Does Your Crush Like You?

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In this quiz, you will MOST LIKELY find out if your crush likes you. I hope they do, I don't want to destroy anyone's hopes and dreams with the results lol

WARNING: This might not be completely accurate. Play at your own risk. I'm not responsible for broken hearts and sadness. PLEASE DON'T COME AT ME PLEASE!

Created by: crybaby lol
  1. Do they know who you are?
  2. How long ago did you meet them?
  3. How many times have they stared at you?
  4. When they talk to you, do they say nice things?
  5. Have you ever touched them/have they touched you?
  6. How many hobbies do you share?
  7. How often do they talk to you?
  8. What was the nicest thing they did for you?
  9. Do you know any of their family members?
  10. Finally, do you think they like you?

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Quiz topic: Does my Crush Like You?
