What kotlc character are you?

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Do you want to learn what kotlc character you are? Take this quiz! You will learn what character you are and its 100% accurate. Just don't get fitz's.

You can get almost all of the characters in keeper of the lost city's Sophie Keefe and even the Vacker family. ugh! the only GOOD person in the Vacker fam is biana.

Created by: Emery
  1. What's your bad habit?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Would you like to have a pet?
  4. What ability do you have?(PLEASE MIND MY SPELLING)
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. Who do you ship?
  7. Who do you wanna be?
  8. How do you treat a disagreement?
  9. What role do you take during a group project?
  10. If it snowed in the lost city's what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What kotlc character am I?
