How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
My oc is LynxWhisker, he is a chimera cat with heterochromia,When kit, Lynxkit was caught by a hawk, lynxkit was originally from the shadowclan, and half clan, which was shadowclan and windclan,His Windclan father, Foxbite, refused Nightwillow's kits (LynxWhisker's mother, Shadowclan she-cat),she says that the kits are from the leader of the shadowclan, StrikeStar, where he believes in his companion,LynxWhisker's other older half-siblings,When the hawk takes lynxkit to Thunderclan territory, the hawk scratches lynxkit's face (scar like Snowtuft)A Thunderclan patrol saves Lynxkit, and Lynxkit adopts a queen who has lost her kits.As an apprentice, Lynxpaw fights in the Black Forest alongside Flameclaw (if you want I can talk about him)Lynxpaw kills MossFur in the dream, causing the real-life MossFur to die,As a warrior, LynxWhisker falls in love with SunShine, and has 3 kits, Sunkit, one similar to LynxWhisker but the orange part is more golden,Goldenkit a golden spotted kit and Shadowkit a kit as black as night,But MoonBreeze loved LynxWhisker long before SunShine, ever since when they were both kits and Moonkit introduced the clan to Lynxkit,But on a patrol on the thunderpath, SunShine dies after being run over by a monster,LynxWhisker is shaken, but MoonBreeze approaches LynxWhisker,And so CoalTail and WillowSight were born from LynxWhisker and MoonBreeze, but in a fire CoalTail goes into the fire and comes back with hairless parts,On a patrol on the thunderpath, LynxWhisker tries to catch a sparrow but goes into the thunderpath, when a monster comes at high speed, a smoky lead gray Kittypet named Smoke saves LynxWhisker,They both fall in love, and DawnFace, ashFace, StormStipe, maplefall/star, FrozenCrow, FireFoot, FlameThroat were born,LynxWhisker becomes a male cat (yes, he is transgender) when he becomes a congressman at age 6, 2 kits are born from Heartpool, a female healer of Thunderclan, FlourishKit and Lynxkit (not LynxWhisker) but unfortunately FlourishKit
Rest: but unfortunately FlourishKit dies of weakness and Lynxkit grows up with his half-siblings,Lionkit and Halfkit, who later become HalfWhisker, LionSoul and lynxHeart, lynxHeart leaves Thunderclan to stay in a Subclan called Lynxclan,And 2 moons after FlourishKit died, Heartpool literally kills himself with deathberries, while attending to LynxWhisker, who was passed out but could see everything but could do nothing,And one of LynxWhisker's kits, ShadowSpirit, a kit named MintTooth, was abandoned by his own mother and left for ShadowSpirit to care for alone when MintTooth was just born,That was it!
My OC's name is Viperstrike. He's a background character that I would like to use in some roleplays. (Please I really want to find some warrior cat roleplays.)
Viperstrike is a white tom with a black nose and blaze along his nose bridge. He has green eyes, and slender front black socks, and black hind paws. His tail is pretty short, half the size of a normal one, and is pure black. Also his ears are black.
Viperstrike is pretty old, 48 moons.
Viperstrike is quick-witted, blunt, and sassy. He isn't afraid to share his opinion, especially among cats he isn't really scared of, which is most of the cats in his clan. He also isn't afraid to show his true feelings for a cat, if he develops feelings for them, he'll immediately share them. But, if denied, he'll become pretty resentful. He dislikes kits and apprentices, but can tolerate them to a point. He likes to call out to she-cats sometimes if he finds them pretty.
Viperstrike was born in a small forest outside of the Clans' territories, but his home was in the opposite direction of the mountains. It was a bit hot there, and the forest was denser than Thunderclan's territory. His mother was abused by his father, which really traumatized him. Although his siblings tried to defend their mother, Viper, (known as White at the time), held back, because he was too scared of his father. One day, his siblings went missing. His mother wasn't panicked like him, instead she was grieving. She knew what he didn't, that his father had done something to them. A few days after, White and his mother ran out of the territory. They came on a ridge, and spotted the glistening lake at the center of diverse territories. Desperate for water, they traveled days to the lake, until they finally reached the Shadowclan marshes. They met with Shadowclan cats, and were accepted into the clan. His mother expressed her feelings about he disbelief in Starclan. Some extremists pulled them outside of camp, about 7 cats. These cats consisted of the lea
Um...Guys? Check Out TheWeirdOneOut's page because... She has the weirdest quiz in the world. I usually check on profiles to see if there are any quizzes to take and since the quiz is based on my fav show.. I took it. WARNING: IT MIGHT RUIN YOUR CHILDHOOD
Great OC!
