The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
ok the special needs class is actually so chill this year-
ik it'll get more difficult in a week or two, but rn I'm just helping out a boy who's blind and deaf walk around the halls and meet new people and talking with his teacher person lol -
and the teacher for him knows all my friends bc they were all in the special needs class last semester hanging out, so we just keep filling her in on all the gossip lmaooo
Wow I'm either being really smart or really stupid when it comes to my future
We'll just wait and see lol -
in other news it's my dogs birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNY
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNY (what breed is sunny)
SHES GROWING UP SO FAST (she's a gooden doodle)
THEY GROW UP SO FAST (aw I love golden doodles my uncle has one)
SHES TWO YEARS OLD AUGH SHES TOO DAMN OLD (ikr they're so floofy and fun)
LMAO FRR (fr they’re awesome)
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