The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
my brains so broken, not tsa its something with those letters
i'm gonna go for a while because it's nice outside for the first time in forever
kind of love the raw emotion I'm using for my theater project
my project is specifically on anger. The only rules for it are to use a real memory, and don't use one that you won't be able to bounce back from once you're done performing (basically use one you've 'healed' from enough to be able to perform and still be smiling and in a normal healthy mood for the rest of the class period)
idk it's nice to know that I can use this memory, because it means I've healed from it and I can use the emotion not as a crutch, but as a tool -
plus it's nice knowing I can be scary. It's a weird flex, but I don't typically get a n g r y, and everyone in that class thinks I'm kind of a pushover and cinnamon roll, so it's nice to change things up a bit
help Miguire got me into Arcane-
We were having a 'study session' outside because the weather was nice and then it got way cold way fast so we went inside and watched Arcane and gossiped lmao
also I'm so confused by the whole law to out kids to their parents thing bc I found out that was a thing in my state- Genuinely I don't know a single teacher who's ever done that even though they're 'supposed to'. If they're transphobic, they don't out you, they just refuse to use correct pronouns on you
bro peer tutor was crazy today- we weren't allowed to leave the classroom the whole time because of behavior issues in the class next to us, so we had to play a bunch of videos at an insanely loud volume to try and drown out the noise from the other class
But we got to watch Reading Rainbow so it wasn't that bad
the fact that I was raised off of Reading Rainbow explains so much about me lets be honest
I love being able to say that Reading Rainbow raised me because it pisses off adults SO MUCH for some reason, i swear they always go "you weren't even born when it came out, you're a gen alpha"
I'm not a gen alpha- -
okay yeah I wasn't born when it came out because I'm not fOrTy but I have DVDs of some of the episodes in my house still-
kinda sucks how I can't legally play in boys sports because I could be a hell of a baseball pitcher-
I'm a decent softball pitcher tho, I just don't like the underhanded feel nearly as much
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