I reccomend for the best role playing expericence, you should play on Roblox, Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition. The models are amzing! and they have herbs to collect you can heal cats and you can get scars and the actions are great.
I see that the most recent comment is from two months ago. I totally agree that you should try out Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition (or WCUE fro short). They just updated and added in some prey and remodled the camp a couple of months ago. Idk if you will see this but I would definitly reccomend WCUE for someone looking for a rp game. It is on roblox btw.
Yeah WCUE is GREAT. Its just added new crouching animations and more prey! Squirrels and frogs! I can't wait for the new models. If your looking for a Roleplaying game this is the game for you!
My warrior OC's name is Snapped Wing of Mourning Dove, they're a tribe cat in The Tribe In The Eskers. Tomcat, black and brown pointed coat, has vines on his legs, and no scars. He's usually mean and rude to others although he can be obvious at times. Snapped is a comfort character of mine and I draw him all the time it's honestly ridiculous.
28 moons, prey-hunter, dead parents, has enemies to lovers trope with Hare Gazing at Cloudy Skies, best friend is Blue Where Blossoms Spring, enemies with Leaf That Falls From Green Tree, and has an apprentice named Adden of The Abyss.
bro how long are your names bro
They're pretty normal for Tribe cat names.
My OC is Chestnut'Pelt. Chestnut has a mate and kits but lost them to a rogue attack. He was a sweet caring cat but after losing his mate and kits he became bitter and cold cat. (Still a softie for kits tho)
Chestnut has a dark ginger coat that makes him look like a chestnut (hence his name). He has dark stripes along his body and dipped paws. He also has dark ears and is really fluffy. His fluffiness makes him look huge.
My other Oc is Ice'kit. (Chestnut's adopted daughter) She tends to get herself in a lot of death situation but somehow managed to live.
Ice'kit has a pale tan coat with one huge black dot on her back and face. She isn't very fluffy and has a lot of wounds on her body from all of the close calls she's been through.
Chestnut never really had any major events (Besides losing his mate and kits) but still found himself in minor drama. He does become a great leader.
Ice'kit has had at least 12 close calls with death. The most major one was her getting picked up by an bird before a clan cat saved her just in time.
He found Ice'kit freezing in the snow and brought it back to rc. Once the Ice'kit warmed up he dropped it off with a queen but Ice'kit wanted to stay with him. Which was a bit troubling since he was deputy at the time and had tasks to do. Some of the death experiences Ice'kit had where eating death berries, getting picked up by a bird, almost squished by a rock, and getting attacked by a scrawny loner.
My OC is RedWater, a Riverclan calico Tom with golden eyes and a disfigured foot from birth. He has an older sister, RippleSong; a younger brother, OrangeStream; and his youngest sister, CherryKit. As an apprentice, his mother was exiled (I still need to make up a reason uuuhhh lets just say she killed someone I promise Ill get to this soon) whilst trying to leave their clan, their mother fell into the gorge due to tiredness. The three siblings were distressed, but nonetheless kept going to the hollows where they were attacked by a fox. CherryKit had died to injuries and RippleSong was left with a permanently disabled eye. OrangeStream was stupid and ran the thunder path, you know what happens next. RippleSongs Eye eventually caught an infection from not having it be treated properly, and she had joined her sister and brother.
RedWater joined a rogue group, though he doesnt talk, he is snappy, rude and not afraid to hurt feelings if he needs to. Hes the one to talk sense into the other cats with sharp words and a strong gaze- even Wing, one of the bigger and stronger rogues in the group, is scared of him.
RedWater is small, skinny and unable to hunt due to his leg, but he can and will pack a mean punch if he needs to. Hes not the type to start physical fights, either. Minor PTSD from all the trauma hes been through, things like foxes, the gorge and the thunder path are enough to trigger his PTSD and make him lose it. Though he doesnt show it, hes grown to love his rogue group and wont hesitate to fight if they get hurt.
That is actually a GREAT OC!
Um.. so I wasn't going to put my OC here but... My friend and I have a very complex story line and I'd feel bad if I didn't put my main man on here.
My OC's name is Bonerush, his original was Ravencry, so I think that's a bit of improvement. He's a tortoiseshell tom (which I know is rare but he's canon infertile and Sol exists so I try) He has two major white patches, one loosely resembling half a cat scull, but not quite and one on his side that covers part of his back as well.
He's about 32 moons during the main plot of his story.
