Does he like you? (Girls Only)

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You have a crush. I've been there!! Are you curious if he likes you back? This quiz is 100% Accurate and will give you the honest results you need. If you need anything send me an email! At [no emails]

Start the quiz below!!!!! Good luck and If you don't get the results you wished for Im sorry. Maybe step up your game a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Mariam Maaiez
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. When you talk where does he look?
  3. Does he compliment you?
  4. How do his friends act around you?
  5. When you enter your office/class what's his reaction?
  6. Do you have his phone number? If you do what is his Texting style.
  7. Does he talk about you with his friends
  8. Does he blush when someone mentions you Infront of him
  9. How close are both of you?
  10. School, Job, or neighbor

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