Are You Rosekit, Rosepaw, RosePelt, or RoseStar?

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Warriors is a series of novels based around the adventures and drama of feral cats living in 4 clans, later to be 5. The series takes place in the fictional location White Hart Woods, and halfway through the second series, around Sanctuary Lake.

Today after you answer all 10 questions, you will get my GO TO OC. The gender is she-cat, eye color is green, pelt color is light brown, and regular name is RosePelt

Created by: RosePelt
  1. How many moves do you know?
  2. Are you easily distracted?
  3. Where do you think your at?
  4. How many codes are in the Warrior Code?
  5. If a baby fox was in the nursery, What would you do?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Do you have a mate?
  8. What sounds the most like you?
  9. What is 1 code?
  10. Are you ready to see your result?

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Quiz topic: Am I Rosekit, Rosepaw, RosePelt, or RoseStar?
