English Language Quizzes
Discover how well you understand English spelling and grammar. Is English your native language or something you are learning? Test your fluency and understanding of the rules of grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. Did you pay attention to those topics in school?
Our English Quizzes
- What American accent do you have?[by: Xavier Kun, rated: 3.99rated: 3.99/5, published: Oct 29, 2006]
To most Americans, an accent is something that only other people have, those other people usually being in New York, Boston, and the South. And of those…
- Are You Gooder at Grammar?[by: davisgroves, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Nov 4, 2006]
"your so kewl lets get 2gether sumtim" Sometimes a person can wonder if anyone knows how to spell anymore. Sometimes a person has to wonder if teachers have…
- What Type Of English Do You Speak?[by: Azif Ucan, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Jul 20, 2017]
Speech is a diverse thing. The same language can have a number of different dialects and regional phases and expressions which may confuse speakers of the…
- Mad Tight Quiz, Aight?[by: Marcos, rated: 3.78rated: 3.78/5, published: Dec 12, 2007]
This is basically a quiz on African American Vernacular English, or AAVE, for a web page module I created for one of my college courses. I hope you enjoy it…
- What kind of English do you speak? British or American?[by: Rom Dod, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Dec 14, 2016]
British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom, including all dialects. American English is the form of English used in the United States,…
- Do You Pronounce Words Right?[by: James, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Apr 3, 2007]
Woe unto the English scholar who must hear daily the mangling of the language by its speakers. So many of us mispronounce so many words, it's a wonder we…
- What Is Your English Grade?[by: Shimmers, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Sep 26, 2014]
What Is Your English Grade is a test that was made by a professional to give you a 100% accurate result on what your Grammar IQ is! This test will ask you…
- Test Your Grammar Knowledge![by: Edward Hamrick, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Apr 9, 2011]
How well do you know English grammar? Many people claim to be masters of this language's insane rules and regulations, but do you have what it takes to pass…
- What single word describes you?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 3.95rated: 3.95/5, published: Jul 26, 2016]
A series of questions will ask you to pick between two options. Based on your answers, you'll be matched with a word that represents you.
- Very Basic English Grammar Exercise[by: Severus Snape7, rated: 3.84rated: 3.84/5, published: Sep 4, 2020]
This quiz is a Elementary English Grammar Exercise for beginners and it includes very easy simple 10 questions that you can answer them easily!!! Hope you…
- How literate are you?[by: Allie, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Oct 17, 2009]
Have you ever noticed the literacy rate seems to be getting lower in percentage? Are you one of the many that are falling in this percentage? Take this quiz…
- So you think you can spell[by: Dozy Deb, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Nov 22, 2013]
So, you think you can spell? Please remember these spellings are 'English' versions of spellings, not American English. Some of these words are the most…
- Punctuation in English[by: Deborah, rated: 3.05rated: 3.05/5, published: Mar 5, 2009]
It's easy to make a lot of mistakes with punctuation when you are learning English. This is a quick quiz that tests how well you do with commas, apostrophes,…
- How's Your Grammar?[by: Maggie Amaya, rated: 3.02rated: 3.02/5, published: Jun 8, 2009]
Many people post things on the internet without checking their spelling or grammar. Oftentimes, they use incorrect spelling or the wrong word to complete a…
- Independent/Dependent Clauses[by: ARB, rated: 3.01rated: 3.01/5, published: Dec 16, 2007]
There are many people in life who are grammar challenged. Don't worry if you get a bad grade on this quiz. It's there to teach you about independent/dependent…
- How fluent are you in English?[by: masonh928, rated: 2.53rated: 2.53/5, published: Jul 13, 2015]
This quiz will help determine your level of knowledge on English grammar concepts, vocabulary, proper word use and much more. You can use this quiz to gauge…
- How strong is your grammar? (English)[by: Samantha Long, rated: 2.13rated: 2.13/5, published: Oct 27, 2017]
Some people who call others "nerds" are only stung by the other person's ability to be intelligent. Maybe that person is you. What if someone from your school…
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