Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘You look cute~’ Chester grinned. He grabbed a necklace with a blue gem pendant and put it on. -
"I look like a pile of blankets." Jayden chuckled.
‘A cute pile of blankets.’
Jayden untangled himself from the blankets. "Cute piles of blankets don't exist.'
‘Yes they do.’
‘You exist, don’t you?’
"I'm not a pile of blankets anymore."
‘Well, you were.’
Jayden raised his eyebrows.
‘Just let me call you cute!’ Chester complained, putting a ring on his thumb and left pinky bc idk those are the manly man places to put rings.
Phhht what- "Never!" Jayden laughed triumphantly.
Idek at this point. ‘Goddamn it,’ Chester huffed, walking over and ruffling his hair.
bros trying to hard lol. Jayden smirked.
Stfu. Chester kissed the top of his head.
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