The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
I need to be patient but oh my god this school needs to accept my variance already-
or at least tell me if I didn't get in so I can stop wasting my time trying to fill in a course request -
like I'm sorry but I turned my variance in on the first day and they won't tell me if I'm getting in until MARCH
and the course requests were due a week ago for the kids who don't need a variance, so even if I get in, I probably won't even get the classes I want because the non variance kids got to turn their requests in a month before me -
dammit, the school I'm getting a variance to doesn't have an aviation program.
It's gonna be a loooot harder to take that after school course because of that. Oh well -
I wanted to be a pilot until three planes dropped out of the sky in the same week
I'd love to be a pilot, or just anything involving airports and planes
Omg my favorite special needs teacher gave me all the info to steal her job once I'm older- she's so chill lmao
cold take but hearing about crushes is way better than relationship tea
help the boys in my church doorbell ditched me a bunch of valentines gifts and one of them wrote in the letter thingy they gave me that I'm hot and didn't sign it so now I have to try and figure out if they're joking or not and also who it is
like idrc if they're joking or not I more just want to know because the curiosity is killing me
Favorite classic musicals at the moment
1. 7 Wives for 7 Brothers
2. Singing in the Rain
3. Kiss me Kate -
Donald O'Connor might be one of my favorite actors of all time, look at his scenes in Singing in the Rain and tell me that man wasn't absolutely iconic
this valentines day actually didn't suck
my (platonic) valentine gave me a rose :)
I mean he gave all of his friends roses, but it made me feel special and not like a lonely little boy -
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