How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 8
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
Part 2 of ?
NorthStar.The clan is in chaos as both of their leaders die within a few days of each other; some thinking it just chance, while others (like NorthStar) believe it to be a dileberate progression of events. As he struggles to lead a writhing clan at a young and inexperienced age, NorthStar comes to rely heavily on his deputy CoalStripe to help ThunderClan to its feet once more, while debating on whether or not to introduce the Warrior Code. CoalStripe shakes his head. "It is too early" he says flatly, "you need to focused on leading your clan out of this... pit, that they have fallen into. Besides, wait until you have led them for a little while, gained your trust, before shocking them with a 'foreign' concept." NorthStar agrees, and, slowly but surely, gains the trust and support of his clan. By the time the second moon of his leadership, he has the clan on its feet, a regular schedule set, and order somewhat restored, so he takes his chances and attends the gathering still held at Four Trees, although the trees are still quite young (*). When he arrives, he finds that ThunderClan has already arrived there; imposters with the same cats and scents with matching voices. An intense verbal questionnaire ensues, with the real NorthStar winning against the intruders. (Note: the cat[s] who are the fake ThunderClan are not fully decided. Based on a comment below, Night Shade will [for now] be the imposters leader, but is subject to changes) As the gathering progresses, NorthStar relays a dream to the crowd gathered around that the clan leaders and their medicine cats are summoned ('invited') to make a journey to High Stones to receive nine lives for leaders and... -honestly I need to look up what medicine cats see in their dreams, and don't disregard this post because of this... I only read the first seven books, but my imagination won't stay quite, so I have to type this out-
Although the leaders are very sceptical, GustyStar (SunClan) and Lim
My OC's name is Fallowspot! She's a relatively hefty calico (tortoiseshell-and-white) she-cat, and she's incredibly energetic. Like, kind of insanely energetic. At first, she really wishes to become a good contribution to her clan MeadowClan (I made original clans cuz my creativity just. can't handle anything less), but as she witnesses friends die to strife and skirmishes between clans, she resolves to stop the tension and create a temporary truce. She also falls in love with a kittypet named Mako, and helps her to join the clan. Her story is based around her growth as a character, from a reckless and naive kit to a determined and compassionate leader (who's still really reckless, hah). She's extroverted and loud and super impulsive, but has a great heart and always tries to do the right thing.
She is part of a prophecy- "The clans lay exhausted, life thinned. A storm is coming in the red dawn. Fallow the fields, and you may yet survive the coming wind." She's the fallow in there! Her path is to get the clans to stop fighting so hard so they can get back on their paws- just in time for an antagonist to appear and shake everything up. Said antagonist is Reddawn, formerly Redpaw- Fallowspot's apprentice. She's kind-looking and small and soft and so so beautiful, but she's also immensely merciless and a bit of a fascist determined to revive the clans' great past.
remifish1 -
My OC is DandelionSpark, a kind, sweet, and caring she-cat. She is a black cat with sharp dark blue stripes and green eyes. She is from ThunderClan (or a fanclan) and is the medicine cat. She was born with a paralyzed leg and her cruel mother named her SnappedKit, her name was later changed to DandelionPaw after her mother died. I got a 63% original score.
My OC is called SleekHiss! She's an Analytical, rude, and determined cat, She died in battle at 43 moons old and is now in the Dark Forest.
