Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't go with you."
‘It’s fine. They would’ve tried to interview you too.’
"It would've given you a break, at least."
‘They would’ve interrogated you about Astrid. They thought you could’ve been the one that told him what happened to my parents.’
Jayden frowned. "What'd you tell them?"
‘I told them you wouldn’t have done that. They asked if Beatrice did, if my servants did… I couldn’t just tell them I was too scared to not do as he said.’
Jayden gave a small nod. "Makes sense."
Chester snuggled closer. ‘They asked about the land I gave to you.’
"What'd you say about it?" Jayden felt his stomach tighten with dread.
‘I tried not to answer. Cleverly ended up saying it was to prove we were loyal to the treaty because your board didn’t trust how “advanced” in war we are.’
"Oh. Okay." That's not so bad...
‘Do you think Astrid and your board will be pissed with that?’
"I don't know. If they do, it's on Cleverly, not you."
‘I guess. And Cleverly couldn’t care less what they think.’
Jayden nodded.
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