Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden smiled back.
"So, you and that girl are close?" Her aunt asked, trying to be a part of the conversation again since it felt awkward having nothing to say. -
‘Y-Yeah, we’re very close.’
(veeeeeeery close)
"That's good. It's nice seeing you with some friends." Jayden could practically hear the words, for a change, at the end of the sentence, but if that was the meaning, it was never said out loud. -
(Very very close)
Maeve could too. She picked at her food. Chester looked between them, unsure what to do. -
(And historians will call themmmmm)
For gods sake, have you seen they way those two look at each other? Jayden frowned, but kept quiet. -
(Close friends, besties, roommates, colleagues-)
Chester looked down at his food. -
(Anything but loverssss)
Jayden watched Maeve. "Are you alright?" He mouthed. -
Maeve nodded, giving a half hearted smile. Chester ate half of his food before figuring he was finished.
Jayden gave a small smile back. "Tell me if you need some space, alright?"
Maeve smiled and nodded. Chester rested his head on Jayden’s shoulder.
Jayden held him close.
Chester let him, having no idea how he was supposed to parent Maeve. Their aunt finished her food and left.
Jayden leaned into Chester more. "How are you?"
‘I’m all good,’ Chester mumbled, giving a half hearted smile.
"That's good." Jayden smiled, knowing how fake the smile was.
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