Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester found a two nice blazers and held them up. ‘Blue or green?’
"Blue." Jayden said without looking up.
‘You haven’t looked at them.’
Jayden looked up. "I still say blue."
‘Alrighty.’ Chester put the green one away and grabbed a white button up shirt and matching pants.
Jayden went back to burying himself in blankets.
‘You sure you’re okay?’ Chester asked, taking out his earrings.
"Yeah. I'm just cold and the blanket is warm."
‘Fair enough.’ Chester walked into the bathroom to change.
Jayden kept trying to tangle himself in the blanket because it was fun.
Chester came out wearing the clothes. He laughed when he saw Jayden and brushed his hair in the mirror.
"What're you laughing at?" Jayden asked, voice incredibly muffled.
‘You,’ Chester said, fluffing up his hair.
(I'm gonna go for the night, byeeee)
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