The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
heeeey I finished my AP Geography report. Kind of
I still have to work on the actual powerpoint, but I can make that in 10 minutes now that I have the research packet done -
And I can finish chapter 8 of the textbook later today, I just have like a page and a half to read and make sure I understand
and THEN once I'm done with that I can focus on my biology notes, and then do my book report -
Cruella is really good lowkey
I'm a sucker for that kinda cinema -
I love the "i became the villain because they needed one" trope like help i'm addicted
i want to move to france lowkey
the american urge to be european is hitting me rn lmaooo
aw haw haw wee wee quaso
all your country is known for is kangaroos and Bluey
The only thing your country is known for here is g*ns and Walmart so -
Wait why Walmart am I stupid-
also not true we're known for Hamilton and Hollywood and racism (unfortunately) and Area 51 so take that
The transgender somewhat transphobic joke where the only three genders are male, female, and Walmart shopping bag idk
Mb you’re known for George Washington, Hollywood and 9/11 (sorry if that isn’t appropriate for gtq but uh the amount of jokes about that is crazy) -
ohhhhhh- I thought we'd be more well known for the Target pride collection but oh well
help exactly- (FR millenials went "Never forget about 9/11" and Gen Z went "ok bet") -
We have target toooooo
We don’t learn about the founding fathers I don’t think (Hamilton has taught me all I need to know) (omfg real) -
ok but that whole target pride collection fiasco was so american coded lmao
makes sense tbh (bro Hamilton barely teaches any of them-)
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