English Proficiency Test

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This English proficiency test focuses on assessing your grammar and vocabulary skills, evaluating your understanding and usage of language across different levels. Ideal for identifying areas for improvement!

Assessing your English level is important for several reasons. It helps you identify strengths and weaknesses, guiding your study efforts effectively. By knowing your proficiency, you can set realistic goals and choose appropriate resources that match your level. Regular assessments also track your progress, boosting motivation and confidence. Additionally, understanding your level is essential for meeting requirements if you plan to study or work in an English-speaking environment.

Created by: Lilmod English of this site
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  1. Choose the correct form of the verb: She ___ to the church every Sunday.
  2. Identify the subject in the following sentence: The cat slept on the mat.
  3. Fill in the blank with the correct article: I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
  4. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  5. Choose the correct preposition: She is interested ___ learning new languages.
  6. Fill in the blank with the correct form of "to be": They ___ happy to see us.
  7. Identify the correct plural form: One child, many ___.
  8. Which word is an adjective in this sentence? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  9. Choose the correct conjunction: I wanted to go to the party, ___ I was too tired.
  10. Complete the sentence: She reads books ___ night.
  11. Which sentence uses the past simple correctly?
  12. Choose the correct form: If I ___ more time, I would travel more.
  13. Fill in the blank: I wish I ___ speak Spanish fluently.
  14. Which of the following is a correct passive voice sentence?
  15. Identify the error: He plays football every weekends.
  16. Choose the correct word: She has ___ friends than I do.
  17. Rewrite the sentence using indirect speech: She said, "I am tired."
  18. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  19. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: They ___ their homework before dinner.
  20. Choose the correct comparative form: This test is ___ than the last one.
  21. Choose the correct verb form: I would have called you if I ___ your number.
  22. Fill in the blank: He didn't go to the party, ___ he?
  23. Identify the type of clause in this sentence: Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
  24. Which of the following sentences is in the future perfect tense?
  25. Rewrite the sentence using a conditional structure: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  26. Fill in the blank: The book, ___ I borrowed from the library, was interesting.
  27. Choose the correct form of the verb: She wishes she ___ a better job.
  28. Identify the error: Each of the students have completed their assignments.
  29. Choose the correct form of the verb: If I were you, I ___ apply for that job.
  30. Identify the main clause in this sentence: Although it was late, he decided to continue working.
  31. Which of the following sentences uses subjunctive mood correctly?
  32. Which of the following sentences is an example of a compound-complex sentence?
  33. Identify the error: Neither of the solutions work for me.
  34. Choose the correct form: By the time you arrive, I ___ my homework.
  35. Choose the word that best fits the definition: A feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
  36. Select the word that means to make something less severe or intense:
  37. Which word means a person who is a professional in a specific field, especially in a particular branch of study?
  38. Choose the word that describes something that is deceptive or misleading:
  39. Select the word that means the act of expressing disapproval or disappointment:
  40. Instruction: Choose the correct meaning of each word. Benevolent

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