How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 9
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
My OC is SparkSwirl.
She is a cyan-eyed golden tabby with swirls and star-like patterns on her pelt with black paws. She was born in FireClan. She was a curious kit who always wonders what it is like out there in the outside world. The camp was amazing to her and she made many friends. She became a loyal apprentice but her problem was that she tries too hard. She was too afraid to fail that she makes mistakes. Despite her flaw, she became a warrior at 11 moons old for some unknown reason. The leader never told why she became a warrior sooner than expected. SparkSwirl had a little crush on a pure black tom with glowing cyan eyes. Then when unexpected, her crush pinned her and you know, got things going. A moon later she gave birth to 4 kits. She named them Dashkit, Wishkit, Hopekit, and Sweetkit. She mentored 2 apprentices before becoming the clan deputy since the old deputy died. Her leader then dies and she becomes the leader that everyone loves!
My OC is OddSnout
She is just a black cat with grey spots on her back and white stripes on her face. Her tail was bitten off all by a badger and her snout looks pretty weird. It was infected when she was an apprentice and the infection caused her to have a an odd snout.
She was given the prefix "Odd" because she was her odd compared to her siblings. Anyway she was then abandoned when she was 2 moons old because her parents disliked her. She then was found by a Shadowclan warrior and was taken to the camp. We was raised and became an apprentice. Her personality was pretty sassy and bossy. She hates her mentor so much she actually killed him. Turns out her mentor was an imposter in the clan. Anyway her snout got infected by some poison. She lived through it. She then became a warrior and one day, a badger bit off her tail. She then fell in love with a rouge and.. Had stuff happening with him which caused her to have kits. She then killed the kits right away but her clan then discovered what happened and she was exiled. Currently she is a rouge with her mate and are now raiding camps of Shadowclan.
My OC is WildWish
She is a silver She-Cat with black spots on her back. She has a white underbelly and white cheeks, muzzle, and blaze. Her paws are also white and her tail is dark grey. Her eye color is dark green. WildWish got her prefix from her wild movements when she was born. WildWish always believed in magic and knew one day, she will see magic for herself.
WildWish was a determined kit and always loved playing with her kit friends. Her favorite game was playing warrior. She usually won but sometimes struggles while fighting tom kits. Though she can beat a tom, it takes longer than fighting a kit as the same gender. Her younger brother always disbelieved in magic and said JayFeather, LionBlaze etc. were fake. She never believed her younger brother and soon, she became an apprenttice.
Her apprentice days were pretty fun. She always loved training her battle tactics. She likes hunting as well but not as much as fighting. She still liked playing warrior with her friends and soon, one of her tom friends became her crush. She then became a warrior with her friends and her little brother was still an apprentice. Though she couldn't hide her feelings from her crush, she told him that she liked him. Her crush liked her too but just was not ready. Moons past and WildWish's little brother became a warrior too. This time her crush told her that he liked her as well so they became mates. She then gave birth to 3 healthy kits and currently they are apprentices. WildWish is still living in ThunderClan with her mate waiting for the day when she will see the magic she "Wished" for.
Omen paw, she was attacked by hawk as a kit and is a absolutely tiny cat, missing her tail and half her ear, shes really smart but not good at fighting might be in a prophecy but I cant decide. Kind ant gentle but pretty nervous
Here is my OC!
Name: Flowerpaw / Flowerfur
Gender: She-cat
Clan: OC Clan (JungleClan)Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice, then Medicine Cat after her mentor retires
Pelt Coloration: Flowerfur is a tortoiseshell, but different. She is bright orange with gray markings, and white starting in a faint line between her shoulders, then widening as it goes down her back to her tail, resulting in white haunches and tail
Eye color: Her eyes are a silvery gray-blue color
Fur length: Her fur is short but very thick
Body build: She has a long-ish neck, as well as long legs. She was born with half of a tail.
Mentor: Monkeyfoot (Black tom with an extra toe on each foot; Medicine Cat)
Parents: [I'm too lazy to think of them]
Siblings: She has one sister, Snakepelt (Gray-brown she-cat with orange eyes)
Personality: She is very sweet, but can get easily annoyed [especially by stupid cats]; When she is annoyed, it's best to stay away from her until she's calmed down.
