How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 7
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
My OC is Twigpelt, a tortoiseshell she-cat originally from SkyClan but is summoned by StarClan to escape and become one of the first members of WildClan, along with Swiftwind, Scarletrose and Appleshine, two sisters with fabled Great-cat pelts, threatened by ShadowClan. A cat called Blueleaf joins too, but later.
She's kind, loud and annoying and ALWAYS hungry.
I'm writing a story about the mentioned cats and when it's finished, I'll post it on Wattpad. If you want to read it, it will be called Warrior Cats: Clan Arising!
well i will sound like a overpowered and yes they are but i never use them while being near others. so their name is Mystic'eye and is a small wolf. they were a thunderclan warrior under the time before scourge appeared. then they got to know she was a wolf and hold her prisoner at the same place they hold thunderclans old leader (dont remember the name) before tiger star. then they will help scourge with the fight but change side to thunderclan mid fight. (it was from a dream i had and dreams often use overpowered things)
The OC I used is called SpectralMoons, She's a white and grey spotted tabby with pale green eyes, she died well taking her kits to the moonstone, one of her kits, GhostKit, climbed up the moonstone and well SpectralMoons was trying to get him down she slipped and impaled herself on one of the rocks. She now guides cats, especially kits, to StarClan
My OC is Snowbreeze. Its a Tom-cat and he is coldhearted, but loyal to his clan and clanmates. He is so cold bc he was treated bad by his parents. Has had an war against Shadowclan (he is fromWindclan). Long story short, leader and deputy died in war and he had been chosen as leader and accepted by the Starclan. He was a good leader but died bc he was ran over by a monster (pushed by deputy). Lemme know if this is a good OC!
Also he has an white and grey fur! (Also his name becomes Snowstar).
(Updoot!) (SPOILERS!!!)He gets banished by his clan bc they suspect him of traitorry. The Shadowclan (bad guys) follow him to the towlegplace and the clan leader fights with him. He wins, but loses a life bc of his injuries. The clan meanwhile is a total mess. The deputy is a very bad at being a leader. He comes back to the clan and gets accepted to be leader again bc they have no choice.
(Bruh gotta stop the updoots) Prophecey: His older sister Snowflake who died in the war with Shadowclan says: You trained hard and did your best to protect the clan and your leader and deputy. You had courage to stand in front of them and fight whoever tried to kill them. Although they killed you, you are the chosen one to become leader. Starclan grants you your life back. Go and make the clan rise. May your path be lighted by us. before she fades away. After that he wakes up in the medicine den. What happend? say Snowbeeze. Thank Starclan your still alive! Says Spottednose..
My OC is Cherrynose. She is brown and large fluffy cat with white marks and tail. She have few scar in her face. Her eyes are light brown, and she have white marks under her eyes. Her nose is red like cherry (surprise, surprise).
She has half brother Eagleheart, half sister Cranberrypool (I am from Finland, so I'm not sure how to write her name in english), and brother Whitefox. Cherrynose live in Riverclan with Eagleheart and Cranberrypool. Her father is Whitefang and adoptive mother is Copperpelt. Cherrynose's mom is from Shadowclan, her name is Deermind (Whitefang and Deermind has secret relationship). Cherrynose found out that secret, when she started to train in Dark Forest. Her brother Whitefox taught Cherrynose in Dark Forest, and told The truth.
Copperpelt never likes Cherrynose, but never told Riverclan that Cherry is not her kit. Whitefang died after he saved Honeypelt (Riverclan's medicine cat) from wolf. Copperpelt started to hate Cherrynose, because Cherry was Honeypelt's friend, and she thought it was Honeypelt fault that Whitefang died.
Eagleheart become closer in Cherrynose's life. Eagleheart noticed that Cherry was distant from her clan, so he tried to be a good brothes as possible.
Once they are swimming and having fun, boat was driving fast, and accidentally hit Eagleheart. Eagle got internal injuries, and he can't swim anymore, 'cause the pain was unbearable. Cherrynose tried help her brother, but she is too far, and her brother Eagleheart drowned.
Copperpelt was angry, and blame Cherrynose about Eagleheart's death. Eagleheart was seen watching Copperpelt coldly, before he turn his back to Copperpelt and join Starclan.
