The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
ok but how was that "date" actually really fun
Basically it was a double date with Eli and Belle but no one else in the friend group is in a relationship so me and Layla decided to be a fake couple so they could go on a fun little double date (me and layla are already mistaken as couples all the damn time so it worked)
my dads so mean- my family was watching football and he was scrolling on his phone and he went "Hey, Sabrina Carpenter is performing at the Halftime show" and I SCREAMED and then he started laughing at me like a meanie xD
It's Kendrick Lamar, not Sabrina Carpenter D:
my dad finally found my goat mask lol
it's not like I've been hiding it, it's hanging on the corner of my mirror -
he's not or anything (if he hated therians he wouldn't let me hang out with most of my friends sooo) he just saw it and went "dang Miguire worked hard on this tell her I'm proud, anyways good night"
*he's not mad
bro whyd i not type that correctly- it's the weekend don't mind me xD -
ok but should I change my 3D printed dragons name to Icarus bc he lost a wing or should I just keep him as Patroclus
Omg my cousin had her baby two days ago- NOBODY TOLD ME xD
bro broke the rules of my religion thread- wHaTeVeR
idk I don't want to actually confront them bc they don't go on here often and I don't think anyone really cares other than me. Might try to delete the post later tho lol
If someone busts into a talk about why you follow your religion thread going JESUS DIED FOR YOU! i’m automatically scared of them. That wasn’t even on topic for the thread so you getting it deleted is justified lmao
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