Other: Very VERY smart; She has a rather strong connection to StarClan; She has a small crush [that she's trying to get over] on Tigerpaw (orange tabby tom with blue eyes)
Themesong: [N/A]
Backstory: Flowerkit always had an interest in herbs and healing, and spent any time she wasn't eating, sleeping, or arguing with her sister, in the medicine den. From the time she was about 4 moons old, she had all the basic herbs memorized along with a few extras. When Monkeyfoot asked Flowerkit if she wanted to become his apprentice, Flowerkit was thrilled. Within her first few days of apprenticeship, Flowerpaw had learned all the herbs found in JungleClan territory and had most of them memorized. Flowerfur was given her Clan name the day Snakepelt was made a warrior. A few cats spoke out to this, worried about what StarClan would think, but eventually realized that Flowerfur had an extraordinary connection to StarClan and knowledge of herbs. As Monkeyfoot grew older, Flowerfur found herself correcting her mentor more than he corrected h
My oc is a large, fluffy she-cat with russet red fur, with black and white patches in her pelt, and her eyes are a maple-orange shade, giving her the name Maplefall. She is a future deputy of Shadowclan, and is known for her wisdom to the youth, and her spunk for battle.
She is a lesbian, and her mate, Rosecurl, is a cream colored she with Blue eyes, her fur having a slight curl to it, hence the name she was given. The duo adopted kits that needed families, giving them love and support that they needed. They ended up adopting 4 kits. Crownight, Needlewhisker, Softpaws, and Heartears.
Maplefall was originally a rogue named Rosette, her mother and father having been two former clan cats who were exiled for treason. They attempted to corrupt her, trying to get her to help their revenge against the clans. Though- she had never wanted that. She loved hearing stories of the clans by her rogue friends, and one day while she was wandering in Shadowclan territory, she stumbled upon another she-cat named Rosepaw. Her and Rosepaw hit it off immediately, and from that day forward vowed to meet each other at that border everyday at Moonrise.
Sadly, one day they were caught, and Rosette was put before Sleekstar, a slim gray She-Cat with teal eyes, who is known for her quick wits and snarky attitude. She was able to pass a few tests, and was accepted into the clan as Maplepaw. She trained hard under the deputy, Largeflank, that before she knew it she was an official warrior alongside Rosecurl. Probably around 5 months into being a warrior, Rosecurl asked her to be her mate, which she happily accepted.
She currently is the newest deputy, with her apprentice Hillpaw, and her mate Rosecurl by her side. A few moons after Hillmeadow's warrior ceremony, she was killed in battle by a thunderclan warrior, Cloudbelly. Her son, Heartears now keeps up her legacy by taking her place as deputy, with his apprentice Brokenpaw.
I also have another oc from the Tribe of Fallen Snow
A black, white, grey tabby she cat with unusual but pretty looks and one blue and green eye.
She used to be a traveler named Memory with her sister, Margay, and brother, Polo.
A little more than a week after their birth, they weren't given any names until a margay attacked, giving her sister a scar and the new name Margay. Their father, Timber, was fighting alongside his brother, Marco, until Marco died. They were playing marco polo as their favorite game until the margay came. Peachy, their mother's friend, and Howl, their mother, were protecting the kits. Polo got his name because Timber wanted to remember Marco for their favorite game, and Timber was originally going to be named Polo.
After Marco died, they named Memory in memory of Marco's death.
As they traveled to the mountains, Timber encountered a group of cats being attacked by bears. He helped them and, unfortunately, died. Memory, Margay, and Polo wanted to join the Tribe of Fallen Snow, but Howl and Peachy decided otherwise and they stayed travelers.
Polo joined as a guard, Memory joined as a hunter, and Margay joined as a fighter.
She became good friend with a cat named KinkFoot, but he had a friend who was spoiled and didn't know anything about what was out there except for what was in his Tribe. What kind of fighter was Checkard Hop just because he was popular? Checkard Hop was a brown and white checkard tom.
