What keeper of the lost cities charterer are you?

Welcome to the Keeper of the Lost Cities Character quiz!!! If you are a fan of this series, this is the quiz for you. If you're just here to see if you have a cool character, great! Enjoy!!!!

In this Quiz you will be tested to find out which character you are: Sophie, Fitz, Dex, Biana, or Keefe. I hope you enjoy your results, but if you don't I must remind you that these things are far from perfect!;)

Created by: Hi
  1. what team?
  2. ?
  3. witch one?
  4. witch ability sounds best?
  5. was this a waste of time?
  6. why did you do this quiz?
  7. what color?
  8. Do you like school?
  9. An enemy of yours is falling off a cliff, how do you feel?
  10. Do you like Capes?

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Quiz topic: What keeper of the lost cities charterer am I?