She's a pale orange closer to yellow cat, with ice blue eyes, darker paws, ears, and tail with a lighter muzzle
My ocs name is Onyx' star. Heis a mostly black tom with a white stripe down his back and a white underbelly, he has some other white marks oh his face. He was born in shadowclan and had a mostly normal life, he had a mother, but, no father, he had been killed by the leader a couple moons before Onyxflares birth, his father had tried to kill the deputy and the medicine cat. Onyxflare was skinny but tall and swift, but was was exiled because he didnt support the leaders choices (They made a queen fight in war-), his mother approved of his exile making him upset and want revenge, but instead he was excepted into riverclan, some cats hated him just because they thought he was still loyal to shadowclan, a couple moons after he joined, the medicine cat, Flash out had a dream from starclan, this dream was shared with the leader who was named Chinchilla star. The kin of a killer will bring light to the stars. Eventually, that time came, it was in the middle of a battle, against thunder clan, over sunning rocks (of course) and Onyxflare spotted shadowclan cats and windclan cats in the shadows, behind thunderclan in front of them was the shadowclan leader Cliffstar, he noticed that there where kits, expecting queens, and elders in the groups of cats behind, thunderclan might of asked for help, but did they know that cliffstar was forcing kits, queens, and elders to fight? He spotted chinchilla star being attacked by lemonstar, the leader of thunderclan, he rushed over and threw the she-cat off then convinced the leaders to stop fighting, he told them what he had saw in the chaos and both of them told their clans to stop fighting, now they knew who their enemy was, Cliffstar, and next to him, was Onyxflares mother, Snake eye. After moons, and moons of fighting, Cliffstar died, making Snake eye leader, but a small and fluffy molly didnt think that Snake eye would be a good leader, and the molly challenged her, the mollys name was Honey Comb, she was horrified to fight but stil
Honey comb eventually had kits, named ferretkit and Featherkit, feather kit was born mostly deaf, but she never got to know them well. She went out hunting one night and accidentally pushed the current deputy, Snail foot into the gorge, she was blamed for murder. Onyx star was very upset, Honeycomb was her mate, but, Snail foot was his deputy. He made the clan vote, let her star, or exile her, they chose exile, Onyx star was distraught, but still was a good leader, he gave his kits to another queen to nurse and he took care of them when he could. Honey comb was taken to the twoleg place not long after she was exiled, there, she grew angry and cold, her anger bottleing up for moons. She went back to riverclan one night where she slipped out of her twolegs house and thought about killing all the cats who wronged her, including her former mate, but she also just wanted to see her kits, but little did she know, ferretkit, now ferretspring was now in windclan, and Featherkit, was now being forced to be an elder in shadowclan because she was deaf and couldnt hunt as well. when she got to riverclan she was outraged that her kits left, in her rage she killed three cats Flashout, the medicine cat, Heather song, and Sapphire wing. Onyx star saw that she couldnt be kept in the clans any longer, and linger at her, in his rage, he accidentally killed his former mate and grieved over her for moons, when he died in war, killed by Hawk, a rouge he spent forever looking for Honey Comb in starclan, but then was devastated when he realized that she must be in the dark forest, the place of no stars. She ended up training hundreds of clan cats over the years, and because she did that, she wasnt forget, ever cat the molly trained remembered her so she lived on in the dark forest for moons, eventually, she realized that no one remembered her, she had stopped training cats, so they didnt know, did starclan punish her for what she did? was her punishment living forever?
Name: Hugo
Gender: Tom
Age: 27 moonsClan: lives in windclan but never officially joined
Mate: Sun spot
Appearance: a chunky orange tabby Tom, with wide pale hazel eyes.
Personality: politely rude, air of arrogance around him. Will do almost anything for close ones.
