Level builder quiz 3

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Welcome to (yet another) level-building quiz! This is just for funsies. We make much better quizzes but we thought we'd make a silly just-for-fun quiz just for chilling.

We sometimes like to make these kinds of quizzes to help boost our levels as well as give someone a chance to chill and do nothing. There are no worries, no matter your score. There is nothing on the line. Just take your time and breathe.

  1. Hello! Welcome! Today is a good day to take a breath. Now, pick a number, any number.
  2. How are you feeling on a scale of 1 to 5? 1 is very low energy, depressed, or other negative feelings; 5 is very high energy, happiness, or other positive feelings.
  3. Now, pick a color.
  4. Pick an item.
  5. Pick a place to be! Any place of your choosing.
  6. What's causing you stress right now?
  7. Is there anything you can do to help your stress?
  8. Have you ate food or drank water lately?
  9. Take a deep breath. Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold it for 7 seconds. Breathe out for 8 seconds. It'll be okay.
  10. Now, go do something fun. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Talk to a friend. Take a nap. Watch a show or movie. Take a break. You deserve it.

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You are viewing the 2nd quiz out of 4 in the set ...LEVEL BUILDERS....

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