The most important thing to him is family and he tends to shun strangers and make new friends out of fear of abandonment, as his mother left him for his rouge father after his one of his litter mates drowned and two of them were swept downstream, thought to be dead. Our story has a lot to do with all the clans slowly straying from starclan and a handful of cats being born as bridges to starclan (they cannot have prophecies unless made medicine cats but have their own little storyline we've been playing with for years. Of course none of our clans are canon but we have a map and all that.
Bonerush is the literal bridge, unlike our other main characters who can for example hear cats that they can't see or are mostly blind but seem to see cats others can't, Bonerush's dreams are used by starclan to speak with other cats in the area he is in but he constantly has nightmares of his loved ones dying (the ones who have). So if he is in a clan who shuns starclan, cats in that clan will often have dreams of starclan cats asking them to listen. Bonerush doesn't know he has this gift until he is reunited with his brothers.
This is a really loose description and I don't know if you really get what I'm trying to say but creating him was what got me back into Warriors so I enjoy talking about him when given an opportunity. If my friend ever publishes her character's side of the story to Wattpad (she's been revising it in a notebook for forever) I
... I'd love to link it here one day! Thanks if you read this!
This story is really cool! I'd love to see it-
AkayWay1 -
Every time I read this it's like listening to sad music! Great story!
Absolutely love this! I would like to read the book once its out! (Even if it is a vague description I still love the basic storyline youre getting at!)
i would love for our oc's to meet!
My OC is named Sunsplash. She is a tall, fluffy, ginger and white tabby she-cat with light blue eyes. She is currently Riverclan's sole med. cat after her mentor Brownstripe died from a mix of old age and illness. Her mother is Goldenblaze and her father is Tallflame. Her brother, Shadowflame left Riverclan and joined Shadowclan. Sunsplash meets and eventually falls in love with a loner named Kai. Together they have three kits, which forces Sunsplash to abandon her duties to her apprentice to raise Nightkit, Lilykit, and Ravenkit. After her kits are apprenticed, she returns to her duties. This doesn't come without consequences, but soon everything returns to normal. She also briefly trained in the Dark Forest after her and Shadowflame's relationship started falling apart. I haven't really thought about much after this, so criticism and suggestions are welcome!
I'd say Sunsplash is decent. Also, before I say anything, I just wanted to say that the name is adorable >w<
She's not very... what's the word? Not very well thought out, but you said that you didn't think much about this so I suppose I'll give you a pass. Why did she train in the dark forest? And what were those consequences? Just some things I'm curious about.
Very similar pelt and Name compared to my oc, Sunburst!
I have an OC called Tallfire, Tallflame reminded me of her. she's a black she-cat with bright orange eyes, a white splash on her back and white dipped paws and tail
[Name]: Falcon`Strike.
[Gender]: Tom.
[Role]: Warrior/Deputy.[Traits/App]: Handsome, tall & slim, surprisingly muscular, with piercing claws. Nicked ear, scars along flank & underside of neck. Tufts of fur on the edge of his long ears.
[Pelt]: Blueish-grey faded to brown, Large off-white patch from throat to semi-mid torso. Short & sleek fur, with a good amount of scars from previous battles.
[Personality]: Bold, cunning, humorous, gloat-y, over-all loyal & Hard-working, but likes to slack sometimes & annoy his favorite clanmates.
[Lore]: When made an apprentice, he fell for a graceful yet sparky molly, named 'Fox`Tail'. Once he became warriors, (still quite a young warrior), He asked Fox`Tail to be his mate, almost as soon as he was aloud too. Falcon & Fox`Tail had 3 Sons, which unfortunately, in a land-slide, Fox`Tail failed to rescue 2, passing away with them. Falcon`Strike was left with his 3rd son, & raised him to be the best warrior possible. After becoming deputy, he begged the leader to be sure after his passing, his son would become the next deputy of ThunderClan. The leader agreed. When falcon`strike passed in a huge battle between all of the clans, his son was made deputy & aspired to be the best. Falcon`Strike finally reunited with his long lost love, finding peace once more. (Rating, 55%)
My oc I use for roleplay mostly. Her name is Thistlesoot, she's a dark ginger tabby she-cat with green, she's got a ripped ear, a scar on her cheek, chest and side. She used to be a rogue living rough when she got badly injured and was helped by a shadowclan warrior, she was taken in by the clan and ended up joining and becoming a warrior. She's a little blunt and prickly sometimes from her days as a rogue but she's funny and becomes a good mentor to several cats. She brave and very loyal to her clan and grateful for the family it gave her, she's never had a mate or kits but has had many apprentices and has loved them dearly, the cat who originally rescued her became like a brother to her. She eventually becomes clan deputy, a responsibility she is honour to have, she does fighting a badger in defence of some young cats in her clan before she become leader. She was almost an elder at this point but still fierce and brave. :)