Backstory: lived with his loving homefolk and the another she cat named Matilda. until they put him on a diet, and he decided he would catch his own prey. At first he stayed near home, then started to wonder further away. He was exploring, when he heard a sudden crack. Heart beating uncontrollably he darted into the nearest thick bush. He watched as a wounded cat that was covered (more or less) head to tail in her own blood, limped as fast as she could away from something. A huge pale gray Tom with a diranged look in his eyes stepped menising step toward the she cat, then brutally killing her. (not sure how much detail is aloud) After the Tom had long gone dragging her along, Hugo then ran away in the opposite dereliction coming across a windclan patrol. He had heard about the barbaric ways of the clans. Hugo begged to be unscathed, the cats were merciful and seeing this Hugo ask if he could go with them to be protected(not exactly but u get it). After some debate they agreed. They took him to the windclan camp were Eaglestar offered to name him finch paw which he denied. He met a apprentice soon to become a warrior, named sun paw and became friends. He soon learned that ( now sun spot) had great ambitions. She confessed to him that she wanted power and in shadowclans weak state, she and planned to attempt a attack when she was deputy with her loyal supporters. When that day came she ask if he would come. Hugo never really showed his loyalty to windclan, and after all the moons of evil eyes and muttering why not? They succeeded in subduing shadowclan in a heartbeat. Now Sunstar of shadowclan she- I havent gotten that far yet :p
It aint the best, and basically a rusty story, but his appearance and
I was saying- name were based off my real cat
My OC is named Voidclaw, a tom, they were part of a made up clan that replaced Skyclan called Leafclan, Their mate is Moonfeather, and She is the only loved one that didnt die, him, Moonfeather, and his lost sister Shiningheart were in the prophesy "There will be three, Raised and Mate, who hold the Moon on their tails" and, him and his sister were parented by dead Flametail and Jayfeather, he has Golden claws (so did his dad) which isnt realistic but me and my friend made an exeption for that, they were named as Voidstar for a temporary amount of time while their leader recovered from losing their eighth life after falling down from the top of the Camp(in a giant pine tree) in a trainins session, Voidclaws powers are They can fight as swiftly as a leapord and fiercely as a lion, Moonfeathers is they can see very sharply, and Shiningheart(medcat, actually.) Was able to speak to the Original clans characters(now dead) like firestar, hollyleaf, jayfeather(im obsessed with him-) and those people, wow this was long!
I have an oc called TailPaw, she have that name because her tail is very fluffy and big. She is a brown striped she-cat with orange eyes. She is kind, brave and loyal to her friends and her clan. She have a brother called BlindPaw, first hes name was FightPaw because already as a kit he liked to fight, but one day when he was playing a fox got into the camp and attacked him. Some warriors killed the fox but he got blind on one eye. So when it was hes ceremony he got the name BlindPaw. But back to TailPaw! TailPaw is an copy of her mother on the outside but on the inside she is more like her dad. She had an sister but he died when the fox attacked BlindPaw. Her mom is a queen named MoonStorm, and her dad, CloudEye is deputy of the clan. I dont know which clan they are in yet, I created her and the family today . I think thats all I have right now, hope u like it! Bye
PidgeonFeather: grey tom with red eyes, and a green-ish blue colour on his neck
Appleheart: a red-ish brown she-cat with yellow stripes and green eyes
Fawntail: a brown she-cat with sand colour spots on her back and sides, underbelly, and has brown stub tail, black paws
Feather of ravens tail: dark grey tom with black stripes, muzzle, and paws
My OC is BadgerHeart.
She looks like the average Siamese cat but she has a cold heart. She has no mercy for anyone. She was formerly Kitty-Pet but her owners abandoned her for her moody attitude. Plus she ruins their furniture. When she got abandoned in the forest, she somehow survived since she would kill anything that catches her eyes. But to her surprise, when ThunderClan cats sniffed her, she was part WindClan! They ordered her to go to WindClan territory but she refused. She wanted to join ThunderClan because it has a "cool" name. The leader let her in anyway. A rouge who was evil fell in love with BadgerHeart (When she became a warrior already of course)
They kept meeting in some secret place. Soon, BadgerHeart was pregnant with the Rouge's kits. She then killed him and after she gave birth to the kits, she killed them too. She had murdered many cats secretly, even from her own clan! Her clanmates always blame the wrong cat and her leader exiles many innocent cats as well. Her ways are still a mystery and might never be discovered..
Jewlxels1 -
My OC is named Skypaw, and her warrior name will be Skyfall. She's not a supermajor character, but she's not exactly a background character either.
