Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
After a moment, one reporter cautiously raised his hand, like that one kid in math who was nervous to ask a potentially really stupid question. It was pretty clear he was new to the job.
Chester gestured to him. ‘Yes?’
"Is it possible that Beatrice was the one who told Astrid, since she was in the castle around the same time as you?"
The chains of Chester’s watch dug into his thumb. He didn’t know if he could pin the blame on Beatrice. He glanced at Cleverly, then at the reporters. ‘I-It could be, yes.’
There was a lot of murmurs in the crowd, some shocked, others not so shocked. "Are you planning on investigating her instead of your servants?"
‘I’m not going to interrogate my ex-girlfriend about something she may or may not have done,’ Chester said. ‘What’s done is done, and I know what happened on that night. Nobody from Jayden’s family, nor a majority of my servants, were there.’
The reporter gave a small nod, scribbling notes as fast as he could. More cameras flashed.
Chester sighed. ‘Any other questions?’
A journalist raised her hand.
"Why were you in Jaydens' kingdom anyways? You're not exactly popular around there."
‘To be with him. He spent a month in my castle, so it was only fair I stayed in his for a while.’
"Is that also why you gave him so much land? To make things 'fair'?"
I- Th-That was a different matter and completely unrelated,’ Chester said.
"So why did you give away our land?"
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