Later Cherrynose murder Copperpelt, because she think it's good for Riverclan. (Copperpelt was deputy, so Cherrynose doesn't want Copperpelt be next leader).
Also Cherrynose have huge crush on Honeypelt. She tried change Honeypelt mind before she become medicine cat, but stop when she realize how much Honeypelt
*how much Honeypelt would love to be medicinecat.
(Sorry for my bad english xdd)
Crimson'Fire, Im writing a book about her experiences, but When she was a kit, her sister White'Fire fell in love with her brother Dawn'Fang, and he turned her down, (Cuz who would date their sister -.-) thus White killed her whole family, Then it got worse and worse for Crimson, then she met Cinder'Night, Almost comitted suicide, they both pretty much died but didnt die, then they confessed that they loved each other, yada yada yada... then white forces their other sister autumn to fake her own death and help white try to murder them, lovey romance turns into creepy horror, then cinder get severly injured and crimson has to face white, and Thus she gets incredibly mad finding out white killed her family and turns into a giant phoenix dragon thing and kills white, then gets all pshyco because she killed her sister, then she passes out and they both wake up in one of the clans (havent decided yet/whichever one is in a rp at the time) and they find a nice cave, settle down and have kits :> no idea how many, just however many people are willing to play as them... and yeah! Happy story! But something else might happen not sure tho... Reply if you have any ideas!
My OC is LunarStar.
LunarStar is a she-cat with white fur and black paws, black on her tail tip, and on her snout, her eyes are purple and yellow,
Her friends and family were killed by an unknown she-cat that is later identified to be a reincarnation of LunarStar, her name is MoonFur(soon becomes MoonStar), LunarStar is from CelestialClan, CelestialClan is a unown Clan to outside clans other than the 6 elimental clans, LunarStars mom is Magicpaw(also known as basket) MagicPaw was a Kitipet before she met her father FireTooth, FireTooth is a completely white Tom-cat with forseaing powers, MagicPaw is a she-cat with black fur and a white heart patern on her chest, LunarStar has 6 Siblings, 1. CelestialFur (she-cat with jet black fur and yellow eyes just like her father) 2. HollowHeart(she-cat with white fur and black heat prints and brown eyes like her mother). 3. WindPaw (Tom-cat with white fur and small tufts of black fur). 4. BlossomKit (she-cat with white fur and tan paws) 4. CherryKit (she-cat BlossomKits twin looks just like BlossomKit) 5.StarKit (Tom-cat completely white cat). All of these characters are characters that have been used for wof (wings of fire), and as anime characters. But they are my original characters.
Im planing on making a series of books about LunarStar and her friends.
My OC is Larkfeather. She's a medicine cat because she had an accident when she was training as an apprentice (she fell from a cliff), leaving her unable to become a warrior. Despite it, she still conserves her positive spirit (still don't know which Clan fits her, I was between riverclan and thunderclan)
I also have more OC's: Marblespots (my fav one so far, she's lit a heartbroken mother) and Silverstripe (another medicine cat jsbsjsjz)
My OC is a brown she-cat with amber eyes named Trufflekit. She is graceful and good at everything, and she is very humble (Seriously though, she is). Her father is named Slashstream, and her mother is named Rosespring. She has a littermate named Quietkit. Trufflekit and Quietkit are both 3 moons old, so they are really young.
