How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 10
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
Name: Ripplecloud
Gender: she-cat (her pronouns are she/they though)
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: RiverClanPelt: white with grey rosetted marble makings (swirls if you will) and a tail thats a dark to light fade (the tails SOOO floofy)
Eyes: a light purple (lavender)
Accessories: purple flowers as an ear acc and a bandanna that matches (the bandanna has sort of a backstory Ill got to that soon)
Personality: awkward, shy, anxious (she has anxiety thats not too severe like me!) sweet, caring, and clumsy (lol)
Her mum drown in the river when she was a young kit (but RIVERCLAN.. HOW!?) the last thing Ripplecloud has to remember her is the bandana.
(She never knew her father, however theres a speculation that shes in
Jayfeathers fam tree as she has the sass/attitude and a talent for being med)
Her biggest inspiration is Moonstripe, (one of my other many many ocs) who is an elder who basically raised her and is the one who told her to try for the meds apprentice (her mentor, the med cat was Juniperpelt (ANOTHER OC) and Juniper passed away shortly after retiring)
She is very secretive about her past and family heritage.
Shes got short litl legs (this oc is based off of myself)
I forgot to add she has a strong connection with StarClan and will visit the moonstone every half moon!
Name: Halo'Fang
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 36 Moons
Rank: Deputy
Clan:RiverClanPersonality: Stubborn, (Somewhat stupid but means well) Kindhearted but Snarky.
Likes: Her mate and kits, (Kits were apprenticed before she was made deputy) A elder named Fallen'Stone (her brother)
Dislikes: One apprentice named Stormpaw, and Shadowclan
Appearance: Halo'Fang is a slender, glossy-furred she, she's (Somehow) a bengal patterned, dark brown with small light orange patches one on her front left leg, chest, tail, and face (Like.. a chimera cat) She has very subtle heterochromia, (Dark blue and greenish blue) Her left ear has a small rip out of it, and she has a scar across her nose from fighting a thunderclan cat who was hunting on riverclans territory shes a medium furred cat. Her pelt is usually well kept and she hates getting it dirty.
Idk.. I forgot my score and i'm to lazy to go redo it or look at it soooo yeah.
I actually have a lot of OC (I just can't stop). I don't have the patience to make an AMV/PMV or write a full fic. So I usually keep all the stories in my head.
For this test, I chose Flightpelt(star) from Sky Clan. This is a male with kindness and nobility. He has brown fur and gray-blue eyes. As a kit, he was very shy (he is a half-blood, his mother Aspenseed cheated on her mate Omenshade with a Thunder Clan cat, so his stepfather and half-sister Lindenbranch dislike him. Other clanmates didn't notice anything (remember the original WC series)). He has no peers in Sky Clan, so he spent most of his time with his mother. Flightkit's father persuaded Aspenseed to introduce him to his son, but this failed. The cat was killed by his own brother, obsessed with the idea of purity of blood and wishing to hide the "shame". Aspenseed stumbled upon a still-warm corpse and took Flightkit away before he had time to understand something and get scared. When Flightpaw became an apperentice, Omenshade was appointed as his mentor. The cat by that time had not forgiven Aspenseed, but realized that he couldn't be angry at an innocent kitten. Omenshade is an introverted, stern cat, so his new relationship with his stepson can't be called warm. But there is mutual respect. Flightpaw befriends two of the Thunder Clan's junior apperentices: Moonpaw and Nightingalepaw (future leaders in the revolution that led to the Equality War).Aspenseed, who had become completely paranoid in the last few moons, fearing (not without reason) that she too would be killed, died after falling off a "cliff". This hit her family hard, especially Flightpaw. Between the end of his apprenticeship and the starting point (yes, it was all backstory), Flightpelt became a mentor to Fogfoot, Lindenbranch found a mate in Dilltuft and gave birth to Owlkit. The previous deputy died of a green cough and Flightpelt was appointed to his position. But it only happend because Lindenbrach is now queen. When Owlpaw becomes
When Owlpaw becomes an apperentice, she must succeed her brother in clan. Flightpelt, being at that time a modest and not very confident cat, agreed with the plan. Just before three moons had passed, the last life of the leader was taken by a rabid fox (she also badly patted Omenshsde, who would die in a few days from infection). Flightpelt became Flightstar. Lindenbranch has taken over camp security duties (Owlkit 5 moons, by the way) for now.
