Which gen 9 DLC Pokemon are you (no paradox)

This quiz is knowing you pokemon from the Scarlet Violet DLC Pokemons. That includes the Legendary, Mythical, and normal pokemons that are new from the DLC.

Each info/description is taken from the pokedex. The pokedex from the game, and from the website, pokemon.com. I hope you can find your pokemon! Hope this works!

Created by: JadCry
  1. Which place would you go?
  2. Which tera type would you like?
  3. What do you rather do when bored?
  4. If you could do any of these what will you do?
  5. Which color is your favorite
  6. When your mother calls you, what would you do
  7. Would you die for your family or kill them
  8. What superpower would you want
  9. Favorite food
  10. Do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which gen 9 DLC Pokemon am I (no paradox)