My Oc is named Frostbite, she was originally a rouge named Frosty who craved the company of other cats. After she stumbled upon Shadowclan territory she would stalk the edges and watch from afar until she was attacked by one of the warriors. She fought ferociously and impressed the warrior (who turned out to be the deputy) he tracked her down and offered to train her but only if she pledged her loyalty to him. She readily agreed and was accepted by the leader and given the name Frostpaw. From there her story is just like any other Shadowclan apprentice, she trained hard and learned fast and soon was called Frostbite because she was a truly fierce warrior. She fell in love with a warrior named Bloodclaw and had 3 kits with him. She was literally living the perfect warrior life.... Until her mentor became leader and he immediately went from being a king hearted and helpful Tom cat to a hateful, abusive tyrant. Frostbite despite having pledged her loyalty to him did not hesitate to stand against him but the leader put on an act and framed her for the murder of her own kits. The entire clan turned on her, even her own mate. She was distraught and when she was banished she attempted to take her life by standing in the thunderpath but a loner named Swiftly grabbed her and pulled her to the side of the road. He helped her heal her wounds and feed her, even finding herbs to dry up her still flowing milk. When she was better she and her new friend traveled to the neighboring clans to share what became of the leader, and while Thunderclan and Windclan both turned her away, Riverclan believed her and sheltered her from the Shadowclan leaders scorn, swiftly became Swiftheart after learning how to hunt and fight like a Riverclan warrior and before you knew it he became Frostbite's mate and they had a huge litter of 4. These kittens grew up to be strong Riverclan apprentices but with Shadowclan taunting the border Frostbite could not sit still so with the Riverclan leaders approv
(cont) approval she led the attack on Shadowclan and took over the camp just long enough to take each and every single life he had left. Frostbite took only 3, it was all she needed. After all was said and done Shadowclan was thrilled to be freed of his rule and Bloodclaw ended up becoming Bloodstar, and despite his name was a kind and caring leader. Frostbite did forgive him for turning his back on her but in the end she returned to Riverclan with her new family and died an elder there.
(I just realized I didn't describe her looks) she's a short haired white shecat with blue eyes. Her right ear is black, her left front foot is black, the tip of her tail is black and she has a single black splotch on her left side
Whisker'kit is a small cream coloured kit with yellowish splotches and is the part of a 6 kitten litter from 2 unknown cats. He and his litter mate twitch'kit are the only survivors of their litter as they where abandoned at a moon old. They where adopted by two mollys from River clan called blue's trike and breeze'pelt, and all was well until twitch was kidnapped by a rouge. Distraught whisker stopped talking and would sit alone by the edge of camp until he was given his mentor vole'shine. Vole shine was a silver Tom who disliked whisker because they where not originally from there clan. Because of this hatred vole'shine overworked whisker and criticised his every move. This along with the grief from losing his sister slowly caused whisker to develop a hatred towards his adoptive parents for not looking for twitch. But at his warrior ceremony a owl came up behind him and seized him by the scruff. Blue's trike and breeze'pelt ran after the owl but it was too late it had flown off. They flew for what seemed like days until they descended into a shrowded clearing and the owl placed him onto a moss carpet. He sat there hunched and shivering from fear when all of a sudden twitch jumped on him crying with delight, he couldn't utter a work but instead stared at her in disbelief. A husky voice told her to get off and then a great she with a bulky build stepped out of the darkness and deemed herself Rush, one of the leading cats of a large of rouges united to destroy the clans once and for all. Them another cat stepped forward, a tattered looking Tom who twitch trotted up to happily. Confused whisker asked who he was but he already knew the answer. The Tom's pelt was similar in appearance to his with yellowish stripes splotches on a cream base. Partridge, his father.
|M KP|
Now fully grown and I charge of a smaller division of rouges whisker was now known as shrowded. He, twitch, partridge and rush had grown close and he and twitch where I charge of leading an attack on
My oc is called fallen'Willow, (64% originall) she is a tortoiseshell she-cat with bright amber eyes. When she was a kit she lost her mother and her brother, then she found a good relation ship with a tom cat called cobra'fang, then when she is appointed the deputy role she finds out that her mate is the father of one of the queen's litters. (The queen is called rose'leaf) and she is distraught, but she handles it and the leader dies, making her the leader. And then she can't take it anymore as the kits are made apprentices, they all look like her mate. So at their ceremony it's all going well when suddenly she jumps down and kills the one that looked most like cobra'fang and she is exiled. The prophesy's made about her are when she is in the dark forest, the most important being ' 'she who has fallen will rise from the ashes of the burning willow' ' resting to her name and showing that she isn't done yet.