Shocked by the turn of fate, Flightstar walked towards the Moon Lake. Most of the life gain went unremarkable until an unfamiliar, scarred cat stepped forward. She not only gave him the gift of resilience, but also shared some of her memories. The nameless cat grew up in the River Clan during a very hungry time (during the search for new territory by the tribes, the river cats remained. They thought that there would be enough food for one tribe, but this was not for long). Cats are sufferings cannibalism. Once, the Nameless Cat was also attacked, but she miraculously escaped. When Nameless was already an adult, the situation became so bad that only the strongest cats, occupying high positions in the tribe, received ordinary food for the most part. She tried to convince the leader to leave, find a better home, but he didn't care. The tribesmen were too intimidated to disobey. Then the Nameless poisoned the entire top with the help of death berries, and drowned the leader several times with her ownpaws (remember the terrible death of Tigerstar? Something similar happened here). Fearing that she might go mad from what she did and hurt someone, the Nameless made sure her clan got to the good lands and killed herself with the same death berries. Her guilt caused her to end up in the Dark forest, but the Nameless is allowed access to Star Clan territory.
Flightstar, captivated by the story of the Nameless Cat, gives her the name Clear Heart and decides to do everything so that her story is not it repeated. A completely different cat returns to Sky Clan. He still has doubts, but he promises to be a good leader. He organizes the clan so that the cats can hunt any kind of small animals, creates patrols that check not only the borders, but also the water level in the lake, and also monitor the activities of the rarely seen Twolegs. When Moonblaze starts the War for Equality, Flightstar declares Sky Clan neutral, realizing how much loss it can cause. At the same time, the leader opens the clan to refugees, provided they obey the clan's laws. (Among the refugees are Jayeyes, one of Moonblaze's most devoted supporters, and his son, future Sky Clan healer, Gingerfur. Gingerkit's becoming a healer was a condition under which he and Jayeyes would be allowed to stay. But that's another story.) This position allows Sky Clan become the strongest clan by the end of the war. The atmosphere of the "Beginning of Prophecies" is maintained in the clan: the leader and elder warriors are respected, no one goes against their decision. This is an important point, as a few years later, Lindenbranch caused a scandal at the meeting (similar to the one that aroused Hollyleaf). She wanted to take one of her granddaughters to the Sky Clan from the River Clan. As a result, she was given Finchpaw(wing) (why the cat was given is another story (she knew too much)).
Flightstar does not have a romantic line as such. But, if someone wants to see something, the leader has very mixed feelings about Clear Heart. Is it mutual? He will only be able to find out when he joins the Star Clan.
P.S. I have already written a lot. But so much has not been said! What Flightstar has to do with Melissaleaf and Ivypatch's escape, his friendship with Jayeyes, how he became the parent figure to Gingerfur, Stonestorm and Finchwing. About Flightstar's relationship with Li
About Flightstar's relationship with Lindenbranch and Owlface...
Well, what do you think?
You know, if someone wants to write this, I will not mind.
P.P.S. Wow. I didnt even think how much I wrote until I had to publish it.
Okay, I kind of don't want to say this for fear of sounding like a stickler (which I am, but still), but just so you all know, there are no apostrophes involved in warrior cat names. Take my self-insert OC, Tinystorm: She went from Tinykit to Tinypaw to Tinystorm. She belongs to StormClan. No apostrophes, see? There also isn't a second capitalization in warrior names, just Clan names (you can remember this because 'warrior' isn't capitalized, but 'Clan' is). It's capital-prefix-no-space-lowercase-suffix for warrior names, and capital-prefix-no-space-capital-Clan for Clan names.
Tinystorm, not TinyStorm or Tiny'Storm, belonging to StormClan, not Stormclan or Storm'Clan. At least, that's how it is in the books. I'm sorry about being such a stickler, again! Goodbye, apologies, and respect the humble apostrophe!