Skypaw has a silvery gray pelt, with darker freckles on her cheeks, and small dark splotches on her rump. She has very pale, icy blue eyes. Skypaw has many deep scars that cover her body, especially her throat. She is mute.
One day, a senior warrior named Snowstorm was out hunting alone. She heard the fierce cry of a hawk and saw one carrying a small, scrawny kit. The hawk was soaring high above, but not high enough for Snowstorm to be unable to see the kit smothered in blood. The hawk must have been digging its talons into the poor little kit. Snowstorm climbed up a tree as high as possible, walked out onto an open branch, and leaped at the hawk. She knew that if she missed, she could be possibly falling to her death. Even though Snowstorm was older, she was still agile. Her claws sunk into the hawk's back, and she kicked ferociously at it. The hawk began to loosen its grip on the kit as it started to droop, unable to fly under the large she-cat's weight. One at a safer distance, Snowstorm grabbed the kit and jumped to the ground. She raced back to the RiverClan camp as fast as she could and immediately went to the medicine cat's den. The medicine cat immediately started treating the little kit, but she had lost a lot of blood. From that day on, Snowstorm cared for the kit as best as she could, and loved her as if she was her own. (Snowstorm was unable to have kits, which is why the connection between her and the kit, now named Skykit, had such a strong bond.) Eventually, the wounds healed but left many scars across Skykit. She was also mute due to the injuries. By the time she had healed, though, she was well over 6 moons and fully welcomed into RiverClan. No one knew if she originally came from a Clan, or was abandoned by a rouge, but RiverClan knew she was too young to remember anything but RiverClan. She began her
Please do not steal my OC. I worked hard to create her. Oh, and by the way, she is based on a book character from a series I am writing.
this has three parts with three different characters, all of which are littermates.
first we have Shatterpaw, who will become Shatterwing. she is the one i did the quiz for. she is highly reserved about all of her emotions, hiding them behind an indifferent facade. she is highly caring but shows it almost only to her brother, Pinepaw. she is very focused on her training, but stays calm even when she fails.
her mentor is Splashstream, a young warrior. she is very very open to physical affection, and will always reciprocate it (just like me). (1/3)
second is Pinepaw. he is very sweet and gentle, but will do anything to protect his littermates. he is very open with his feelings, unlike his sister, Shatterpaw. his mentor is Roselight, an albino senior warrior and lover to Duskstar. he feels really bad when he messes up and just wants everyone to be happy. he is sometimes distracted by the medicine cat apprentice, Silverpaw, whom he cant help but crush on. he is very calm in comparison to his other sister, Buzzpaw. (sorry this was short. 2/3)
last is Buzzpaw. she is by far the most energetic of her littermates, and is almost always cheerful. easily excitable and distractible, she is quite a hassle for calm, laid back senior warrior Goldeneye to train. she gets over her self-disappointment for failing in a matter of minutes, for she'll always get distracted by something pretty. but, this will come to an end soon, when the moon is new. she will suffer a severe brain injury caused by head trauma, and nothing will ever be the same for her. while in the medicine den, her mother and younger siblings, Honeykit and Petalkit, she wakes up highly dazed and confused. she then mistakes her younger sisters for prey and- i think you know what happens next. she would be executed that night, the night before her naming ceremony. she will watch over her clan as a spirit, unable to reach the afterlife. her siblings gain their warrior names the next morning; Pineheart and Shatterwing. (sorry this one was dark. 3/3)
(i forgot to describe them lol)
Buzzpaw; a golden/cinnamon tabby longhair with amber eyes.
Shatterpaw; a small silver tabby shorthair with both speckles and stripes and amber eyes.
Pinepaw; a reddish-brown tabby shorthair with forest green eyes.
i meant to say her mother and siblings visit but my brain went nah
My OC is a short furred brown tom with amber eyes named, Rabbit Foot. He the deputy of a clan named SunClan. Hes a kind tom with a strong leadership characteristic but can get stressed and nervous in the middle of a big conflict.
