Test Your Knowledge!

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How well do you know English grammar? Many people claim to be masters of this language's insane rules and regulations, but do you have what it takes to pass this quiz?

Take the "Test Your Knowledge!" quiz and discover if you're already the grammar genius you have the potential to be! Instant results determine your place in the hierarchy of grammar-dom!

Created by: Edward Hamrick of WVU Writing Center Facebook Page
(your link here more info)
  1. Which of these sentences is correct?
  2. Which of these sentences is correct?
  3. Which of these sentences is correct?
  4. Which of these sentences is correct?
  5. Which of these sentences is correct?
  6. Which of these sentences is correct?
  7. Which of these sentences is correct?
  8. Which of these sentences is correct?
  9. Which of these sentences is correct?
  10. Which of these sentences is correct?

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Quiz topic: Test my Knowledge!