My Oc is a long-furred, sleek white cat with grey striped legs, face and tail. Her name is Oleanderheart and she was Windclan medicine cat but ended up in dark forest. (she is long-furred cuz her dad was unknown rouge yeah, usually windclan cats are short-furred so she got kind of bullied for it as an apprentice) Her mother Primroseberry died due dogs but somehow the leader blamed it on her cuz she went outside with her, near a barn yeah So she got med app and was super battered by it, she wanted to make her mother proud as a warrior, not medicine cat! The medicine cat Acorncatcher who was also her mentor was the only supportive cat to her, cause the other cats got manipulated by the leader Spiderstar. Soon Rattleswift died, the friendly deputy and Spieer became more, idk, grieving and letting his anger out on some cats. But after Oleanderheart became a fully medicine cat things got worse, and even the kind Acorncatcher got on her nerves. Then she found a bush of dead berries and fed them to like 4 clan mates? It were warriors who sorta bullied her ig. Then she got to the conclusion to kill Spiderstar with her own claws cuz she knew that he had one life left. (med cats always know that lol) she stopped sharing dreams with Starclan like a moon before she poisoned her clanmates so yeah. She attacked the leader in his den and killed him (BOOM SHAKA LAKA MUAHAHAHAH) but Falconflight saw her and yeah she got exiled and died due wounds what Falconflight gave her as she wanted to escape. She breathed her last breaths on windclan territory as she bleed out. Oleanderheart woke up in Dark forest :D. (this is not end of her story she still did some things in Dark forest. And im writing her tale down lately, maybe its gonna be released on wattpad, it is well written in my opinion but not finished yet. If you read it someday, not when ur in a bad mood, cuz it will send u in a more bad mood. You can see her wanting to prove herself what ends into hatred and revenge ;). )
scythe2 -
My oc is Hope'Star of riverclan, shes a small black fluffy she-cat with bright blue eyes. Her deputy is Burnt'Branch and her mate is Dull'Glance. She became leader after Blizzard'Star betrayed the clan and was banished. she will eventually be part of a prophecy showing her to be the last hope for riverclan. Her parents and littermates were killed during a war with windclan. She also led riverclan in defending thunderclan from shadowclans attacks. She never got to have her kits as shadowclans leader, Rain'Star, killed her.
Hopestar1 -
My oc Is Koi'Stream, a river'Clan medicine-cat. She's gentle, funny, and quiet. She is Aero / Ace. Her fur is mainly white, but has the fur of a Calico cat. Her species of cat is a Calico Maine Coon. She has Hetrochromia, having one Red and one Greed eye. She's very indecisive, but good when it comes to herbs. Her sense of smell is finominal, and can smell something from up to 10 fox-lengths away. She was born as a half clan cat, between River and Sky clan. She, after years of swapping clans every moon, chose to stay in River'clan. She could never get used to the homeland of the gorge. She, over time, though, started to become more corrupt. Especially sfter she got into a massive fight with and killed her mom with the use of Deathberries, whom then she framed Cherry'Speckle (Anotner RiverClan oc) of doing it. She, over time, became the deputy. The leader, Rainbow'Star, entrusted Koi'Stream with the promise of being a good deputy. That went straight downhill, as Koi'Stream attempted to slaughter Rainbow'Star, but ended up falling into a badgers' den and dying from it killimg her. Sh ended up going to The Dark Forest, and living her life there.
My OC's name is Holyheart, a slender cat with light gray fur and light blue eyes, honorable and intelligent. It all started when she was a soon to be apprentice kit in ThunderClan. At that time, the medicine cat was a good cat named Mirageblaze. He had a dream where StarClan told him the prophecy that included Holykit/heart. His father was a "peaceful" and cold tom, Mackerelfin. In his past, Mackerelfin had stood out among all the cats of the clan and had even saved the leader of that moment from losing his last life, but he was never recognized as he should have been and was ignored. He intended to take revenge as soon as possible and in the best way: He wanted to get rid of ThunderClan. There is also a cat named Sandshore, he and Holyheart fell in love. But, Sandshore's father was Cedarbreeze, Mackerelfin's worst enemy. Mackerelfin managed to exterminate Cedarbreeze and also intended to do so with his son if Holyheart continued to associate with him. So when Sandshore admitted her feelings, she had to turn him down for her safety. Mackerelfin continued to do his thing, secretly killing veterans and even killed his mate, Laurelwreath. Holyheart was so devastated by this act that she told the leader everything that was happening as soon as she realized that her father was the culprit. Mackerelfin was exiled and in a meeting between father and daughter, Holyheart ended her father's life. After that event, everything came to light and Sandshore and Holyheart are finally together. She became lieutenant and when her leader died she took his position. Sandshore lost his life in a battle against ShadowClan and when the time came Holystar was reunited with him and her mother. And good test! Heh
Ragdoll1 -
My OC's name is Dewfur she comes from RiverClan, and she is 32 moons old. She's a lesbian.
