Emberflower's Profile

Joined on Jan 2, 2024
Status Level: Novice
Emberflower's Quizzes
- The Love Story of Rosedawn! Part 3![published: Apr 14, 2024]
Please take The Love Story of Rosedawn: Parts 1, and 2, before this, and the opening……
- Who’s your secret santa(Dork Diaries, by Emberflower)?[published: Feb 06, 2024]
Do you like Dork Diaries? Do you like Christmas? Do you like Secret……
- Which one of my Warrior Cat OCs are you? By Emberflower![published: Jan 30, 2024]
Hello, young warrior. I am Featherstream, an ancient silver she-cat……
- Warrior Cats Quiz! By Emberflower![published: Jan 29, 2024]
Hello! This is Emberflower! This quiz is to see how well you know Warriors! You can be a kit,……
- Wings of Fire Love Story: Part 1(Females only)[published: Jan 26, 2024]
In this quiz you will go to Jade Mountain as Amber, a SkyWing-MudWing hybrid who……
Emberflowers Warrior Cats Quizzes!
Hi! Welcome to my Warrior Cat quizzes! These quizzes will be starring a golden tabby she-cat named Emberflower, and her great-granddaughter, Rosedawn, a golden tabby she-cat with bright…
- Warriors Love Story: Part 1: A Forged Path[published: Jan 22, 2024]
Hello! As I said in a previous Warrior cats-related post I was going to try and make……
- Warriors Love Story: Part 2: The Poisonous Path[published: Jan 23, 2024]
***********WARNING!********** Question 12 is very . . . Um, goryish. You have……
- Warriors Love Story: Part 3: True Love[published: Jan 27, 2024, 2 comments]
Hi everyone! I created this quiz for she-cats who want to find out their true destiny --……
- Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Crowleaf[published: Jan 31, 2024]
DO NOT READ!!! Hi dumb whats up? Cat love tail whiskert fkadja jckajdcad jkac jska cjlad ca a……
- Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Warrior[published: Feb 03, 2024]
This time, I'm going to try to make my quizzes better. Sound good to you? The life of a warrior……
- Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Warrior(part 2)[published: Feb 04, 2024]
Welcome to Part 4 of my quiz! In this quiz, you have kits! A new prophecy is rising…will……
- Warriors Love Story: Part 1: A Forged Path
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Emberflower's Recent Quiz Comments
"You love Echokit! He is a dark ginger tabby and is a bit shy. He is the only kit in his litter, but he has three older siblings,…"
1 -
"You got Eagleheart! Eagleheart is excitable, patient, and understanding. He's liked you since an older apprentice. You are starting to…"
1 -
"Oh, sorry! Check out my quizzes about Rosedawn(There's lesbian!), forgot to add an "I don't like anyone" result. Sorry!"
In response to Bumbleebee:
"Theres seriously no option to not like any of…"
1 -
"You love Flamewing! He loves you too, and is loyal to you! He will do nearly anything for you, even if it is against the Warrior Code…"
1 -
"Your likings best match Jaynight, the secretive sweet StreamClan deputy. You should start liking him more, because he is definately the…"
1 -
"Your Result: Rosestar
You are a she cat with a short gray pelt but unusually pink eyes. Rosestar is on her 5th life and she has…"
1 -
"Rosepelt, good job!"
1 -
"Your Result: Riverpaw
A beautiful golden tom with dark brindle covering his pelt. His eyes are a deep blue that remind you of a…"
1 -
"Your Result: Starsight the nightwing
This nightwing, like the rest of her friends is 6yrs old. her main color is a light silver,…"
1 -
"RiverClan territory, I love to swim! This was very accurate, good job!"