The she cat he loves- Meadowlark- doesnt like him back and he constantly tries to hide the sadness of his rejection. Sometimes it gets the best of him and he walks around the territory to blow off steam, and one time he ran into the main villain, Northern Star(North), who uses Rabbit Foot to get insider info about SunClan, then uses Rabbits anger against him so he ends up killing Meadowlark. Meadowlark was the sister of SunClans leader, Swiftstar, so hes thrown into a depression and is put further into that depression when his own son, Snow Shine is accused of the murder and is exiled. North took advantage of the clans weakness and began to terrorize them with his rouges and Rabbit wasnt doing much about it since he was still slightly on the rouges side. Snow Shine was still in the area and over heard North say that Rabbit had killed Meadowlark and revealed it to Swiftstar who got a grip on his clan and exiled Rabbit Foot. Rabbit Foot spent the rest of his life seeking out Snow Shine to kill him but ended up being killed by his own target and ending up in the Dark Forest. (Sorry if this all sounds stupid and sounds a little like Ashfur and Squirrelflight lol)
My OC's name is hazelfur she is a sharp-tongued madicine cat a small but powerful body with a brown pelt and green eyes she is very loyal to her clan and will never back down if she has to fight
Hazelfur is about 29 moons still young but bold and as fierce as a full grown warrior
Her family include Jayfrost, Dirtpelt, Crowkit, Mosskit, Pondfoot, and Fireclaw.
She is a clan born cat but driven out from her previous clan, Windclan becuase of her father. her father is dead and her mother is an elder her litter mates are very curious they are almost 6 moons and they will be apprenticed soon. Fireclaw is a warrior and she can tear your ears off if you say the wrong thing, she always has her littermates backs and would never be acused of dis owning her clan. Her other littermate Pondfoot is the clan's deputy much like Fireclaw she would never fail her sisters or her clan. Hazelfur also has a crush on a Riverclan medicine cat though this is forbbiden there is nothing she can do about it. Snowstorm soon runs away from his clan and get attacked by a dog, discovered by Suncloud, who is Hazelfur's friend, runs to get her Snowstorm soon needs to become part of the clan to survive
So thats all i hope you think this OC is good like i do!
My OC is Briarheart (please do not hate her for looking so similar to Briarlight, she is my hero :D)
Briarheart is a solid dark brown slender she-cat with a slightly darker chest, paws, tail tip, and ear tips. She has sky-blue eyes and a scar on her hind leg. She also has a nick in her left ear
Her brother is Raintail, a golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes, her mother was Poppyleaf, a brown she-cat with a tinge of red around her tail, and amber eyes, her father was Lionstrike, a gray tabby tom with blue eyes
When Briarheart was Briarkit, she lost her mother and since it was leaf-bare, she and her brother who was Rainkit at the time almost starved to death. Briarkit and Rainkit were hated since they were accused of leading their mother into a trap for "play" but she was caught by the fox by an accident. Eventually, Sparklight, another queen, offered to suckle them, and they lived with her. Although, Briarheart was scarred for life when her brother, Raintail, went crazy, driven by grief and thinking Briarheart had forgotten their mother. He killed his father for the same reason, and there was no choice - Briarheart had to stop him. She received her scar on her hind leg from him, and the nick in her ear. But eventually, Raintail was trusted enough to join the Clan again, and he never hurt Briarheart again.
This is a very good oc! You have good grammar, and a short and sweet explanation for your character. Good job!
Sharing my OC after looking at the comments and being pleasantly surprised seeing how recent the last one is:
Piedheart is a large, long-haired black and white tom with developmental vitiligo. He has amber eyes, though he's missing one due to a war injury. His pelt is littered with scars and he currently resides in the Dark Forest.
In life, Piedheart was very honor-bound and responsible with a cold and stoic demeanor. He didn't socialize very well, and though he wasn't good at communicating his feelings, he was very proud and supportive of his clan.