7 cats were chosen to find the Tribe that had left to find a safer home yet failed. Four of those cats were from the Tribe of Fallen Snow, KinkFoot finally managed to find a way to get Checkard Hop and Memory River closer. He suggested that Checkard Hop should go, since he was a great fighter and needed to get out more, and MemoryRiver was a great hunter and used to travel. She knew a lot. PerpendicularFlip was suggested by RunningCloud since he was a fast and strong fighter. Chestnut Snap, being one of the healers, was chosen
I don’t really make king lore giving paragraphs about my characters but my OC’s name is Freckle’Face. He’s a small, Munchkin Black Tabby with Emberish-Gray Eyes (a really dull brown-). He has Social anxiety to the point where it is comical: [ I.E. “Hey, Freckle-“ “AAAAAAH!- oh! Uhm… yeah?” ] but overall is a gentle and kind Tomcat. He has a soft spot for kits (once socialized-) and uhm.. really likes flowers?-
My Oc is called sharp ear her story would take place in the sixth book of the prophecies beginn. She is a brown tabby with red eyes and a scar over her eye her parents were clan born but became loners (idk how yet) thus she got a clan name. When she was like 10 moons old scourge killed her parents for entering bloodclans territory but zhey took her in to become a bloodclan warrior. She becomes scourge's kinda deputy thingy. From here i havent rly thaught abt it in detail but she goes to the forest after tigerstar asks them to help and also she betrays bloodclan by goving information to thunderclan and befriending/seducing firestar. Final battle n stuff but scourge kills tigerstar BUT diffrence sharp ear kills scourge and takes over shafow clan and this is where it just stops idk how to continue.
Heres my oc :)
Name:Mellow'mallowAppearance: A diluted calico like she-kitty with deep green eyes and a slim build with minimum fur
Roles: Medicine apprentice, rogue, refugee.
Some lore!Mellow'Mallow has a self proclaimed suffix from her exile from riverclan after murdering Autumn'breeze a warrior who earlier murder the leader and planned to kill her mentor and medicine cat rabbit'foot, Mellow'mallow (older 'paw at the time) later drowned troubled rabbit'foot in the vengeance of testifying against punishing Autumn'breeze, her crimes being found out she was (rightfully) exiled and took refugee in windclan who having no reason to dislike her staged a war on riverclan and won. Ending with Mellow'Mallows paws stained with the blood of many cats and resulting in another exile leavings Mellow'Mallow to find a new life with a few rogues.
Thank you for reading!
Ps, I really liked this quiz!Quizdoer1 -
My OC is called Swiftbird, she is a white cat with green eyes and always wear a flower ornament on her head, she belongs to the Windclan and she usually is kind and shy, but if you anger her, she will become too much dangerous and she will attack you
Hqwrlh1 -
My OC is Stormpaw, who later becomes Stormstrike. Her father dies right in front of her and a lot of her family as well, but her father first, and theyre being killed by a group of rogue assassins. Some Clan cats are betraying their Clan to help the rogues and Stormstrike is apart of the prophecy:
There will be two, who betray the Clans
One for love and one for land
Stormy skies and a hawks cry
You must stop the danger before many die.Stormpaw isnt my only main character, I have others, and her appearance isnt just grey with blue eyes, shed a skinny dark grey cat with sky blue eyes, two white paws, and white ear tips. I hope you like this
My oc Name is FirePaw(Storm,Star)
She is a Windclan apprencite and has a crush on a tom named RabbitPaw(Ear)
She is very skilled and gonna be in a prophecy as a leader.Her pelt is Like AshFur pelt but has brown-is - orange markings.
When she grow up her super kind and supporting mate are gonna be Rabbit Ear
My OCs name is Bluewish, with a faded grayish-blue faded fur. Her brother and mate were killed from greencough, and she tries her best to be happy. But one day, she meets a handsome ginger Tom from Windclan, and they fall in love, having a kit that was blue and orange.
My oc is a medicine cat named maple heart. he's a ginger and brown tabby with a scar on his nose. He has blue/purple eyes. He has a white spot around one of his eyes and a white neck hair. he was born a rogue, but later joined riverclan and even later became a deputy. ( thx for reading all this. I hope you like my oc ).
