The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
you and me will save up and go move to a random country for 2 years and then say we went on a mission :D
i would successful come w u
help I saw this so late-
For Young Womens today we had to sing a song that we're performing for easter apparently and it's the same tune as Wake Me Up When September Ends so once the activity was over me and my friend went outside and started blasting Green Day
Wholesome video for the day (Joe Lockes speech at the Human Rights Campaign)
joe locke is the goat
I love him so much
He's not one of my favorite actors tbh, but he has my undying respect
I think my variance got accepted!
Idk for sure, but I got called to the counseling center and they had a course request with the name of the High School I'm trying to go to and my name on it
They didn't give it to me though because they realized I'm trying to get a variance and they don't know if giving me the paper means I'm accepted or not -
help I just checked out the Gayish podcasts news segment bc that's how I check my news instead of doomscrolling social media
why tf did Stonewall remove the T from LGBTQ+ on their website what was the purpose of that- STONEWALL of all things?
Like dude you can't talk about Stonewall without talking about trans people, that's so disgusting and just outright wrong -
They also removed the Q, but you could potentially give them grace on that bc that can still be considered a slur
I'm just pissed off because this literally does nothing. It doesn't change current problems, it just erases the past, and even that probably won't work. Anyone who knows anything about what happened at Stonewall knows that transgender people were 100% a part of it. There is literally no point other than saying "f--- you guys" to a whole ass community
I ended up a lot more upset about this than I thought I would lmfao -
Just wanted to point out this: It's not only the T missing, all mentions of transgender people that were formerly there are now just completely gone. it's not just a typo
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