keeper of the lost cities character quiz

get ready to start this quiz and hopefully you'll find it not to be a waste of your time. all you have to do is select the answer that you wish to select.

answer all the questions and then hit the button that says submit my answers. then you will find out which keeper of the lost cities character you are. have fun!

Created by: Linh Song
  1. what do you consider to be your fighting technique?
  2. which talent is your favorite?
  3. are you male or female?
  4. is their a certain weapon you prefer to use while on the battle field?
  5. which animal friend do you think is cuter?
  6. which bodyguard would you rather have?
  7. which school would you attend?
  8. who would you want to be your parents?
  9. do you prefer tackle bramble or base quest?
  10. which sweet treat would you pick if you could only have one in your life?

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