Trying to level up

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Hi. I am trying to level up so i can change my pfp to a rockruff, which is a pokemon. Please enjoy I guess. Have a good day and be sure to stay safe. :)

Wait this is weird, why do I need two? Couldn't I put this in the first one? Oh well. You can scroll down now. Idk what else to say here. So. So. So. Yeah.

  1. Hi
  2. This is 100 percent horrible quality it's just so I can level up and change my pfp
  3. Hope you get a good score? Idk
  4. I am speedrunning
  5. Hi
  6. Ok real questions now. How are you?
  7. Do you like rocks
  8. So how do you feel about... BOULDERS
  9. Do you like pokemon?
  10. Gotta get to 15 questions for some real level up quality quiz
  11. I like rockruff it's a cute pokemon
  12. What are you choosing for the new pokemon game
  13. What did you choose for sv
  14. You can call me Rocky if you see me in forums
  15. Have a good day and God bless you

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