Warrior Cats Character Quizzes
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Quizzes about the heroes and villains, major and minor characters in Warriors.
Our Warriors Characters Quizzes
- What Warrior Cat Are You?[by: abi, rated: 4.61rated: 4.61/5, published: Jan 13, 2022]
Want to know what Warrior Cat you are? This is the place to go! This quiz will tell you which Warrior Cat out of ten you are! This is inspired by the Warriors…
- Which Warrior Cat are You?[by: Cinderpelt4607, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Jan 23, 2019]
Hi! Welcome to my quiz! This is my first time doing this so don't judge. It looks pretty good to me so please try it! This is to all warrior cat fans!
- Are you Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, or Jayfeather?[by: Dovewing, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Dec 6, 2017]
A lot of people read Warriors. If you're one of those people, and you have read Power of Three, than you have probably wondered if you are Hollyleaf,…
- Warriors-Which Warrior cat are you?[by: Avery Haynes, rated: 4.48rated: 4.48/5, published: Jul 5, 2019]
The Warriors World-A beautiful and thrilling adventure of many Clans ruled by cats written by Erin Hunter, an inspiring author along with the help of many…
- Which Warrior Cat Leader Are You?[by: Firewolf339, rated: 4.46rated: 4.46/5, published: Aug 7, 2017]
So, Warrior cats has become pretty popular, am I right? Like, who doesn't like reading about cats who go off to war and have to defend their territory?
- How well do you know Ivypool?[by: Dovewing1, rated: 4.45rated: 4.45/5, published: Feb 11, 2018]
This quiz is about a cat from the series, Warriors, by Erin Hunter. The cat this quiz is about is called Ivypool. She is a main character in the Warriors…
- Which Warrior Cat Are You from Power Of Three?[by: eilloh, rated: 4.38rated: 4.38/5, published: Jan 31, 2011]
Who are you from POT and OOTS? Are you Jayfeather, blind but not blind? Maybe your Lionblaze full to the brim with courage and more powerful than any cat of…
- Are You Tigerstar or Firestar?[by: Pikachu_Fangirl1, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: Sep 26, 2016]
Firestar... This leader is protective of the clan... But Tigerstar on the other paw... He would destroy it if he didn't want to lead it. Which one of this…
- What warrior cat are you? She-cats only![by: squirrelflight, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Apr 30, 2019]
This quiz, though it's only 10 questions will determine which warrior cat you would most likely be. There are lots of possible answers, and Each one is…
- Which Warriors leader are you?[by: Becky Sarah, rated: 4.32rated: 4.32/5, published: Feb 24, 2008]
My favorite series of books is the Warriors saga. It's about wild cats who live in four different Clans: ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan.…
- Which Warrior Cat character are you most like?[by: Bayflight, rated: 4.25rated: 4.25/5, published: Jan 31, 2012]
What Warrior cat are you most like? The brave and loyal ThunderClan leader Firestar or the sweet, caring Brightheart? The bloodthirsty, ambitious Tigerstar…
- How Much Do You Know About Silverstream?[by: Hawkfur (formerly dugo), rated: 4.21rated: 4.21/5, published: Feb 4, 2011]
There are many people who think they know about Silverstream. Who is Silverstream? She is a warrior cat out of Erin Hunter's warrior cats series. She is an…
- The Ultimate Jayfeather Quiz[by: Jayfeather13, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Sep 3, 2012]
How much do you know about Jayfeather, the ThunderClan medicine cat? I'm sure you know the basics, but do you know the hard core details? With this quiz, you…
- How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?[by: LightningBlaze, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Jun 29, 2019]
Take this quiz to see how original your OC is! It will ask questions about every aspect, so be prepared to get stuck on some questions, Such as backstory etc.