He had a neglectful childhood, his parents either physically or emotionally absent. Because of this, he internalized the sense of being useful and loyal to his self-worth, rather than surrounding himself with people who love him.
He participated in a full-scale war against the other three clans, using his expertise in strategizing and battle to aid his leader in sabotaging the war in their favor. This war was waged on the behalf of ShadowClan's desperation to preserve their livelihood against a devastating flood, combined with the hubris of his leader, Drownedstar. Despite knowing his willingness to support Drownedstar's decisions was wrong, he sacrificed his honor in favor of strict loyalty to him, allowing his childhood insecurity to take over him. Against the laws of StarClan, he participated in a battle in fourtrees against the others clans, and many of his clanmates perished in the battle.
He was punished by StarClan for forsaking the sacred laws of the warrior code, cursed with violent visions of all of his violations against the warrior code for the remainder of his life, and was banned from StarClan's sacred grounds. In the twilight chapter of his life, he was taken in by a sympathetic RiverClan medicine cat out of pity, years after the events of the war. Piedheart lives the remainder of his life in RiverClan, every second of it with regret, shame, crippling guilt, and self-hatred for what he'd done.
I think the end there got cut off but it just said this is an extremely over-simplified summary of his character!
Yeah, unfortunately after 2,000 characters it will just cut off. But does Piedheart ever get a chance of redemption in his afterlife? Seeing as he has regret and isn't necessarily evil dispite his actions aginst the warrior code? I'm actually intrigued!
My OC 's name is Crimsonpaw.
Crimsonpaw was born the daughter of Lioncloud and Robinwing, and has a brother, Oakpaw. Crimsonpaw is a dark ginger-brown with faint stripes. She has blue/teal-ish eyes that are more green around the pupils. Her best friend is Lemonfur, a very young warrior; they were apprentices together.
Crimsonpaw is supposed to be inspired by/based off of me. She's sort of my way of conveying how I feel about life. She's very insecure about herself, and she has squabbles with her arrogant brother pretty often. Since she's young, she doesn't worry or have as many insecurities as she will when she's older. She will end up being part of a prophecy, but I haven't quite figured out the details yet.
I'm writing a warrior cats novel-like story for Crimsonpaw, but I'm only on like chapter 14 so it's still very early in life and the things that happened are only significant at the time, and aren't very important compared to the future. I have a few ideas for the future of my made up clans and cats, but I haven't got the details and I only have very few, and I'm gonna need an entire lifetime of events. If anyone has any good ideas, I will gladly hear you out and I will definitely use any ideas in whatever way I can. It doesn't have to be events for Crimsonpaw, it could be for any background characters or anything. Plz I'm open to anything 😉😁
Email me at egnwmn @ gmail. com if you have any storyline suggestions
(No spaces in the email they're just for commenting purposes)
Also, Ive been reading comments, and yalls OCS are great! If anyone wants their OC in my story, literally just lmk and I will incorporate them in. Lmk by emailing me using the email in my orig comment plz. I would love to use yalls ideas and characters!
Name: Crowingode
Gender: She-cat
Age: >60 Moons
Rank: Medicine Cat
Clan: TaigaClan (OC)Appearance: She has a short chocolate coat that fades into a near-black shade at her face, tail, and legs. She has gray eyes and a white rose covering her right eye, as well as two silver plaid bandanas tied around her tail and neck.
Personality: She's reserved and spiritual, often out of camp to collect and study the herbs within TaigaClan's borders. She has several friends outside of her Clan and doesn't understand why the warriors are so closed off and unfond of outside cats.
Likes: Leaf-bare, nighttime, fungi, tree-climbing, exploration, and studying outsiders.
Dislikes: Hot weather, bright light, fighting, being inside dens or enclosed spaces.
My score was 77%. Considering the fact that she isn't super fleshed out, I'll take it!
