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- 3.8K
Take this quiz to find out what color truly embodies you, are you Zany and cool? mellow and calm? find out what it truly means in the color spectrum. red, …
- 11.9K
There are many people who think they are attractive but only few can prove themselves worthy. People may say that you are attractive, pretty, etc. but are they …
- 12.3K
Texting. We virtually all do. But the question is, do we really understand what we are typing? All of the abbreviations, and shortened letters, do you really …
- 17.9K
many people are judged by their looks. this quiz are for people who are wondering what people think about their looks. but no matter what your results are, be …
- 2.7KHow romantic are you?3.77rated: 3.77/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 2.7K times2 comments
This is quiz to see if you are a real romantic of not. It is kind of silly but it is worth it believe me! People often think that they are romantic, some are. …
- 2.2K
There are many cute couples, but few true cute couples. Cute couples is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a cute couple? A cute couple is people who are …
- 4.8KDoes he like you? (girls only quiz)2.69rated: 2.69/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 4.8K times3 comments
Does he like you? Or does he like someone else? Does he wanna get with you, or is he just not interested? Find out with the Does he like you? quiz. Top secret …
- 9.3K
have you ever ever wondered that if you could be somone or somthing magical whaqt it would be? and what you could do? what you might look like and maybe just to …
- 2.6K
Some people are completly different on the outside then they are in, for example: Some girls would like to be called …
- 7.1K
There are seven deadly sins. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. All aply to the common qualities many people have. Against this common useage …