My OC is named Aloespeckle. Hes a white and black jack (he/they) with grey speckles. He has soft green eyes and a plump, fluffy body. A very laid back warrior, he serves SeaClan well as a skilled hunter. He also enjoys helping with medicine cat duties and caring for kits. For a short while he was partners with a loner named Oak, but Oak then left the woods where SeaClan lived. It was a heartbreaking goodbye, but Aloespeckle grew from it. He will live on to be an adored elder, and not regret a single moment of his calm life as he travels on to StarClan. :)
Im no longer in the Warriors fandom but its nice to know my OC was original. Great quiz. Have a wonderful day/night! <3
She was born with three legs and was bullied constantly for it. To make things worse, her mother didn't care to have a crippled kit, so she moved out of the nursery shortly after Pinekit was born.The only one who stayed by her side was Moonkit (later Moonstream), when it was time to become an apprentice, Pinepaw was given to Rainclaw who hated Pinepaw for her disability and refused to train her. Then when Tallherd took up Pinepaw's training, they had to train together in secret. But Rainclaw didn't rat Tallherd out to Poppystar because she didn't have to train Pinepaw and that was enough for her. Pinepaw had to take her warrior assessment twice because of her anxiety but Moonpaw failed on purpose so they could be together. When they both were about to get their warrior names, her mother-her birth mother- Shinepelt convinced Poppystar not to give the apprentices their warrior names which lead to Moonpaw being captured by rouges. And from then, from then on, there was no trust in her heart for any cat who lives outside the clans. Time skip to many moons later, Pineshade is expecting Moonsteam's kits buts hasn't told her yet, Swiftstar is leader now and with Moonstream as the deputy and Littlepelt as medicine cat. A rouge named River entered the clan and he and Swiftstar are growing close and probably would become mates if Pineshade didn't do anything. She new this River cat shouldn't be trusted and tried to intervene but was exiled from the clan, she went to a barn where she met Stonefrost, a barn cat who was deaf so she used sign language (tail gestures). She spent the next few moons in the barn with Stonefrost. The feeling something was wrong led her back to CinderClan (or whatever clan the rp is in) soon she arrived just in time to help save the clan from foxes and was excepted back into it, where she learned that River and Swiftstar had become mates and Littlepelt had died. She was confined into the nursery soon she had four kits, Cloverkit, Mintkit, Glowkit and J
Sorry it's so long
Also, 94% original
My OC is a mute she-cat named Jaylin, later Wittypaw. She has black fur, and weird to other cats. She used to be a kittypet, then became a rogue with her sister Lida who left for FernClan, my fan Clan, two moons later. She is able to communicate best with Lida, theyve made up their own sign language. But when Jaylin goes to the Clan, they eventually learn how she communicates, thanks to Lida. She is pretty socially anxious, and also clever.
My Oc is Witheredpaw! He is a brown/grey tom with lighter faded belly, paws, and muzzle. He was the son of Mudslip and Stoneclaw. He was born into Caveclan with only three legs however, and had to learn to get around the caves differently from his peers. The other kits in the nursery weren't very happy about the special attention he got. With Viperstar as his mentor, however, he learns to stand confidently on his legs. He meets another apprentice at his first gathering named Bluebellpaw, a black she-cat with blue eyes from Cliffclan. They become close friends due to her being an outsider in her own clan as well. As Warriors (names Witheredleg and Bluebellgaze) the two fall in love and have kits. Sadly they are found out and the kits end up splitting up between the two clans. The two of them splitting with them. He goes on to raise two of the kits and have another litter later in life with Rainhop (a light grey tabby she-cat with amber eyes). He grows old in his clan and becomes a well liked senior warrior with 2 apprenticeships to show for it. He was even asked to become Deputy but declined in interest of retiring to the Elder rank. He passes to Starclan peacefully in his sleep. He is missed and the clan even invites cats from other clans to share tongues with him one last time.
My oc is called CopperScale, his pronouns are They\Them\He. He is an Audacious, Intelligent, Agile Feline with a chaotic mind and lithe build. He has Autism and is always either tired or too energetic, Leviathan loves to chat but also values his privacy and space. They are a greyish-blue or blue color with odd chocolate markings and striking blue eyes. He has messy yet silky fur of medium length and is noble yet sarcastic. As well as the ability to be both morbid and cynical, he has large ears and almond shaped eyes. He is rather eloquent with words and often speaks in a boston/british accent.
