Which SkyClan cat are you? (She-cats only!)

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Hi! Please enjoy my first quiz! SkyClan is my fav Clan! I hope you like it! Ty! I need things here DJJDJDJDJDDJDJDJHSHSNCIWHDNDJDJWNDJDKENSJDKEJSMDKEJDNEK

This is a quiz for SkyClan she-cats! If you don’t know what warrior cats is (or SkyClan is) pls don’t play! Ty! And enjoy! I need things here.. WKKRKRKRKRKRKRKR

Created by: Lark Dragon
  1. As a kit you:
  2. What does your pelt look like?
  3. Who’s your fav cat? (No effect)
  4. Fav ship? (No effect)
  5. Rp mode: on
  6. Your the medicine cat, Turtleleap and a fight breaks out at Fourtrees. What do you do?
  7. Your the leader, Fernstar, and a dog pack comes out of nowhere and attacks your Clan. In a heartbeat your peaceful, calm Clan turns into flying fur and yowls of horror as you Clanmates fight. You see you mate facing a large dog, your kits trapped in a corner of the camp, and your parents on the edge of the river. Who do you save?
  8. Your a warrior and an old badger set has fresh scent. Your on border patrol and your apprentice, Goldenpaw, and your. Friend, Dragonflight, are standing next to you expectantly.
  9. Do you really like warrior cats? (No effect)
  10. Are you a she-cat or a Tom ?

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Quiz topic: Which SkyClan cat am I? (She-cats only!)