Dewfur's personality:
Dewfur is slightly more introverted. In converstions she is quiet, considerate, and funny. She is guided by her heart and likes to watch fish in the river. Dewfur can also be competitive and destructive. She doesn't share her opinions, but when she does it's in favor of war. Dewfur is power-hungry and is hoping to be leader one day.
Rank: deputy
Apperence: Her fur is desaturated gray with a striped tabby pattern. It is shaggy and long. She has a triangular face with circular blue eyes. She has a soft voice and a leafy scent. She has a long, fluffy tail and is considered loyal to most but she will turn evil.
Backstory: Her mothers were Featherface and Dappledpool, she was very close to Featherface because Dappledpool died shortly after giving birth to four kits, which left Featherface to raise them. Featherface was killed by a fox and after she became a apprentice and worked hard to try and please her dead parents. She soon began to go mad, and killed two of her siblings, Blueheart and Greythorn. Ever since she has been longing for power but acts loyal to one day become leader of RiverClan
Dappledpool (with StarClan)
Featherface (with StarClan)
Greythorn (with StarClan)
Blueheart (with StarClan)
Olivetail (alive)Azozlin1-
Another one of my OC's is Sorrelflight, he is a straight tom that is 55 moons old. He is a part of a fanmade Clan called WoodClan.
Sorrelflight's personality:
Sorrelflight values knowledge the most. He is extroverted. In conversations, he is eloquent, dramatic and argumentative. He is guided by his head, often stoic and callous. His world view is somewhat optimistic. He is fair (or attempts to be), subtle, well-meaning, intense, irritable and uncooperative. Sorrelflight is ignorant, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He enjoys taking naps. Even though Sorrelflight almost always wants a peaceful solution, he almost never speaks up in public. He will talk about it to friends though. He would like a mate and kits, despite being a medicine cat. He dislikes the Medicine Cat Code and thinks that some of its restrictions are pointless.
Rank: Medicine Cat
Apperence:Sorrelflight is a very small, lithe tom. His fur is brown and grey, with white splashes. It is dense and long. He has a triangular face with round blue-grey eyes. He has a relaxing voice and a musky scent. Sorrelflight has a very long tail. He is considered beautiful by most, especially in his own Clan. He is blind.
Backstory Sorrelkit was born to his mother, Dovefoot and his father, Russetfur along with his brother, Sedgekit and his brother, Bramblekit. His relationship with his brother was great, he explored the camp together with Sedgekit. His relationship with his brother was going badly, he bullied Bramblekit. Dovefoot was spoiling him, while Russetfur was too controling. Sorrelkit was close to both of his parents. During a snowstorm, Dovefoot went out of the camp to hunt. The blizzard soon became even worse while she was out of the camp. Once it ended, her body was found just outside of the camp, frozen to death. Sorrelkit didn't feel that strongly about her death but was still shocked by it.
Dovefoot (with StarClan)
Russetfur (alive)
Bramblekit/tail (alive)
Sagekit/pooAzozlin1 -
Typos ;-;Azozlin1
My OC is Nightnose.
She's a light gray she-cat with a black nose and snout stripe, feathered tail and belly, white spots, and a white paw. She has bright blue eyes.
She has long, thick legs and a generally lean build.
WindClan warrior
Backstory:She was raised in WindClan, to Kestrelclaw and Addertooth. Her best friend was a tom named Darkleg. They grew up doing everything together, got their apprentice names and warrior names at the same time. Darkleg, throughout this time, fell in love with Nightnose, but he found out that her crush, Indigogaze, was more than just her crush. She loved him, and he loved her. He grew more and more jealous, until finally, he couldn't stand it. He made a plan, one that required him to linger in his pain and jealousy. As Nightnose and him usually went hunting together, he asked her to go with him as usual. The sky was dark and gray, the air humid. Nightnose said they should go back before the storm broke, but Darkleg refused. Not wanting to leave him, Nightnose stayed with him. The gloomy weather soon turned into a rainstorm, water pouring from the sky. The two were separated, and Nightnose soon found Darkleg- drowned. He had not been able to put his plan into action, but he had something else. While he sat in StarClan, watching Nightnose and Indigogaze fall deeper and deeper in love, he finally did something. He whispered to Nightnose, as her gut, to go make sure that Indigogaze was okay. Her mate had gone hunting, and she followed what her "gut" said. However, he doubled as Indigogaze's gut, telling him to make sure that Nightnose was okay. He got lead through a group of rogues, where he was brutally slaughtered. For this, Darkleg was sent to the Dark Forest. Nightnose had been declared pregnant, only a moon before her mate died. She had kits, but miscarried, and now, Darkleg haunts her mind, reminding her of her grief for her kits, mate, and best friend. She stayed with no knowledge of his dark plans, only thinking that
the sorrow from the memory of her best friend, kits, and mate were simply her own mind, even though it was secretly that very "friend" who reminded her daily of her wrongdoings and sadness. It caused her to spiral into despair, before she just disappeared from the Clans entirely.
