Language Quizzes
Are you bilingual? How fluent are you in English, in Spanish, in German? Take our quizzes and find out how well you can speak another language. Don't feel discouraged if you don't score highly. There is always more to learn!
- EnglishDiscover how well you understand English spelling and grammar.
Our Language Quizzes
- Spanish Basic Expressions[by: kelsie, rated: 2.95rated: 2.95/5, published: Sep 10, 2010]
Spanish (Español) is a great language, but many only know some basic expressions. Greetings, various questions, other simple bits. But not many of those…
- Which Germanic Language Should You Learn?[by: QuizforYouFromMe, rated: 4.49rated: 4.49/5, published: Jul 27, 2019]
Are you excited to learn which Germanic language you should learn? Go ahead and see!! :) (You will receive one answer from; German, Dutch, Norwegian,…
- What language should you learn?[by: Anastasia, rated: 4.29rated: 4.29/5, published: Sep 17, 2010]
Many people wonder what they should learn as a second language. There are many you can choose from and find useful. This quiz uses 8 of the most popular world…
- What language should you learn?[by: Jesse, rated: 3.96rated: 3.96/5, published: Jan 10, 2012]
Learning a language has many benefits such as job employment, improving your mother tongue and giving you more people to talk to. Learning a language is also…
- Korean Alphabet Quiz (Vowels)[by: John, rated: 3.68rated: 3.68/5, published: Feb 25, 2012]
Trying to learn Korean? Give this beginner-level quiz a try.
- Foreign Words and Phrases[by: Rik, rated: 3.65rated: 3.65/5, published: Dec 8, 2006]
There are some smart people out there--some smarter than others. Some even know some words or phrases in some foreign languages. Here is your chance to test…
- How Bilingual are You?[by: aquamoon710, rated: 3.56rated: 3.56/5, published: Oct 21, 2007]
Many learn two languages and claim to be bilingual... when few can actually reach total multilinguality. But how close are you? It's always hard to tell. …
- What should be your second language?[by: Vesa, rated: 3.51rated: 3.51/5, published: Oct 3, 2010]
There are many languages out there...and you might have been wondering, "What is the best for me?" This quiz is the answer to all your pondering. Should you…
- Which Latin Case Are You?[by: Spondee, rated: 4.42rated: 4.42/5, published: Jun 17, 2019]
So you want to know what Latin Case you are. You've come to the right quiz. Each Case has a unique place in the Latin language. Take the Latin Case Quiz to…
- I Bet You Don't Speak Japanese.[by: Shion, rated: 4.4rated: 4.4/5, published: Feb 20, 2016]
All of the horrible "How much Japanese do you speak?" weeb quizzes were annoying me, so I made my own. I speak Japanese well enough to read novels and enjoy…
- Are You Good At Foreign Languages?[by: julles, rated: 3.9rated: 3.9/5, published: Sep 27, 2008]
Are you multilingual? See if you can decipher these snippets from ten different foreign languages.
- Which language should you try learning?[by: atlasmoth, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Oct 18, 2014]
There are over 6,900 languages spoken worldwide, who would spend their whole life knowing only one? You may have sat puzzled in the back of your high school…
- What language should you learn?[by: aadee, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Oct 2, 2014]
People used to think that learning two languages created confusion in the mind. Far better, it was thought, to get one right than bother with two. But now,…
- What language should I learn[by: corgame3, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Jul 26, 2012]
This quiz id to determine what language you would love to learn. It may not be very accurate but it helps. What language do you want to learn? If you don't…
- The Japanese Language Quiz![by: Hinata, rated: 3.3rated: 3.3/5, published: Apr 22, 2007]
How much do you know the Japanese language? Take this quiz and find out! Do you know what "ai" means or how about "dobe"? We shall soon see once and for all...
- Which Language Is Right For You?[by: SparklyScarlett, rated: 3.1rated: 3.1/5, published: Jun 24, 2008]
Ever think you were born into the wrong language? Having a hard time with English grammar? Every language is different; they each have their own unique…
- How good at German are you?[by: Chloe12, rated: 3.07rated: 3.07/5, published: Nov 17, 2013]
Are you sick and tired of other so-called "German" quizzes that don't test all the areas of the language and include only one area, i.e, "what does this mean…
- Intermediate Italian Language Quiz[by: hi, rated: 2.84rated: 2.84/5, published: Sep 27, 2015]
Quiz yourself and gauge your progress in learning Italian.
- Latin Comps Quiz[by: Tesla Mitchell, rated: 2.65rated: 2.65/5, published: May 19, 2015]
This is to study for my Latin comps, want to try it? Find out if your studying has paid off.
- So you think you know about languages?[by: C.W.S., rated: 2.65rated: 2.65/5, published: Sep 16, 2007]
Just about everybody is interested in language and languages to some degree. How much do you know about the languages spoken around the world? Take this…
- Rhetorical Terms[by: Dan, rated: 2.47rated: 2.47/5, published: Dec 11, 2006]
Are you a rhetorical terms master? Do you want to impress every one with how smart you are? Now is your chance. This the opportunity of a life time. This is…
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