0l1ie1 -
My OC is Leafbird, she was a Riverclan she-cat with black fur and grey splotches on her side that looked like the wings of a bird. Her eyes were violet with purple freckles. As an apprentice she lost her right hindleg from a fox attack, but learned to live with it at 9 moons. Due to her becoming a warrior at 16 moons, she left the clan and joined the kin. At 22 moons, she was killed due to her ex-bsf, Crowpaw, when Leafbird also killed Crowpaw. (Kinda like the Firestar and Tigerstar thing :p) She ended up going to the Dark Forest, where she trained Fallowfur, the medicine cat apprentice of Riverclan there. (Fallowfur didn't turn evil) The rest of her story is in progress :p
This one was of my old character, figuring out how to delete. I made a new one of my new OC
My OC is Spruceshine. She is A brown tabby, and also the runt of the litter and has green eyes! Originally, she was A rogue names Spruce, born to Robin and Sloth with her sister, Toad. One day, Sloth took the two out to try hunting, or to watch him hunt. However they were still young. After Spruce attempted, Toad ran off towards A Bramble tunnel, following it to unknown territory. Sloth and Robin chased after them. However, Sloth crossed an old enemy, Ash, by mistakenly crossing the border of Ashes group of rogues. Ash ordered his cats to attack, killing Sloth and severely weakening Robin. Eventually, the three remaining find Riverclan, however Robin is heavily stuck an with grief, seeing her sister, Mossyfoot, who had joined Riverclan, dead. The three are quickly welcomed, and healed back to health, but Robin doesn't recover well as she is still grief stricken for both Sloth and Mossyfoot. When Sprucepaw and Toadpaw are apprenticed, Both are hit with a prophecy, "Wolf will perish at Dawns rising". Sprucepaw a few evenings later, goes to Wolfstar after the prophecy kept pestering her. But Sprucepaw is hit with shock, walking in to see her scarcely breathing, her fur in clumps all over the clearing, everywhere laced with her blood. Running out of the den, She yells aloud that Wolfstar had died just a few seconds ago. Toadpaw in specific stuck out of the crowd, walking into camp with bloody stained paws, announcing that Dawnmoon had done it, Sprucepaws own mentor. Sprucepaw had trusted Dawnmoon, even when her clanmates rebelled against her. Both Toadpaw and Sprucepaw were rushed to the medicines den, Sprucepaw being treated for shock and Toadpaw for injuries, and slight shock too. A few days later, Sprucepaw is made a warrior, Spruceshine, and Toadpaw is made Toadflight. (its kinda ends there for now lol)
Cascade, grey tabby cat with striking blue eyes
Cascade was born to a rouge from her mother Cara she had one littermate Ripple, her father was not present do to him being a kitty pet(Cara left when she found out she was pregnant so her kits wouldn't be taken away, she had also previously been a rouge so she knew how to take care of herself) About five moons after Cascade was born her mother went hunting and never came back. For one moon Cascade and Ripple had to fend for themselves Cascade went to go hunting one time and came back to see her sister, Ripple dead, after a few seconds a Large dark gray tom cat came out of the bushes. He said his name was Storm, Cascade saw the blood and his paws and knew he killed her sister. When she bagged to run Storm told some of his "workers" to chase her. to shorten it she had to jump in a river to escape then went on a journey to find a new home to live in, befriended a falcon whom she named Pine. Soon Cascade sees a new cat in her territory the cat was a part of a clan who was run out by the same cat(Storm) who had run her out of her home. She now has to fight this group of rouges and rebuild the clan becoming Leader(she also found a cave that had a shallow pool that be came "The Pool of Stars" which is basically moon pool or moon stone and saw her Mother and Sister again.
aMAEzing1 -
My OC is called LeopardConstellation. He is a simple young warrior in a OC clan called the Reeds Clan.
He is a black cat with a white muzzle, white paws and leopards white spots.
He have green eyes, and a scar going from his chin to the top of his left eyes.
He is a young warrior of 14 moons, and he is a timid, scaredy cat but really kind among a clan which hold mostly solitary cats.
When he was a kitten, and an apprentis, he was the most horrible cat. Always energetic, and always wanting to keep going and training. One day, he found a fox pist, and he followed it. He found baby foxies, and when he was going to take them down, the mother came, and striked a blow that made the scar on his young face. Since then, he always was scared of everything.
Bonus : After he got his scar, he though he was gonna get called 'ScaredLeopard' but the leader though it was not a good name for him.
I hope you like my warrior cat OC !
