How Bilingual are You?

Many learn two languages and claim to be bilingual... when few can actually reach total multilinguality. But how close are you? It's always hard to tell. Take this test, made by a fluent 100% bilingual, to find out.

Either you are one of the idiots mistaking having taken Spanish in high school as having mastered one language, or you are seriously studying a foreign language, test your bilinguality now. Warning: must be able to speak English, unless you have a translator employed.

Created by: aquamoon710
  1. Can you say the following colors in your other language instantly? Red, Green, Black, Gray, Brown, Pink.
  2. Can you respond in two languages: What is your favorite animal and why?
  3. Tell me how to play tic-tac-toe in 2 languages.
  4. Tell me a folk tale in two languages.
  5. Are you willing to go to a non-English school with absolutely no assistance, as not an exchange-student or anything but as just another child?
  6. Can you write a love letter to your girl/boyfriend in two languages?
  7. Have you ever watched a non-English movie without English subtitles/audio and understood it?
  8. Do you listen to and understand non-English songs?
  9. Have you ever spoke to someone who doesn't understand English?
  10. When you see bilingual (your languages) signs, you read both, just because.
  11. You laugh when you see horrible translations.
  12. You can't tell which language you use to think.
  13. Have you read the same book in two languages?
  14. How many non-English and non-English subtitled/audioed books, movies, magazines, games and songs do you own?
  15. How bilingual do you think you are?
  16. Are you confident enough to translate The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
  17. Count up to the highest number possible in your other language.
  18. Say at least 5 swear words/phrases in two languages.
  19. Translate. Caution: Insane person with a chainsaw attacking people. If you're still alive, please turn and run. If you're not, I guess I don't need to tell you.
  20. When you speak in one language, you have no accent of the other.
  21. When you talk with another bilingual person who speaks with the same language as you, you tend to mix up the words of two languages.
  22. You take notes in two languages because sometimes the words are shorter in the other one.
  23. In a bilingual movie, you enjoy both listening and reading the subtitles to see the bizarre translations.
  24. When was your first exposure to a second language?
  25. Do you currently use more than two languages in DAY-TO-DAY life?
  26. Can you write a research essay about genetic disorders in two languages?
  27. If someone gave you passports, maps, compasses and enough cash, do you think you can tour all the tourist sites in a totally non-English country (and speaks your other language)?
  28. You're writing your name on your possession. Which language do you write in?
  29. An non-English webpage is opened, but the words look funny. What do you do?
  30. Can you tell the difference between a non-English good hand-writer and a bad hand-writer?
  31. Can you tell differences but understand all accents of that non-English language you know? For instance, even for English, there is midwest, Australian, etc...
  32. In the last year, when you were speaking something non-English, did someone totally did not understand a thing you said? And not because it was in a very loud party.
  33. You're asked to write their name in your other language. You...
  34. What non-English books have you read?
  35. Do you have non-English speaking friends or family you have established good relationships with?
  36. Do you get frustrated when people misunderstand your non-English language, for instance use it for the wrong purpose?
  37. You bump into someone and get into a big fight. Do you think you can win a non-English argument?
  38. You're buying a new car but think the price is too high. Can you negotiate for a lower price not in English?
  39. When you see something in English, you try to translate it into the other for fun.
  40. Can you take this test and translate it so a non-English speaker may take it also in less than 30 minutes without a dictionary nor any other kind of assistance?

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Quiz topic: How Bilingual am I?