Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘Love you.’
"I love you too." Jayden smiled, leaning into him.
Chester held him close.
Jayden blushed.
Chester smiled, playing with his hair.
Jayden leaned into his touch, smiling.
Chester kissed his forehead. There was a knock at the door.
Jayden pulled away slightly. "Come in."
Cleverly poked his head in. ‘Are you ready for the conference, you majesty?’
Chester sighed, pulling away from Jayden slightly. ‘Yep.’ -
Jayden frowned, pulling away from him fully. "Good luck."
‘Thanks.’ Chester pat Jayden on the head and stood up. ‘I’ll see you later, okay?’
Jayden looked up, nodding. "See you later." He mumbled.
Chester grabbed his pocket watch and blew a kiss to Jayden on the way out.
Cleverly glanced at him as they walked down the hallway. ‘I hope you take my advice and lie about it.’
‘Well, good thing it’s just advice, then.’ -
Jayden gave a small smile before looking down at his hands. He regret not following Chester and being there for the conference, but he doubt he'd be able to handle so many people confronting his boyfriend about potentially getting sent to jail.
The two walked into the press conference room, and Chester was immediately met with shouting journalists and the flash of cameras. His grip on his watch tightened and he sat down at the podium with microphones thing.
‘Quiet down!’ Cleverly snapped over the shouts.
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