My oc is Copperspring, a ginger tabby demiboy with blue eyes, they trained as med cat then became a warrior, and they are really sweet to those they love but can be a bit rude/aggressive and is very overprotective. They are in ShadowClan
Shadow051 -
Amber'Thorn: {Eden}
A slim, tall, very dark grey cat. Pitch black cheek tufts, markings and ears. His muzzle is a yellowish beige, as well as his underfur, and ear fur. He's gloomy as much as he's moody, rude at times, and overall cold.
Son of Briar'Thorn, the former Shadowclan deputy, and his evil former mate, Yellow'Dune. Eden was born after Yellow'Dune had killed a Thunderclan warrior, and a clanmate's kit, all for Briar'Thorn, in which caused him to leave her in anger for a Thunder'clan she-cat, as she was then exiled out of Shadowclan. She had always raised him alone, mentored him, as Yellow would lie to Eden, convincing him that his father never wanted him, and that he had left his role for another clan. Once he got into warrior age, he found out the truth about the killings, fought with his mother, and accidentally killed her, with a slash to the neck. He ran off, and found Riverclan. After he was welcomed in, he had his clan name, Amber'Thorn, as he made a few friendships, but were distanced once he was chosen as a deputy. He had a great hate towards Thunderclan, as his mother always bad-mouthed the clan. He convinced his leader, Pale'Star, with lies, telling him things about the clan he hated so much, also convincing him to start a raid, and to cut ties. He was convinced for a while, but just before starting the raid, he changed his mind, turning his back on Amber'Thorn. This angered Amber, driving him to kill Pale'Star until his last life and do it himself. Once he became leader, he became stone cold, colder than he had ever been. He made sure he was smart about his doings, and so he was never exiled and was given his star. He had cut ties and started great tension between Thunderclan, which caused problems whenever there would be gatherings, such as cats getting into fights, arguments, etc. This pleased Amber'Thorn, or worse yet, Amber'Star, up until he'd meet his half-blood brother, Vixen'Bird, the son of Briar'Thorn and the Thunderclan
she-cat. He was angry at what he had done, and who he had become, therefore Vixen attacked Amber, and Amber had done the same until he had tripped, falling into a patch of roses full of thorns. He somehow managed to survive, gaining multiple scar marks everywhere, and on his nose, just like his father had. He was never found by a clan cat again, and he was once again, Eden.
Hi i'm ana, i will share about my oc
So my oc is a ginger and white she-cat who have green eyes, her name is dawn'pelt, she's a 24 moons cat, and a thunderclan cat, her parents are honey'heart and blaze'tail, when she's an apprentice she used to be a warrior apprentice, but because she wanted to know more about herbs so she became a medicine apprentice (she already get a permission) she have 3 bestfriends 2 boys and 1 girl, the boys are black'claw and brown'tail and the girl is amber'heart, all of her friends are a warrior and only my oc is the medicine cat, i hope you like it :)
Oh i forgot something (her accesorries) she have a maple leaf near her left ear as an accesorries
I did my OC Spiderpelt, a former liner now WindClan car. He was taken in by WindClan when they found him abandoned as a kit near the outskirts of the territory. He has a white pelt with black stripes on his legs,face and tail. He has heterochromia, his left eye is light blue and the other is amber. His legs are long, and hes quite fast. He was chosen for deputy moons after he became a warrior, but shortly after he assumed his new role, he was killed in a border skirmish with RiverClan that resulted in him stumbling and falling into the gorge. His rouge name was Spider.
