random word. Pie Acorn Lemon Horse …
- 2.1K
have you been wanting to know if you are a devil or an angle or are you just bord and want to do somthing?? well,are you? you might be an evil little devil or …