Which Warrior Cat Are You Most Like?

In this quiz, you will be learning which warrior cat you are most like. Are you sassy like Squirrelflight or fierce like Leopardstar? Take this quiz to find out!

There are seven possible results you will get: Tigerstar, Firestar, Squirrelflight, Leopardstar, Yellowfang and Brokenstar. Hope you guys have fun and enjoy!

Created by: PrinceDeBezt123
  1. If a cat from another Clan has passed your border, you would:
  2. During a fight, your apprentice and your mate are both pinned down by two warriors of a different Clan, who do you save first?
  3. Which Clan is your favorite?
  4. A kit from another Clan is dying! What do you do?
  5. Do you believe in StarClan?
  6. What is your biggest strength?
  7. What is your flaw?
  8. Do you want a mate?
  9. What position do you want in the Clan?
  10. What's your favorite type of prey?
  11. Which of the following best describes your personality?
  12. What color is your pelt?
  13. What patterns does your pelt have?
  14. What eye color do you have?
  15. What do you think of the warrior code?
  16. Suppose you are out on patrol with three other warriors and you encounter a large badger, about to attack! You:
  17. Suppose a very close friend of yours breaks the warrior code. Your reaction to this is:
  18. If there is one thing you could change about the Clans, what would it be?
  19. How many siblings do you have?
  20. Lastly, did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I Most Like?