My oc is Duskscar, she is a rogue after exile during leader ship and is a heavily scared, small, and stern cat with one blue eye and one red (due to infection)
I have at least 50 OCs and my main ones are all loners/rouges so I chose one of my major clan OCs, Magpiefeather from AmberClan. He is a black and grey pointed tom with blue eyes. He was disliked by his clanmates so he left to be a rogue for a while. During that time, he befriended Blazeleaf(Yellow/orange she-cat) from FoxClan, Blacknight(White tom with a black tail tip) from WinterClan, and Wolfcall(Dark grey tom) from EagleClan who were having similar problems. The 4 of them rounded up a large group of loners and rogues to attack the clans. He killed his brother, Bristlethorn(Black and white pointed tom), and his sister, Whitewhisper(Pale grey she-cat). When he was too wounded he sent Maple(Orange tabby she-cat with a blinded scarred left eye, who will later become Maplestar of DarkClan) and Termite(Brown tabby tom, father of Maple) to kill his parents, Orangeleaf(Calico she-cat) and Duskpelt(Grey tom) for him. He was killed by Oceanbreeze(Blue-grey she-cat) of FoxClan during the battle and was sent to DarkClan(My OC version of The Place Of No Stars).
I have many different OCs. Most have tragic backstories like for example, My OC Moonlight was abandoned by her rogue family for being half-blind. She is found by a riverclan patrol and taken to their camp. She joins the clan and later finds out that her father happens to be Scourge. When she is an apprentice, she finds her litter brother Skeleton who wants to bring her back to BloodClan. When she is a warrior he keeps trying to kill her. She becomes afraid to leave the camp but with the help of her mate and friends, she defeats and kills him.
And that is just one of my OC's backstories.
Anyways, some of my other OCs include
Willowpool (Used in stories and rps)
Silentstalk/Silent (Used in rps)
Moonstreak (Usd in stories)
Lunapool (Used in stories and rps)
Badgerwish (New and undecided)
Lunarwish (Used in rps and stories) -
Name: Duskclaw
Rank: Warrior
Mate: none
Kits: none
Family status: Parents are dead, 1 siblingLooks: Completely black, two front paws are white, purple eyes
Likes: Hunting, Training, Patrol, her brother
Dislikes: kittypets, twolegs, some cats from other clans, cats who steal prey off Thunderclan's territory
Clan: Thunderclan
Gender: she-catDescription: Her parents were rouges but when humans found them and took some away duskclaw was a kit when this happened and her mother took her and her brother Viperfang to the woods because her mother hoped that the cats in the woods would take care of her kits. She left Duskclaw and Viperfang in the woods behind a bush on a random clans territory then left and she was killed after. Three days later some warriors on patrol found the kits and brought them back. After an argument on weather they should stay or not they decided to keep the kits. They both grew up in Thunderclan. Viperfang has accepted his new life but Duskclaw is still not sure.
Rank: Warrior
Mate: Secretwhisper
Kits: lunarkit, branchkit, and moonkit
Gender: Tom
Sibling: DuskclawLooks: Grey cat with black stripes and a white foot.
Likes: His mate, His kits, His sister
Dislikes: Rouges, cats who steal prey from Thunderclan territory
Clan: Thunderclan
My OC is Lizardpaw. She is a RiverClan she-cat.
She is a little plump she cat with feathery tawny fur and narrowed blue eyes.
She is an 11 moon old RiverClan apprentice.
Lizardpaw values herself the most. She is slightly more introverted. In conversations, she is cynical, uncaring and awkward. She is guided by her head, often logical and calm. Her world view is mostly pessimistic. She is patient, cheerful, unambitious, irreligious and can occasionally be a bit dishonest, usually with justifiable, or good reason. Or shes just in a petty mood. Lizardpaw is intelligent, which usually reflects in her decisions, skills and conversations. She is very protective of elders and queens. Lizardpaw is a vocal advocate for peace and would go against the Warrior Code to secure it. She is far too young to think about having a family or mate, so she doesnt have a crush or any particular interest in love.
Backstory: Lizardkit was born to her mother, Littlegrass and her father, Perchear along with her brother, Falconkit. Her relationship with her brother was great, she even snuck out of camp with Falconkit once. Littlegrass was sympathetic to her, while Perchear was authoritative. Lizardkit was close to both of her parents. She tried to become good friends with multiple kits and apprentices, but none of the friendships became close or lasted for long. During her kithood, Lizardkit loved playing hide and seek with the other kits in the nursery.
Lizardkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Lizardpaw. She recieved Horsethorn as her mentor. She was kind and always provided support for Lizardpaw. Horsethorn mostly focused on hunting while somewhat neglecting fighting. When Bramblepaw's fath[no urls]?redir_url=%2Fhow_original_is_your_warrior_cats_oc%2Fcomments.html&cmt=1er died in a battle, Lizardpaw comforted him and they became quite close. Lizardpaw was almost a warrior when her father, Perchear encountered an enemy Clan cat and was slain in the battle. His gruesome de
My OC is named Victor! Hes a kitty pet, with a dark green collar that matches his seaweed colored eyes. He is mainly black, with splashes and streaks of white die to his vitiligo. Victors fur is medium length, and quite unkept, yet still generally soft. His personality consists of a constant feeling of guilt, anxiety, mood swings, spite, and general sadness. He never leaves the twoleg place, due to a constant fear of the forests predators. In the past he had a sister, Bianca, who he had grown up with together since they were in their old home. One day, he got into a heated argument with her, and chased her out by accident. She ran into the forest, and was mauled by a fox. Three riverclan cats brought the body to him, and he buried it in the garden. Full of regret, guilt, and loneliness, he promised he wouldnt let himself forget his actions, and set on never repeating his misdeed.
Hope you liked that! If you wanna give feedback, go right ahead!
.my oc is glaze. DON'T ATTACK ME COZ HE'S NOT A CAT- PLEASE- glaze is a young fox who was found as a kit in the forest at dawn by Carnivalclan (my ocs have their own clans) There are a few clans, illusionclan, carnivalclan, circusclan, crazyclan and alightclan. *i'm still working on it coz i haven't done the starclan like one* He grows up in the clans, the clans sharing him the way divorced parents would ig? He mostly lived in Carnivalclan tho. *lemme know if u want more? :3 *
Name: Wavepetal
Gender: She cat
Clan: River clanBackstory: His father was a traitor, so she was hurt a lot. Everyone in the clan hated her. When she became a warrior, she decided that she had had enough of being hurt so much, so she killed the deputy leader. She ran away and lived his life wandering around without a clan, killing cats, then one day Rippleheart named cat killed her. After she died, she woke up in the Dark Forest.
My OC is Leafstar. She is the leader of ThunderClan. She is a tortoiseshell and white cat, with green eyes. She has 3 kits: Nightpelt(tom), Snowkit(she-cat), and Firepaw(she-cat). She is 20-39 moons old, and shes mates with Whitestorm.
My oc is Sunflare, she grew up in windclan but then moved to shadowclan to be with her mate. she went through quite a lot, she had a crush on one of her best friends ever since she was a apprentice but her crush became mates with another cat. sunflare was still supportive but then her crush died giving birth with only one surviving kit. the father left the clan and refused to take care of the kit so sunflare took in the kit and looked after him until he became a apprentice. she then began to fall in love with her shadowclan friend but it wasn't a "love at first sight" thing because she was still grieving her past crush and half clan relationships were forbidden. eventually she decided to leave windclan to be with her new love pantherstrike but then there was a battle and her mother ended up dying in the battle she kept quiet in her clan until the most of the grief had passed and then announced her decision her father was upset because he didn't want to lose anyone else but sunflare's mind was made up and she left. it was hard to be accepted into shadowclan but she was happy there and was finally at peace.
My OC is StarShine (Later she becomes ShiningStar), she's a white kinda small cat with orange spots and blue eyes. As a kit she was a kittypet, then she went to the forest where MapleClan's patrol finds her and she decides to join the clan. She has an enemy named OakPaw and two friends: LionPaw and SunPaw. StarPaw and LionPaw become warriors (Because SunPaw is med cat apprentice) and then they become mates. Then OakPaw (now OakClaw) dies on a Thunder Path and his family blames StarShine. And she had two kits (SparkKit and IceKit) but SparkKit dies and when IceKit becomes apprentice she also dies. Then StarShine had another kits (MothKit, DoveKit and WingedKit (later MothFlight, DoveFlight and WingedHeart)) and they all became warriors. StarShine becomes new deputy (She had an apprentice in the time) and then leader. (Sorry if I wrote something not correct but I'm kinda bad at English qwq)