Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
The crowd didn't quiet down by much. There were still cameras flashing everywhere.
Chester fidgeted with the chain, looking at Cleverly, who grumbled. ‘He’s not answering anything until you all shut up!’
They shut up. The only sounds were a couple murmurs and those damn cameras.
Chester hated the cameras. He twirled the chain around his finger. Cleverly stood off to the side.
‘R-Right, uh, who first?’ Chester said. -
One of the reporters raised her hand.
‘Okay, you.’
"Did you kill your parents?" She said it matter-of-factly, as if her mind was already made up about the whole ordeal.
Chester sighed. ‘No, I didn’t. The chandelier did.’
The reporter just raised her eyebrows. "How?"
Chester fidgeted with his pocket watch. ‘W-Well, it was old and shoddy, and it fell on them. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.’
The reporter scribbled that on a notepad. More cameras flashed.
‘It had nothing to do with me,’ Chester said quietly. ‘A-Anyone else?’
Another reporter raised his hand.
"How does Astrid know any of this? Did Jayden tell him something?"
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