- Would Hawkfrost be your mate?[by: LokiCat, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Aug 12, 2015]
Do you love Hawkfrost? Does he love you? I love him. and Tigerstar. But to win him over you'll have to follow him to the dark forest, have kits, murder…
- How Much Do You Know About Firestar?[by: Fadingechoes, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Feb 3, 2010]
How much do you really know about Thunderclan's greatest hero? Now you can find out! You'd be suprised how much you don't know about Firestar as the questions…
- Are you Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, or Lionblaze?[by: Maddie, rated: 4.08rated: 4.08/5, published: Aug 25, 2012]
There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze. (For those of you who have read the…
- Which Warriors Character Are You?[by: Izzy, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Mar 20, 2009]
A lot of people read the Warriors series by Erin Hunter and enjoy it immensely. I think that one of the main reasons this series is a success is because of…
- Warrior Cats - What cat are you?[by: Lightwhiskers, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Dec 30, 2007]
Have you ever wanted to be a warrior. Ever wondered, "who would I be?" Try this test to see who you are. You never know, oh and please join Fire Clan. The…
- Which Warrior Cat Are You?[by: ad53887, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Feb 25, 2015]
Do you want to know which warrior cat you are? If you do, you've found the right quiz! This quiz is about Erin Hunter's New York Times best-selling books, and…
- What Warriors Cat Are You?[by: Joshua Kurth, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Sep 11, 2008]
Have you ever heard about the series Warriors by Erin Hunter? Well if you have here is were you find out what warrior are you.If you haven't this really isn't…
- What Riverclan Warrior Cat Are You[by: amazon, rated: 3.91rated: 3.91/5, published: Nov 9, 2011]
Who is the cleverest, strongest warriors clan? Riverclan, of course! How is somebody truly Riverclan? You must enjoy the water and your life evolves around…
- Are You Jayfeather, Lionblaze, or Dovewing?[by: Ferntail, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Aug 4, 2014]
Hello! I hope you're having a great day! My name is Ferntail, and I'm the medicine cat of Moonclan. In this clan we medicine cats also are allowed to hunt and…
- How well do you know the Warriors medicine cats?[by: Owlfur, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Feb 17, 2010]
Spottedleaf, Cinderpelt, Yellowfang, Leafpool, Jayfeather, Mudfur, Mothwing, Willowshine, Barkface, Littlecloud, Flamepaw. All of these cats have something in…
- What Famous Medicine Cat Are You?[by: kailey, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: May 5, 2010]
Of the warrior books, medicine cats are not the main part until Leafpool and Jayfeather popped up. What are you? A wise and serene cat like Spottedleaf? Old…
- How Much Do You Know About Firestar?[by: Me (Spottedleaf), rated: 4.84rated: 4.84/5, published: Jul 21, 2020]
This quiz is all about Firestar. The first character you find out about in the Warriors series, The Prophecies Begin. With a strange backstory and exciting…
- Which Warriors Cat Are You?[by: Logan Lasecki, rated: 4.56rated: 4.56/5, published: Jul 4, 2019]
This is based on the series "Warriors Cats" by Erin Hunter. If you haven't read those books, don't worry. You can get them at any library in the U.S.. They…
- Which Warriors Cat Are You? (The Prophecies Begin)[by: goodgirlo, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Apr 27, 2019]
Hello, all you quizzers out there! I am Carsyn Proffitt, the brilliant mind behind that Hogwarts House quiz that was posted on this website earlier in the…
- Which Warriorcat are you?[by: Luna, rated: 4.31rated: 4.31/5, published: Mar 7, 2018]
Have you ever wondered which warriorcat you would be? Well, this quiz will test you on your personality traits to see which cat's character fits you best!
- Which TSB Main Character Are You?[by: ApricityyArts, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Jun 10, 2019]
Curious as to what ''The Story Begins'' main character you would be? This is the place where you'll find out where you belong in the TSB Universe! Good luck…
- How well do you know Jayfeather?[by: Jayfeather Fan, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: May 18, 2022]
Test your knowledge on the popular medicine cat, Jayfeather. Personally, he is my favorite alongside Longtail. See whether you know this cat like the back of…
- Who is your Warrior Cat Mate?[by: Mochi_Ball, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Mar 8, 2022]
This is a quiz that will ask you 12 questions and depending on your answers you will get a specific cat as your mate. This quiz only has a few Cats (…
- Which Warrior Cat Are You Most Like?[by: PrinceDeBezt123, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Nov 29, 2021]
In this quiz, you will be learning which warrior cat you are most like. Are you sassy like Squirrelflight or fierce like Leopardstar? Take this quiz to find…
- What Warrior Cat Villain are You Most Like?[by: Reedfrost, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Aug 30, 2008]
Many people attempt to match up to the greatness of some of the greatest Warrior Cats villains. But most fail. The true test of evilness is here, with the…
- What Warrior Cat are you?[by: Blackfrost, rated: 3.13rated: 3.13/5, published: Mar 22, 2013]
The Warrior cats. Four Clans of fierce, determined warriors. It is their job to protect their territory and their livelihoods. They would die for their Clan…
- What Warrior Cat Am I?[by: Caroline, rated: 3.08rated: 3.08/5, published: Oct 8, 2008]
There is one series in particular that catches people's attention; a series that has won many Academy Awards and specials honors, Warrior Cats. If you think…
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