Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
Christopher held back a laugh. "Exactly like ninjas." They snuck up the steps, careful not to make a single noise. The lights in the house were dark; his mother had gone to bed well before eleven.
"So, where's the stash?" she whispered quietly.
"On top of the refrigerator, behind the stack of phone books," Chris whispered.
She nodded. "Let's go."
Christopher nodded once befor climbing up onto the counter. He reached up onto the fridge, slowly taking down one phone book at a time.
;^; I just caught myself falling asleep. I'd better hit the hay so I can wake up and get on here early tomorrow. Good night! -
Jenifer stood by Chris, watching out for his mom who could come in at any moment.
Nighty night, Lanana! -
(Morning. :3)
:D Good morning!
Soon he had piled all of the extremely heavy books on the counter. Then he reached up ever so carefully and snatched the jar that held all of the sweet goods. -
She watched him as the stood in the dark room. -
:o I love that spinny door. Someday I will show up on your doorstep and request a little rendez-vous with it.
Christopher twisted opn the lid and placed it down on the counter. He hopped down to the floor, his feet making no sound. -
Be right back. Gotta shower and smell like coconut. :3
Okay, you do that. xD
Jenifer grinned at her friend. -
^^ Back.
"Take as many as you want," he said, his voice barely a whisper. Christopher smiled back at Jenifer. He'd miss these days more than anything else. -
Jenifer smirked, feeling like a child again. She took a hand full of candy out of the jar.
Christopher held back a laugh. This reminded him of his childhood, before the illness came. He took a handful himself, putting the sweets in his pocket. He then hopped back onto the counter and started to put things away. A light flickered on just down the hall.
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