Iamafool1 -
my oc is larchbranch! she's a charcoal bengal [mostly white/silver with matte black bengal markings] molly with golden yellow eyes from a roleplay server on discord.
she's a roseclan soldier, and about 34 moons. she is a lesbian!
her theme song is you stupid b*tch by girl in red and her current voiceclaim is angie martinelli [played by lyndsy fonseca] from agent carter!
she's a pretty wild gal, and never lost the adventurous personality that many kits have. she's fairly normal in all aspects, and grew up with two sisters. she isn't evil and she doesn't go to the dark forest, i just wanted a fun cat to play around with. that's just me, i like picking more minor roles so i can't get stressed like i would be in a leader, deputy, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, etc situation. i usually roleplay as elders, warriors, and apprentices!
anyways, that's my girl!
The character I used was WitheringRose
Withering is a dull redish she-cat with pointed, nicked tuffed, red-brown ear tips with cream paws, a redish tail, and black muzzle. She uas milky, faded looking blue eyes, with brown-ish red markings. They have black, matted claws which she keeps deathly sharp. She is usually cold, harsh, and snapish, but is extremely loyal to those who they care for. Currently in the Dark Forest for slaughtering 3 kits, 1 apprentice, and 4 warriors, leading foxes to their camp and trying to kill their leader. Died from starvation a few moons later after being exiled. Currently training Riverwind(another one of my ocs)
Anyone have a similar oc?
character in question is toadfall!
hes a brown and tan tom, the deputy of my own clan, caveclan. the right hand man of the rather "evil" lakestar, toadfall is a cunning and sneaky cat. hes seen much better days in battle- he is half blind due to a major eye injury from an attack, his tail is limp, and hes lost all movement in his tongue, causing him to speak with a lisp of sorts. despite this, he is a highly respected cat in the clan, because nobody wants to get on his bad side. despite working closely with the leader, most cats think he is more trustworthy- a strong warrior. since a kit, toadfall had always made it clear who was in charge- him. he would order around other kits while playing, even pretend to be the leader, who was sunstar at the time.
i love this guy a whole lot n theres more to him, but im really bad at writing like character synopses sooooo uhh if you have questions lmk!!
(also , is there a wc rp i can join?? like a discord server or forum board?? a lot of em are really uhh scary /lh )
I loved your quiz, but I think one thing is a little weird.
One time I took the quiz, I had "other" as fur color and "amber" as eye color. I took the quiz again, and I had "grey" as fur color and "yellow" as eye color. The second time, I got a lower score.
I don't see how the score should be changed if all I did was change the fur color to grey and the eye color to yellow.
I got 51% and the OC used what NightSpark! He’s an all black Tom. He lost his father, and his mother was an Med but quit to take care of him, he’s very shy and nervous and gets overwhelmed easily. Oh and he’s from one of my made up clans CloverClan (they live on the meadow and are kinda like Wimdclan) no one liked his father bc he… wasn’t the best guy so no one liked him which meant a lot of bullying but a year after getting his warrior name the deputy died and the leader at the time DustStar named him to be the next deputy he didn’t do the best but he was abt to talk to DustStar abt being to overwhelmed and wanting to step down but as soon as he walked in DustStars den he knew he lost his last life to the recent sickness. But not wanting to disappoint anyone he went to get his nine lives anyway. Soon after he got a prophecy saying smth along the lines of “the coldest night has only a spark of hope” he got frustrated he couldn’t figure out what it meant and at a gathering he accidentally made the leader of CrowClan mad by accusing him of stealing prey (they weren’t it was a rogue that carried the scent from the border markings) then war started, they finally went into battle but CrowClan snuck up on them at the coldest night of the year and got the upper hand in the battle, then NightStar overwhelmed and confused accidentally killed one of his clan mates bc he mixed them up with a CrowClan warrior then after that he fled in guilt, when he stopped to catch his breath from running he realized he left clan territory but before he knew it a fox came up and killed him. SORRY TYAT WAS SO LONG
My OC Is a tom named Rainkit. He was a kittypet. When he was born, his mom named him Rain. She sadly got sick from giving birth to his litter, causing him to explore the world by himself because his kin ignored him. One day, their two-legs came and gave them collars. After a couple days, his mom got better from her sickness, and they explored outside. When he did, He climbed a tree that was in his yard and saw another cat around his age sitting on her porch.
This is a book I wrote and published on wattpad! If you would like to read it, Search Rain and the author is SnowsKitRain123432. Display name Leila. Be sure to check It out!