My OC is a slim, sleek-pelted stray tuxedo tom named Drizzle. He is blunt and uncaring. He has light stripes that almost blend into his pelt. He has slender white socks both on his hind-legs and his front-legs. He has blue eyes and large black ears. He doesn't like attention and tries to get along with everything unless they attack first. He gets into trouble with Badgers and Foxes. He lived alone near Outlook rock until he decided to save the medicine apprentice and some apprentices from a fox. Then his peaceful life of no attention shattered. He did his usual routine, Hunting, fighting off badgers and foxes and meeting clan cats in a Border Patrol. He came to rest near the camp of WindClan and decided to watch their interesting life until a Medicine Cat by the name of Acorn Step came up to him insisting on healing his wounds. Once his wounds were healed he went back to his cave with a extra squirrel. He met a WindClan warrior there whom was named Pond Jump. He decided one squirrel was enough so he offered to help them hunt when WindClan was low, and gave her the squirrel as a gift. Pond Jump then comes back after Drizzle had just tricked a few angry WindClan cats who had threatened him and chased him. Pond Jump offers to let him join and takes him to the leader and he joins. He gets the name Drizzle Willow and takes on a Apprentice by the name Light Paw. Light Paw reaches Warrior-hood set with fighting skills, insult skills and burrow/tunnel skills. She is named Light Flick. Drizzle Willow congratulates her only to be rushed upon by Silent Flight, a warrior who tells them that the Deputy is dead. The leader, Bronze Star appoints Drizzle Willow because of his swiftness, brave-heartedness and quick-wittedness. He becomes Leader after Bronze Star dies fighting against a evil clan-mate. StarClan accepts Drizzle Willow as Drizzle Star. 17 moons later a attack by ThunderClan is lead against WindClan and Drizzle Star loses five lives while fighting against the leader, wh
Fixing the ending. :T The leader he was fighting lost all his lives and, due to a invading fox pack attack, (Heh heh.) he lost two lives before being able to drive the foxes away with his clan. He made two apprentices warriors but that was a big mistake because one was training in the DarkForest. While Drizzle was resting the apprentice by the name of AcornHiss, attacked him. Taking one life. The apprentice turned his back on Drizzle and Drizzle, faking to be fully dead, pinned him. The friend of the DarkForest apprentice, SnappedTwig, lunges at Drizzle's nape, ripping it out and killing Drizzle for the final time. His Deputy, Light Flick, enraged by the death of her mentor and Leader drags them to the HighRock where she kills the one who attacked and exiled the one that finished Drizzle off. Drizzle in the end is happy about his long-lived life and new kits. He watches his new-born kits grow and get named apprentices. He reunites with his family that had been lost in a Rouge attack. DONE.
Also when i say 'he' with the fox attack i mean Drizzle Star
My oc is a large fluffy white Tom with bright orange flecks named SpeckleSpice,
Due to his devotion to his clan he became deputy. This character does have a narcissistic side and believes he should be leader, not trusting his clanmates to do a better job unless his leader permits it to be true
Mortem1 -
My character is Chickenpaw/talon, a orange marbled tom with yellow eyes. He was secretly born as a result of an affair by the clan healer and a loner, and the loner dropped them off at the healers clan, where he and his sister were adopted by the leaders daughter who was already expecting. initially, he was excited about his apprenticeship, but quickly started to grow a little uncomfortable and regretted the change. eventually, he and his sister are introduced to the dark forest by the healer, where an ancient cat trains them. eventually its revealed that its the dark forest, leaving chickenpaw uncomfortable, while his sister still eagerly trains. eventually, chickenpaw, now chickentalon, tries to leave the dark forest, but gets into a fight with the dark forest cat. his sisters lover accidentally stumbles across the dark forest at this time, and the healer attacks him, while his sister is paralyzed in shock. chickentalon helps his sisters lover, and they escape into the forest until they wake up. then. chickentalon confronts the healer, and they get into a scuffle that results in chickentalon killing him. yada yada time passes, chickentalon learns the healer was his dad, and hes selected as deputy. eventually it comes time for him to recieve nine lives, but he freaks out and runs away. he instead asks his younger adopted sister to he leader, and thats all thats figured out right now
i got 67% originality lmao
My oc is orangenose/stripednose. Nothing too crazy but still wasn't on the quiz name part lol. She was based off one of my real life cats. She becomes a Medicine cat and can feel others' pain, like Yellowfang in her book. She's also nurturing and sweet, so she'd fit as a Medicine cat with or without minor powers. Nice quiz!!
My Oc is Creampaw a deaf tom later know as Creamfur.He has white fur with blue eyes.he was found by patrol and joined riverclan as a kit.Other cats think he's weird because he used to be a kittypet.He is pretty young about 12 moons old.
