The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
it's an oldie but my god it's a goodie
Older theater is so good tbh like augh there's some good plays that my generation may never see just because they're 'too old' for us
i love my old english teacher so much
she remembered that me and miguire love writing stories so she emailed us a writers weekend camp happening this Saturday -
idk if i'll be able to go or not, but it's nice knowing she cared enough to email two kids who she doesn't teach anymore about it
I wonder if my AP Geography teacher is going to mention the doomsday clock tomorrow
it seems like the kind of thing she'd be researching the hell out of, and it fits pretty well with current topics we're learning about (We're focusing on political conflicts for this week and next week so it's right up our alley)
89 seconds until midnight is so crazy to think about when you put into perspective that in 1947 it was 7 minutes
iykyk lol
ah help that's freaky
what does the seconds mean anyways? years? months? if its months I'm going now bro I cant even
it's not an actual "clock"
This video explains it better than I ever could. It's about an hour long, but the intro is quick and very detailed description of the doomsday clock -
But it's a way to symbolize and visualize how close we are to doomsday made in 1947. To my understanding, there's a whole team of scientists and smart people that observes the world, and at the end of every year they make a statement on whether the clock has moved forward or backward. Originally it focused on nuclear threats, but now we're better able to track other things, such as the spreading of pandemics and misinformation
Also, the doomsday clock as of now hasn't put any of Trumps new rules into affect since they haven't had massive consequences yet, but they are observing them, and if they become extreme enough, they may update us and tell us if the clock moved forward or backward -
I read the article before and it doesn't really make sense to me what the seconds and minutes mean yk?
it's just supposed to show how much closer we're inching to doomsday. In 2024 a lot of countries did nothing to prevent the problems that made 2023 move forward, and many countries got slightly worse. Because we didn't change, and the potential of a new pandemic is looming as well as a nuclear war with russia and ukraine and china and the u.s. getting pissed off with each other, they felt the need to move the clock forward by one second.
It's 'only' one second, so it doesn't feel like much, but that's the closest it's ever been to midnight, which is why it's a big deal -
I talked to my AP Geo teacher about it and she laughed and went "believe me I know way too much about that clock, and I'm too upset to work on a lesson about it right now, maybe in a week or two" so we might end up learning about it in class
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