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- 3K
Have you ever wondered how you would die (crazily) ? Well then, this is your quiz! The answers are things you may have never thought of! See the answers in a …
- 15.4K
People do not know if some one has feelings for them. Are there signs that someone does have feelings? Feelings can …
- 3.5K
There are many different colors of hair but there are four natural colors; blond, brown, red, and black. They all have their own unique qualities. Which ever …
- 214K
Find out you're inner lover! Take the test and see who loves you the most in the world. So you can be happy together …
- 31.4K
We wake up, we work, we go to sleep. Day by day, an endless, ordinary, boring cycle. But what if there was something to change all of this? Something, …
- 5.4K
hey this is leoslover this is just a quiz i made. i have a few other quizzes similar to this one but my taste has changed. im sorry if you dont like the results …
- 2.7K
Have you ever wondered whoyou will go out with, and if you already know them, what there personality is and how they would respect you. Take my quiz to find out …
- 1.9K
i like to eat pie on a hot summer day when i just get out of the pool with a towel on the driveway eating my pie i made last night bob has pants his pants are …
- 11.9K
Some girls love thinking about their crush! So this is to help you find out how into your crush you are! What is a crush you ask? Its something about when you …
- 1.9K
There are many pretty and gorgeous girls out there. Most are emos and cover up there faces. If your beautiful and you know it show your face and get out there! …