My OC is named Amnesia'Paw (Amnesia'Oak) who is a She-Cat. She is a part of my OC clan named WarClan, she was born to the leader, HawkStar, and his mate, MagpieZischen (Zischen is german for hiss). The medicine cat, KoiWish, was dating MagpieZischen in secret. It led to KoiWish making up a fake prophecy about one of MagpieZischen's kits (*cough* cuz she a simp *cough*). Coincidentally, one of MagpieZischen's kits matched the prophecy almost perfectly. The only problem was, the kit didn't save anyone or the clan like in the made-up prophecy, HawkStar caught on to MagpieZischen cheating on him after noticing the similar brown on Amnesia'Kit (At the moment was still named Destiny'Kit) and KoiWish. {Fast forward after HawkStar tries to exile MagpieZischen but another warrior makes him go oof before he can} Destiny'Paw is training with a warrior when she trips and falls and sadly hits her head and loses consciousness, she wakes up and lost all her memory, MagpieZischen was so upset to find out her kit had forgotten who she was that MagpieZischen re-named her Amnesia'Paw because of her memory loss. KoiWish tries taking Amnesia'Paw on a trip around the forest to try and re-fresh her memory when a wild Tibetan mastiff dog finds them and kills them, when Amnesia'Paw is in StarClan, she regains her memory and desperately searches for KoiWish. KoiWish was sent to the Dark Forest for lying to her clan and betraying the medicine code.
Lucy_Lou2 -
My OC is Lilacfrost
She is a light brown tabby with white paws and a scar running down her chest. She is also a kind and loyal clanmate and falls in love with Blizzardleaf and has a litter of three kits; Tricklekit, Mallowkit and Cricketkit. Lilacfrost is also one of the main characters in the storyline and she is included in a few prophecies . She is a member of TideClan , a clan that me and my friends made up .
I like the name :3
Sometimes I get tired being a medicine cat so I made a warrior too. Her name is CreamCloud and she is a deputy of Thunderclan but she was a queen too. Her pelt is Honey-Cream with light brownish orange ears, paws, tail tip, muzzle, and blaze. Her eye color is cyan.
My cat goes by many names. Rising Sun, Sunshade, Sunkit, Sundew, Sunspot, Sunheart, Suncloud, Sunbird, Sundawn, and Sunstone. The reason for this is because she essentially has the curse of reincarnation. She was originally one of the cats that left from the Lake cats to the Tribe before she dies. Then, one day, she and her brother Lion's Mane get chosen to be reborn with the purpose of stopping Mapleshade from destroying the forest. They were supposed to go back with the knowledge of the mission but something went wrong and Rising Sun forgets. She lives out her life as Lionstep, who is the reincarnation of her brother, and Mapleshade's sister, before eventually dying to a monster. Her next life, she is reincarnated as one of Mapleshade's kits, Sunkit, and drowns with them in the river. Her next life, she is one of Applefrost's kits in Riverclan named Sundew.This is the life she figures out why she is unable to go to Starclan because Lionstep is able to tell her. He tells her "They cannot return until the job is done." He also can't return but in a different way. He is stuck as a spirit that is attached to her. Only she and anyone that knows and he lets see him can see him. She dies in a border fight with Windclan. The next she is born as Bluestar's littermate, Sunspot, dying in childbirth. By this point, Bluefur, Snowfur, and her mate know about her reincarnating. She is reborn as Snowfur's daughter and Whitestorm's littermate. As much as she and her previous life's mate wanted, she couldn't be his mate again because no one else knows about her reincarnations. She dies in an outbreak of greencough before being reborn as Rusty's sister. By this point, she is tired and just wants to finally be through with the reincarnation. This is also the point I decided to start writing her story, her sixth life (As I'm not counting her original life as Rising Sun.)
Her looks are all varied, but she always has some sort of ginger coat and her eyes are always an unusual blue in
Continued: Her looks are all varied, but she always has some sort of ginger coat and her eyes are always an unusual blue, her fur is always long. I also thought about adding the small fact she has spots on her chest correlated to her lives, one on her first, two on her second etc.
Her personality is a bit sassy. She doesn't talk a lit but she she does it's normally to tell someone off for being mouse-brained or to mutter something scathing under her breath. She doesn't get along with younger cats because she feels like she would never fit in with them, with her having the experience with her past lives.
I don't know how you feel about oc cats in the canon story but I prefer these types of fanfics. For now, I'm trying to follow the main story with few changes to the actual plot but that will change as I get to the New Prophecy and Power of Three.
my oc is Storms'stream/ Stream that runs through storms
she was originally found/ born into the tribe of rushing water. The moon teller at the time (pebble broken under foot) has a vision of her being leader of river clan.
