The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
so uhm I've been watching Arcane for two days and I'm already on season two
I mean it's not the worst binge ever bc the first season is only like 9 episodes but still
I'm so invested in every single one of the characters it's not even funny- -
the way each character is so flawed and 3 dimensional is so intriguing I'm eating this s--- up lmao
Ok but in Arcane the way Vi looks so hopeful whenever she looks at hEr, girl has the Ballister type eyes and it's so f---ing cute
possibly the hottest of takes about the show: Viktor isn't that hot.
Idk the whole reason my friend got me into the show is because she thought I'd be into him, but he looks too much like if I was a sickly 1800s boy for me to think he looks hot. Like, I can see how someone would think he's hot, I just think every other character is way more attractive lmao -
Guys Miguire said I'm that one side character in a story that everyone in the fandom either absolutely worships or wants to kill off asap
so basically I'm the Gwen Stacy type character in terms of fanbase LMAO -
Guys I've got a new fun thing to do to pass the time: ask your teachers what you should be when you grow up
Currently we've got these: greek mythology youtuber/podcaster (recommended by my old English teacher), special needs teacher (from my special needs teacher lmao), and set designer or screenplay writer (from my theater teacher) -
dude I'm so scared for May
Advanced theater has performances until the 4th, my birthday is on the 5th, and the AP test for Geography is on the 6th -
I might wind up asking my parents to not celebrate my birthday until the 7th and to let the my birthday be a study day instead of a BiRthDaY, and then on the 7th it can be my birthday+I finished the AP test celebration
my cousins are here yay
I haven't seen them in a year so it'll be nice to catch up for a bit
I love the girls in my church
we ditched the 2nd hour and hid in one of the storage rooms and watched s2 episode 5 and half of 6 of Arcane (the girl I ditched with has been begging me to watch it for FOREVER) -
Episode 6 genuinely killed me I don't think I'll recover
the "Shut. The f---. Up" line SENT ME -
I'm on the final episode. I'm not watching it until tomorrow to prepare myself lmao
I'm genuinely freaking out tho because according to google there's not going to be a season 3 and I grew way too attached to this show
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