Maybe I'm The Idiot.
Thread Topic: Maybe I'm The Idiot.
C1 was what you were call a "nerd" and as always, passing almost all their classes but art. C2 always been such an artistic kid but failing every subject. One day C2's parents were sick of them failing so they hired a private tutor for them. Turns out the tutor was C1!
C1 is mostly straight forward, rude at times, and a bit popular. Only known for their smarts. (They also also used to be a musician until trauma things happened.)
C2 is a artist whose always handling with brushes and hands on things like pots. Very energetic, dumb but friendly.
Character Sheet :
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Come join! I'm #lonely. You can be either character but I'm lwk going towards C2 cuz theylwk sounds stupid and I luv stupid characters lmaooo stares...stares...come join... -
lowk i'd like to join lol
This is my alt from my ipad btw
YEAHHH- i'm fine with either char tbh lol
ALR ALR hmm… u wan a be C1? I’ll cook for C2
i'll be c1 yeah lmaoo
i'll make my char sheet in a minute lol -
Oki! Me to gng
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