What class 1B character are you (part TWO)

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HIIIi this is the second of this Quiz. I made the other one a bit ago and finally got the patience to finish :D hehhehehehhehehheheheheheh ayayayayaya

if you have ideas tell me thankssssssssssssssssssss and yo its hard to make loads of questions so HELP LOL (**^&@#^8*^$$&^%#$&$)(*#($*******

Created by: HoomanBeing
  1. are you male or female?
  2. from 1-5 how nice u are
  3. u are
  4. smart from 1-5
  5. fav color
  6. sleep or read
  7. diva r u
  8. if your bored what do you do
  9. no?
  10. music?

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Quiz topic: What class 1B character am I (part TWO)
