The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
lowkey really need to get to the boba shop and study
english class is kicking my ass-
my f---ing computer crashed while I tried to type up my report on Shakespeare and now everythings deleted- -
bro i love talking to neurodivergent people bc we'll go on the strangest detours from our original conversation
like me and one of the special needs teachers went from talking about Mountain Dew to the economy, to Trump, to how if there is a God, he's turned his back on us, to the plumbing system in our houses, to moving to Europe -
and none of it felt out of place too like it gave off the same vibes as just general small talk but way more entertaining
my school is having too many food drives atp
I don't mean that in a close minded way. People in my area are in need of food. I guess I'm just confused as to why they're having so many of these things -
We had one for about a month that hardly anyone donated to because no one knew who we were donating it too (we thought it was some vending machine/teacher lounge thing but it was for a homeless shelter), so then the students felt bad for not donating to that enough, and we hosted a big food/money drive and donated more than 1000 pounds in two weeks without any teachers helping us out, then we had another food drive in December, and now we're having another one
like idk i feel like they could've just distributed the food that we've already donated to more efficiently, yknow? Like instead of donating ALL of the stuff from December to the city food bank, they could've donated some portion of it to the student organization thingo that they're doing it for this time
i went to the boba place today yay
and then i went to the animal shelter by my house and played with all the cats with my friend
ok but can my teachers all please talk to each other before assigning projects, like my teachers are awesome (mostly) but I can't do four powerpoints, study for three tests, focus on midterms, and memorize all my choreography for Hello Dolly in the same week, I'm sorry, it's too much
dam, I think its a little hard to assign assignments that works with everybody's schedule, good luck.
I totally get that, I'm not seriously blaming my teachers for any of this, they're all doing their best and very good at their jobs, it's just a lot of work to get done in not a lot of time lol
makes sense lol
hey i got honor roll all last semester-
lowkey i've had such a glow up this school year, my fashion sense got more developed and cohesive, my social confidence got boosted, and my grades got a whole lot better (last year I was at a 3.2 gpa and now I'm at a 3.8)
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