She is a white she cat with grey spots, ears, tail tip and legs. Her belly and chest is a very light grey. Her left eye is mainly blue with a little green and her right is mainly green with a little blue. She's very thin with a lot of fur: chest fur, belly fur, tail fur, limb tufts and ear tufts. she also has a burnt left arm so is has no fur but still usable. Shes very sift and strong with fast reactions, shes quiet small, quiet and anxious too. River clan was hesitant to allow her in at first but the leader hollow'star eventually agreed once his med cat feather'bristle tells him of her vision.
River clan rankings:
lead: Hollow'star
Dep: Sourched'aspen
medapp: Rat'eyeWarriors: Vole'chase, badger stripe, evergreen gaze, timber'flight, light'spots, deer'dapple, white'robin, Stag'dark, night'creek, brook'hunter and storms'stream
Apps: ferret'paw, weasle'paw, forrest'paw, cold'paw, rose'paw (water)
kits: doe'kit, fawn'kit antler'kit.
She's also in love with her mate brook'hunter-
I forgot to mention that her tail is extremely long
Her litter mates are: creek that breaks through the night
Fawn as white as snow
Raven that waits for preyBTW her mate is a she (she cat x she cat) and they are looking after a kit together, taking turns to look after them in the nursery, the kit is named silent'kit (silent'fall) as a reference to new snow falling, if she was born in the tribe her name would be snow that falls in silence. Silent kit is mute.
Name: Twisted'Leg ( deceased to the dark forest)
Gender: Tom
Clan: windclan
Rank: DeputyApprenace: a brown tom with dark brown stripes,a white under belly and amber eyes
Age: 24 moons
Personailyty : snappy,rude, ambtious, bloodthirsty
Mother: Colorpelt, a light gray when at with ginger and white spots
Father: Hawkleap, a brown tom with green eyes
Sibilings: noneMentor: Fallen'leaf ( deceased deputy) gray tom with blue eyes
My oc is named greenpaw he is all black with a white muzzle and white ear, chest and tailtip he has bright emerald eyes. he was born into windclan his father a riverclan dep and his mother a windclan warrior. everything was normal until he was 8 moons when he got a prophecy: Green, yellow, red and pyrple can together save the clan from doom
My oc is Bloodfall (star)
a evil tom that was kicked out of Cloudclan (my story's version of Thunderclan, ran by Berrystar (nose))as a kit. (White with black spots, Grey eyes, and tufted ears. instead of a normal star (like some ocs for a leader mark) on his forehead, he has a broken up one.)
he has 3 siblings; Daisyfur (F), Foxheart (M), and Littlewind (F)
He ran into Greyspot the same day he was kicked out, the Rougeclan leader.
He grey up in Rougeclan, then left, making his own clan (Bloodclan).
he went back to Rougeclan and joined them with Bloodclan to create Brokenclan.
My character is named Gingertear (Ginger- because she is a ginger cat and -tear because she tears at others, both mentally and physically). She was born into WindClan by parents I don't remember before she lost both of them as well as her brother in a freak accident. She became mad with grief and attempted to kill the leader. She was unsuccessful and got exiled. However, she came back to the Clan later with both Dark Forest cats and rogues/loners. She took over the Clan and elected herself as leader, but didn't want to take on the suffix -star. She was eventually killed by another OC that I have, Raccoonheart. She died in the Dark Forest many, many moons later, and was reborn into the body of Raccoonheart's daughter's oldest son, Stormbreeze.
Nyxxz1 -
My oc is ebonyheart she was used and groomed as a app/kit she originally was a rogue from the dawn of the clans series and later joined skyclan when she was about 9 moons cause she ran away from the twoleg place that she lived in she was cursed with living forever so she saw the clans kick skyclan out and all the problems that the clans had but she couldt help between timelines cause the other clans couldnt find out/ side note: im writing a book about her that wont come out for like 2 years) but yeah thanks for reading!
Maybe you guys can follow me on roblox at: 16xxmoon
My OC is Songstar(Heart). There is a very long backstory, but she is born as a loner but is taken into ThunderClan when she got attacked by a dog. But then she finds out that her life is a lie and she leaves and makes her own Clan, EarthClan. She has ginger fur and on some parts of her pelt she has single thick gray stripes. She only has one eye and has a few scars on her pelt. (She is NOT based on Brightheart.)