Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden chuckled.
Chester snuggled closer.
Jayd held him close, chuckling.
Chester mewled. He jumped off Jayden’s lap onto the floor and morphed back into a human. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, hair messy. ‘I’m going to get ready for the press conference.’ He kissed the top of Jayden’s head.
Jayden looked up. "Do you want me to come with you?"
‘You can if you want.’
Jayden stood up.
Chester grabbed his hand.
Jayd grinned.
Chester kissed his forehead and started walking out. ‘Cya, Oliver.’
"Bye." Oliver didn't look up from the letter he was writing. Jayden followed his boyfriend.
Chester walked to their room and opened the wardrobe, looking for a nice outfit.
Jayden crashed on the bed, burying himself in the blankets.
Chester laughed. ‘You okay?’
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