The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
hamilton hardly teaches any of what they were really like- it is kinnd of biased and... yeah.
my old US history teacher hates the musical with a fiery passion bc all the kids who liked it were THE WORST in class
oooofff makes sense tho-
genuinely so upset with my English class I can't stand it
I finished all the stupid f---ing shakespeare homework and then she hits me with the "great! Now you can work on your essay! It's due on Friday!" like BRO-
why would you make a powerpoint AND an essay due on the same day like what -
and she's so nitpicky over essays too- like I'm not one to brag but I know my self worth when it comes to English, and ik that the s--- she docks my essays for is stupid
i'm genuinely so pissed over this stupid essay- bc I know she'll nitpick everything and give me a bad grade on it.
It's so frustrating because I know I'm good at writing essays. I was one of 16 students in the school (out of like 200 students in my grade) to get 100% on the district graded essay last year, and if anything my writing style has IMPROVED, so why the f--- am I getting graded poorly on essays -
if it was a class I'm not normally good at I'd understand why I'm struggling with it this year, but it's ENGLISH. I know this stuff.
If you can, try getting your parents to email her about it. It’s how I got my English teacher to stop picking on me
I don't want my parents to be fighting my battles, and she's doing it to everyone. I'm just going to ride it out and if it gets worse I'll confront her about it
Dang I thought I was the only one with a sucky English teacher bro why are they all like dat
In my school it's just this year that has all the crappy english teachers, every other grade has some of the best teachers in the district
oh wow. I wouldn't know, I'm new at the school I go to lol.
Oh dang lol
help why am I on the break up train rn it's almost valentines season-
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