He grew up in a small abandoned fox den with his mother, father, brother, and sister. He is the youngest. While they were out hunting, the family was found by a RiverClan patrol and later joined. Quickly gaining trust and loyalty, he soon found himself the deputy of RiverClan and later became leader due to his close friend's (DimStar) death. They quickly grew close to a young tom named BlankSpace and they soon became mates. Copper later dying of internal bleeding due to saving Blank from a fox.
My Oc is CrowWing. She rules Moss Clan and shares her nine lives with HoneyLeaf, the "second" Co leader. They do not take the last name star due to the fact they tossed tradition and made a clan of runaways and rouges.
She is a dark gray/almost black maned Norwegian Forest cat with black stripes, white tipped ears and muzzle, white tipped tail, uneven white socks, a white spot in the shape of a flame on here chest, and black wing like markings with blue/teal eyes, along with long black ear tufts, she has a scar across her shoulder, it's hard to see with her fluffy pelt (Blotched tabby).
She is brave and kind, but she can be very scary and cold. She has somewhat of a two-sided personality. She is caring and well informed with medication. She hates getting her paws soaked and gets aggressive if she is not listened to. She is wise and records everything that happens in the clan on a stone wall in a small cave. She has a crow with her, NightWatcher_ he is her eyes and ears everywhere.
Sorry for the typos...
His name is BlazeBerry/BlazeStar. A long furred red and white tabby tom with bright green eyes. He has scars decorating his long fur, and a torn ear. He has two white forepaws, and long whiskers as well as a white muzzle spot. He has a strong build, and he's an Independent cat who's quick to show his claws. He excels in both hunting and fighting, and is a loyal, devoted member of ThunderClan and his leader, MossyStar. He has a quick wit, keen eye, and way humor that charms almost everyone he meets.
My Oc is Sunfall. Shes from a fanmade clan, Roseclan. Shes 24 moons, shes a obvious lesbian lmao.
Little bit of her personality;
Sunfall is a kind, loving cat that always manages to cheer others up. Shes beautiful inside and out, adored by the majority of her Clanmates and is always smiling. She's very cautious when around people she doesnt know, but can easily warm up to them after a while. She prefers to not be the center of attention. Shes a pretty confident cat, and likes when shes right.
I have a OC names Moonfall... btw, cool OC! :)
My OC's name is Honeysong. She is a white she-cat with pale yellow legs, tail,muzzle, and ears. She also has one pale green eye and one pale blue eye.she is very sleek and tall.
Honeysong was born one leaf-fall with her 2 sisters, Hazelkit and Fernkit.
Hazelkit is white with brown tabby splotches and speckles, while Fernkit is white with ginger paws and ears. Their mother's name is Soulstar, leader of Moonclan. Soulstar is white with brown tabby splotches and speckles, and a brown tabby tail. Their father, Aldertail, Deputy of Moonclan, is white with a ginger tail, muzzle, and ears.
While they were growing up as kits in the nursery, they often annoyed their older brother, Oakpaw. Oakpaw is a dark brown tabby tom with white paws. Oak paw never liked playing with his little sisters, and he hated Honeykit.
When Honeykit became Honeypaw, her mentor was Berryfur. Berryfur taught her everything she now knows, and has retired to the elders den with Stonestrike. Honeypaw's mother then gave her the warrior name Honeysong, representing her free spirit and will(nothing to do with her sharp mouth, hehe).
Around 5 moons after becoming a warrior, she fell in love with a Cloudclan warrior. Honeysong knew that her love was only worse because her mother was leader of Moonclan, but she couldn't help her love for Snowoak. Snowoak is a white and silver tabby with brown paws and brilliant green eyes. Then, 2 moons after they began meeting, Honeysong was expecting Snowoak's kits. Snowoak was very excited, but Honeysong this was bad for both clans. Later when she tried to tell Snowoak he couldn't raise the kits, he attacked her slashing her muzzle and scarring it forever. Honeysong never spoke to him again, and, when her mother and father discovered she was pregnant, she lied about their father and said it was Oakpelt, a mottled brown tom who had died right before she found out she was expecting kits.