Echomist is a gentle she-cat who lived in SkyClan. She is a grey tabby she-cat with darker grey stripes and one green eye and one blue eye. She is a medicine cat who fell in love with Falconswoop and suffered under the evil leadership of Darkstar.
BTW i have an oc called Solarbreeze a golden she cat with blue eyes. She lives in skyclan and is a medecine cat she is curious adventurous and sometimes harsh but still kind and creative. She has been into a prophecy but hasn't got any powers i wont tell the backstory because is long but shes atleast a good fluufy cat
Pila1 -
Name: Auburn
Gender: She-cat/female
Age: Disnt really think about it lol
Rank: Senior Warrior
Personality: Fierce, protective and sarcasticLikes: Watching the stars, smell of lavender and climbing high places
Dislikes: Very bright light, too noisy places, being ignored and Thunderclan
Auburn is a slim dark grey she-cat with a grey belly, black stripes and golden eyes. She has a scar on her nose and flank.
Auburn was born in the barn alongside her sister, Raven. They looked exactly like each other, and soon, Raven started stealing prey and attacking the other cats at the barn when they were alone, but Raven was really quiet and shy in public, and they started blaming Auburn, even though Raven was the one doing it. Frustrated, Auburn left the barn at leaf-bare but almost froze to death in the Windclan territory. A patrol found her unconscious and brought her back to the camp. She joined Windclan but decided to keep her name. After a few moons, she went to the barn one night. The first cat she saw was Raven, and they fought, killing Raven in the process. She never told anyone about that and continued her life at Windclan, where she died as a
senior warrior from a fox attack.
I got 74%, With my oc Oceanflower. Oceanflower is a white she-cat with silver spots on her fur and bright blue eyes. She is nowdays an elder but she was really strong and brave warrior, she was the clans best hunter. Her mate was Sootheart, a black tom with blue eyes and little white spots in his fur, he was a loyal and great warrior, but he died as he fell in a river in battle. Sootheart is now at starclan, watching Oceanflower from the stars.:)
Alright, so
Name: Mintnose
Clan: Riverclan
Eyecolor: mint greenFur color: white, silver tabby legs, tail, ears
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
Descr.:So her leader is Riverstar (ik its the second but didnt have any inspiration)-btw I made the whole clan- and her mentor is Lightflower and someday she meets a thunderclan warrior named Chestnutfur and yea she falls in love with him and yeah
Sukii2 -
My OC is Lightning, an ex-bloodclan cat. He lives in WindClan with his sister, River, his mate, Mistletoethroat and his kits, Blackkit, Viperkit and Mistykit! He is very energetic, yet fun loving and sweet. He always worries if he's a good father or not. He is very hydrophobic, as his brother, Run, tried to murder him in a lake outside twolegpalce. He is melanistic (or a pelt gene that makes the cat entirely black) with bright golden eyes, which match his name, but so does his longhair fuzzy pelt which sticks up most of the time. He is 50% munchkin and 50% maine coon. He has a bunch of siblings with different dads, but his oldest sibling, River is always there for him.
Shadescar: a calcio but the white is black, hes blind and has a bad back left leg, and front leg is scared, tom.
Stars that fall from sky: black she cat with white paws, tail, and speckles.
Storm: a tom thats kin is from bloodclan, but otherwise kind. he is a bit grumpy.
Sharpfang: a brown tom with yellow eyes that besides his name is very nice. but his fangs are so sharp he has to be very careful, making him jumpy
My oc is Dusklilly
She is a mostly black calico with honey and grey splotches. She has a scar over her eye from a startled kittypet, making her half-blind. it still bleeds when she is emotional. Her brother, Dawnlilly, is a gay tom who she hasn't seen since she was a kit. she is a warrior of moonclan, a made up clan with a few members. she is bi, secretive, shy, kind and loyal to her clan. she does not eat mice, because her first mouse was poisoned by a rouge. she is a main character. she is 38 moons old. she is included in the main prophecy of her clan.