The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
I agree. the character development, character design, animation, story line, voice acting, are all stellar but the world building but I haven't been able to read the book yet.
nimona is just so good
i didnt think the worldbuilding was too bad i just imagined it like our world but thats probably just cuz i didnt think about it too much lmao
ballister is so babygirl i love him -
the worldbuilding isn't bad, it just feels like it's lacking because it's a world you could have so much fun expanding, and they didn't, but they obviously didn't have to
Alright guys what do we do when we see something we don't like?
We ignore it and move on! There's only so much life left to live, no point wasting any more of it with hatred, drama, and fights -
watch as I say this and do the exact opposite in like a day or two but shhh I'm in an optimistic mood today lmao
fun fact of the day: Nico Di Angelo from Percy Jackson is canonically Roman Catholic
and Will Solace was raised Protestant so the more you know
I'm always so impressed by how mature and respectful Riordan is when he answers questions, because the question he was most recently asked was a very loaded one and he handled it so gracefully
it's almost like he's a grown man with a fully functioning prefrontal cortex LMAO -
I got a 7 foot long 3D printed dragon from my bio teacher
thats amazing
He has a rule where if we wait after school with enough money and a note from our parents saying it's okay, he'll sell some of his 3D printed stuff
it was only 35 bucks too, like i know 35 bucks is a lot, but for a 3D printed dragon that's a huge deal -
I named him Icarus, and his home going to be on the top of my bookshelf next to my record player
thats awesome i love that-
i wish teachers at my school did thatttt -
I mean it's his second job so it works out for both of us lmao
theirs actually a thing at my school where you can buy 3d printed things from I think tsa
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