When the kits were born, they were both female
#moonclan ;)
lol well looks like we got another moonclan
Name: Leafbreeze
Gender: She-cat
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: WarriorAppearance: White cat with ginger stripes and blue eyes
Age: 45 moons
Personality: Kind, wise, energetic, will do whatever shes told
Mother: Emberflower(golden she-cat)
Father: Foxclaw(dark ginger tom)Siblings: Stormpaw(gray tom, dead), Ashclaw(silver tom)
Mentor: Speckletail(white tom with red speckles)
Friends: Waveheart(blue-gray she-cat), Acornpelt(dark brown tabby she-cat)
Enemies: Speckletail, Dovesmoke(gray she-cat)
Mate: Larkstripe(silver tom)Kits: Frostwing(silver she-cat), Poppykit(calico she-cat, dead), Mossfur(white she-cat with ginger stripes)
Backstory: As a kit, Leafkits mother had died during her kitting. Her siblings, Ashkit and Stormkit were also heartbroken. Because of this, Leafkit often felt alone and lonely. Her father Foxclaw, tried to comfort her, but Leafkit took the grief the hardest because Emberflower bled after her kitting. When she became Leafpaw, she was apprenticed to Speckletail. He was a very rash tom, abusing her and making Leafpaw to battle training all day, every day. She barely got an inch of rest. Luckily, she became friends with Acornpelt, the medicine cat, and Splashpaw, a funny and caring apprentice. They both stood out and tried to protect Leafpaw whenever they could. One day, Speckletail was giving Leafpaw a really intense training session. Of course, there were claws unsheathed. At the same time, her brother Stormpaw was on a border patrol nearby. When Speckletail was about to give her a deathly blow to the neck, Stormpaw jumped in front of Leafpaw, taking the blow instead of her. Before he died, Stormpaw lived to see Leafpaw and Ashpaws warrior ceremony. They became Leafbreeze and Ashclaw. Soon after, they saw Speckletail sneaking out to the ShadowClan border. They followed Speckletail and a prophecy was revealed! A bud of a leaf will notice a cat as strong as fire plotting with a bird made of smoke. This meant that Leafbreeze would have t
To tell her father, Foxstar, about Speckletail. When she did, a tom named Larkstripe cheered for her. Soon, they became mates and had Poppykit, Frostkit, and Mosskit.
My OC is named Drakon Argotail. He used to be a popular tom in shadowclan until he helped assasinate Oakheart (into the wild ye). He has purple eyes and split black and white fur. He has psychic abilities and mind reading. I dont have much of a back story for him. He later will become known as Drakon Argostar as he helps rebuild the clan after a severe attack, having been the deputy before and the attack causing the leader to die. Hes gay and has a mate named Leo.
My OC is leader of a made up clan of mine Mire'Clan. Mire'Star a Black she-cat with white markings covering the right side of her face. And has yellow/copper/chestnut brown eyes. And her right legs covered in white too. Who's witty, tactful and hostile to enemies and suspicious clan mates. Her deputy is Thaw'Stone, apprentice Spruce'paw. She was originally from another OC clan Boulder'Clan as a warrior. Boulder'Clan has been named "the soft hearts" as they are routinely to nice and has even given up territory to avoid fights. After Mire'Star/Mire'Bite had gotten into a fight, and threatened the peace treaty with surrounding rogues. She promptly left, gathering cats to make up her own clan. Where she made a name for herself as the merciless leader. And Mire'Star even has connections to the murder of a Boulder'Clan medicine cat apprentice named Algae'paw after the app was seen tampering with Mire'Clan herbs. Allegedly conspiring with rogues to assassinate the apprentice. (I could put a heck of alot more but I'm not XD)
Oh and I got a 77% on originality
The OC I used for this quiz is named Figetforest/star. As kits, he and his 2 sisters were given a prophcey, in which he would be the fall of the clans, Froststar/heart, his sister, would be the only one to take him down (she was the only one out of the three with powers, she can see the opponents move before they make one), and his other sister, Morningstorm, would give birth to the new generation. Expect, this isnt what happened. Frost was stolen by Shadowclan, because they knew about the prophcey after the Thunderclan medcine cat went mad and shared it at a gathering. While she was there, the Dark Forest got a hold of her when she was vaundrable and used her to ruin the propchey and destroy the clans. Starclan was blind to this plan, and it was too late to save her by the time she destroyed Shadowclan with the help of a rouge army and 2 Shadowclan apprentices. Fidget, still thinking he was evil, got to destorying Windclan and suscedded after he sent many waves of battle upon them because he manpuliated WC into thinking that Thunderclan was against them. Yada yada, Starclan makes him the saivor, its narrowed down to two clans Frostclan and Fireclan. Theres a great battle (again) and no clans leave victorious. Morningstorms son, Hounddusk, starts Snowclan in a barn off the territory and the end. Thanks for reading!
My Oc's name is Snowy`Willow of RiverClan
Shes a white she-cat with extremely fluffy fur and gray stripes as a queen she was loving and gentle, as a warrior she was hard-headed and strong. Once she was an elder, still keeping her gentle attitude, she hid it away.
She had 3 kits known as Little'Kit, Fuzzy'Kit, and Birch'Kit
Their father decided to go with them to show them the frozen river Little'Kit fell through while chasing a beetle, so Little'Kit died. Fuzzy'Kit was taken by a hawk while trying to catch a Butterfly. And her last kit grew to be a Medicine cat. He recently received his name Birch'Cloud. Birch'Cloud fell in love with a tabby she-cat known as Beetle'Mask. So he got demoted and died of battle wounds. Her mate Treetrail joined her in the elders den for many moons. Treetrail eventually died of age complications, But Snowy knew that she'd see her beloved again, so wasted no tears. She lives out her life disecting Butterflies moths and beetles. She's taken care of by a brown tabby apprentice named Otter'Paw. They eat together and talk constantly. Snowy is well taken care of by the apprentices. She always talks about how she knows that Tree'trail and her children are taking care of eachother, and when she joins starclan. She wont be afraid. Right now she is 76 moons old. She lives with Silver'Stare, Snake'Eye. Dead'Sun, Crippled'Rose, and Lost'Flower. She got a 76 rating :)
Just to let you know your username is so cute!
My Ocs name is Echosong of riverclan. She is a long-haired white furred warrior with light gray at the tips of her ears, paws and tail. She has one green eye and one blind blue eye. She has a long scar covering her blind eye. Her mother was Rowanblaze of riverclan and her father was a rogue from windclan named Reaper. They had a litter of six kittens, including Echosong. Mousekit, Nightkit, Berrykit, Badgerkit and Duskkit were all Echosongs siblings. Nightkit and Duskkit were still-born, named after the darkness that claimed their lives. Mousekit and Berrykit both were born sickly and didnt make it through the night. Echokit and Badgerkit were the only ones left. Rowanblaze loved them fiercely and feared everything would hurt them. She couldnt bear to lose another kit. When they became apprentices, Reaper came to claim what was rightfully his- Echopaw and Badgerpaw. He wanted his daughters to come live the life of a rogue with him-as exiled clan cats. He demanded that Marshstar, leader of riverclan, exile the young cats immediately, or else he would kill them all. Rowanblaze rushed out and stood between her mate and her kits. Knowing she wouldnt give them up that easily, Reaper threatened to kill Echopaw if Rowanblaze didnt give up Badgerpaw. When Rowanblaze hesitated for a split second, Reaper ran his long, sharp claw down Echopaws face, stopping right above her one blue eye. Then, he jerked it down all the way through her eye and down her cheek, scarring her for life. Her blue eye was blind. Rowanblaze attacked him, and Echopaw watched through blood filled eyes as Reaper tore out his mates throat. Rowanblaze lay dead in the clearing. Reaper grabbed Badgerpaw by the scruff and ran away. Marshstar ordered a patrol to find them, but Reaper had his ways. Badgerpaw was never seen again. Echopaw was on her own. Sitting vigil for Rowanblaze that night, she let out a long, sad wail, giving her the warrior name Echosong. She soon became mates with Pebblenose, a stocky brow
Here's my oc cuz why not :D
Her name is Koipaw (Later on Koifrost, named after the koi karp fish) She is a dark calico cat with bright yellow eyes! She lives in a oc clan (named Waveclan cuz its territory is on a beach) she has suffered with mutism since she was around one moon old from a traumatic experience, she and her brothers went out playing but during that, a huge storm fell and they got trapped under a rockslide, she and her brothers were trapped there for around 4-5 days until another clan patrol found them, unfortunately she was the only one to survive. She was offered the role of med cat multiple times because of her disability but her heart was set on becoming a warrior, though it wasn't easy as she couldn't tell or inform anyone that danger was around, alot of cats took advantage of her disability too. But one night she woke up to Starclan telling her that she was destined for greatness. Basically, she was told she had to go on a journey alone, way past the beach and even over the mountains, she enjoyed being alone because she wouldn't have to try and communicate with the other cats and she had her thoughts to herself, she was happy, so she decided to abandon the clans and prophecy and live as a loner. But then after moons she realised how much she messed up. a leader of Cavernclan started to take down all the clans and killed multiple cats, including her father and koipaw (she was the age of a warrior by now but she never received her name due to becoming a loner) was furious and decided to fulfill the prophecy, when she got to the place Starclan told her to go they told her what to do, she came back and started a rebellion of all the remaining cats and they went into battle, anyways, long story short, her rebellion won and she got her warrior name, koifrost, for being so brave (even though she didn't get full training) and she was finally respected and not overlooked.
Sry that was very long lmao, there's more to her story but i js shortened it a
Hope you enjoyed!! :D (My fingers hurt now lol)